Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3196 You go back to Moscow first, I will be there soon

After arranging the equipment handover, completing the work handover, and having settled all official matters, Malashenko still had one more thing to do, which was personnel matters.

He was captured by the Red Army as a young man in the early years, and then wandered around many places as a prisoner of war. Finally, he accidentally participated in the Great Patriotic War and met Ren Dagui, who joined him and joined the leadership division. Now he has He rose to the position of captain company commander under "General Manager" Karamov.

According to Karamov, Ren Dagui not only treats his work and tasks conscientiously, but also has a basic mastery of various repair skills, even if he is not perfect, so that he can better lead the entire maintenance company. Moreover, he is also good at management. He also made a Chinese abacus with his own hands using wood to facilitate statistics and calculations.

Not only did he use the abacus himself, but he also popularized this useful object and its usage methods to the comrades around him. Even Karamov praised the effectiveness and ease of use after getting the actual thing and learning about it. It is much more efficient than the Russian abacus.

Unexpectedly, Ren Dagui's hands-on ability was quite strong. Malashenko was quite happy when he heard the news, and the "appointed moment" came in the blink of an eye.

Malashenko once said that after returning to Northeast China, he would give Ren Dagui a chance to make his own choice. When the time comes, whether to go or stay, whether to stay in the leadership army or go home to reunite with his relatives, Malashenko will not stop him and fully respects Ren Dagui's decision.

Now, the Northeast has been completely liberated from the iron heel of the Japanese invaders. Ren Dagui has also found his hometown and luckily found his long-lost relatives with the help of the leader's army. His son and his mother-in-law and sister reunited again and burst into tears. Malashenko was also quite moved when he saw it.

As for whether to stay or go, Ren Dagui, who is now walking with Malashenko on the streets of Shenyang where the leading army is stationed before leaving, chatting while walking, has already made his own decision.

"Comrade Commander, I have thought about it. I want to stay with Weiguo and the others."


When Malashenko heard this while walking on Shenyang Street, he smiled lightly and blurted out the half-joking words.

"Okay, this Chen Weiguo is quite capable. In just a short time, he poached a captain company commander from my leadership army. The little hoe is having a great time poaching."

Malashenko said this on purpose, but it was a pity that Ren Dagui didn't hear it. He really thought that Malashenko said this because he was angry, and hurriedly explained.

"No, no, Comrade Commander, that's not the case."

"After I returned to Gada, I wanted to stay at home, but my father let me make my own decision. If I wanted to continue working in the Red Army, I could continue to work hard and strive for a better future, but my mother was not in good health. "

"In recent years, the Japanese have been ruthlessly conquering the Northeast, leading a bunch of traitor lackeys to tear up the land everywhere. My mother often has no food to eat and is so hungry that her bones are weak. I have left home for so many years and have not fulfilled my filial piety. I want to take advantage of this last opportunity to stay and accompany you. My mother, let her take care of her until her death."

"Working with Weiguo and the others is because I saw them really doing things for the people and thinking about the people. I think this is good, Comrade Commander."

"Think about it, now I can not only take care of my mother, go home, but also do something meaningful. Didn't you teach me before that a man must do something in his life until he dies with a clear conscience and not wasted? Is it a matter of time? Do you think this counts?"

"Well, of course it counts. Not only does it count, but it counts very well."

Malashenko, who was standing on the street, stared at the gradually peaceful street scene around him. He looked at the female traffic commanders stationed by the leadership army standing at the intersection, waving small flags with both hands to divert traffic. He looked at the hope that he would no longer be afraid of the brutal sun. Kou's people were walking in the streets, laughing and laughing.

I don't know if I can come back again in the future, so I can't help but speak with emotion.

"Since you have decided to stay, then follow Weiguo and the others and work hard! Don't embarrass our leading army, understand? Comrade Ren Dagui."

Upon hearing this, Ren Dagui, who looked delighted, immediately stood at attention and saluted Malashenko at the top of his voice.

"Yes! Comrade Commander, Ren Dagui promises to complete the mission! We will live up to your high expectations!"

"Well done! This man looks like the man who led my army. He has the heroic spirit of being the "No. 1 Army in the World"."

In fact, Ren Dagui's decision to stay voluntarily corresponded to Malashenko's plan.

With equipment support talents like Ren Dagui here, the heavy equipment handed over to Chen Weiguo and his comrades will surely function better.

As long as there is a comrade who is educated and knowledgeable, Malashenko believes that this will be the beginning for Chen Weiguo and his comrades to master these heavy equipment.

A good man who works hard to the end and helps everyone. Not only does he give away equipment, but he also has a captain company commander from a high-tech military unit.

Malashenko only hopes that all this can help his motherland, which was plagued by disasters in his previous life, lead to a better future and ideal destination.

"We are going to go our separate ways now. We probably won't be able to see each other for a while. Don't you have nothing to say to me, an old classmate?"

After bidding farewell to Ren Dagui, Malashenko continued to walk on the street with Lavrinenko, and only smiled lightly after hearing the words.

"Isn't there still my wedding? It's not like we're going to go our separate ways immediately. Or are you saying that you don't plan to attend and want to run away in advance?"

"Ha, what are you talking about? Can I still attend your wedding? I'm telling you, I'm determined to have this meal and wine."

Malashenko, who guessed that Lavrinenko would definitely say this, shook his head. It must be because Lavrinenko's food and wine must be missing from everyone's meals.

"I plan to make preparations immediately when I get back this time. I have already told Natalia, and she is already busy making preparations. In addition, Malokov is also helping, and one woman's family can't handle it all."

"Malokov? Are you sure he won't scare people away?"

Malokov, who had just been promoted to Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs not long ago, is now a "popular figure". Of course, he is also a well-known boss. Even in Moscow, he cannot be underestimated, let alone Chief Malokov. Those who have been arrested have always been involved in the work of detecting rape and countering espionage.

This is why Lavrinenko subconsciously blurted out the description "scare people away" when he first heard that Malokov was busy arranging Marashenko's marriage.

"No, right? People who are innocent don't have to be afraid. I didn't feel anything afraid when I was with him. Isn't Malokov a good comrade?"

"You? Are you afraid of him? Stop it, it's too late for him to get close to you. Do you think everyone is like you? Just call Comrade Marshal and at least three or four people will smile at you."

Joking is a joke, but we still have to talk about serious matters.

Lavrinenko, who was done with a smile, then spoke seriously and seriously.

"Okay, then you go back and do your work first. I will help Kulbalov prop up the stall and help him before leaving. You go back to Moscow first, and I will arrive soon."

Sorry, brothers, my computer was broken last night, so I just finished it and posted it at noon. Everyone has been waiting for a long time.

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