Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3194 When the war ends

The Kwantung Army surrendered and the treasures robbed by the Japanese were also snatched back. Malashenko had informed Chen Weiguo of the matter and was preparing to return them to their original owners.

Yamada Otsuzo, an old devil, was also sent by Vatugin to fly to the Red Army's Far East Military District Headquarters in person to sign and claim the surrender document declaring the official end of the Kwantung Army Group's organized and large-scale fighting.

At this point, the "June Storm" combat operation against Japan, which lasted only 14 days, has basically come to an end.

Except for a few stubborn remnants of the Kwantung Army, who were as smelly and hard as the stones in the latrine, they were still making a last-ditch resistance that was seeking their own death.

The vast majority of the remaining Kwantung Army soldiers had surrendered under Yamada Otsuzo's orders and the devastating pressure of the Red Army.

History has taken a different turn here.

The Japanese, whose homeland had not yet surrendered or even received the atomic bomb, were the first to usher in the defeat and surrender of the Kwantung Army cluster.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused great shock to the already lifeless Japanese government and opposition parties.

The then Japanese Minister of War, General Yoshiko Anami, was forced to resign. He fled home in despair, feeling disgraced, disgraceful to his family, and ashamed of his Majesty the Emperor. In addition, he was despairing of the prospect of Japan's defeat. Then, he committed suicide at his home more than a month in advance.

The Suzuki cabinet, which was crumbling like a candle in the wind, was on the verge of collapse. Only the emperor's support allowed it to hold on for the time being.

Under the fierce attack of the Russians, the Kwantung Army Group was defeated and surrendered in less than half a month, which had a huge impact. If the Suzuki cabinet cannot be protected, it will have to pack up and get out before the Americans drop the atomic bomb. Malashenko, who just wanted to laugh while looking at the newspaper in front of him, couldn't help but speak with satisfaction.

"Oh, let's live this little life comfortably. Look, the Japanese devils only have two days left to live! As soon as the Americans drop their atomic bombs, the Japanese devils should say goodbye to their bullshit empire."

"Atomic bomb? Are the Americans about to build that thing?"

When Malashenko, who was reading a newspaper behind his desk, mentioned this, the political commissar who knew what an "atomic bomb" was asked curiously.

In fact, at this point in time, the atomic bomb, as the first generation of nuclear weapons, no longer has much mystery.

It is absolutely normal for Malashenko and the political commissar who have entered the generals to know about the existence of this thing.

In addition to the defeated Germans who have done in-depth research on the atomic bomb but have not been able to figure it out, the Soviet Union itself has also been working hard to promote research and development in this area. However, the progress is not as fast as the Americans, and it can only be done by collecting various intelligence. I know what the Americans are tinkering with, but there is nothing I can do if I see them getting ahead of me.

I don’t know the details and how fast the Americans’ research and development progress is. I just know that the political commissar comrade who knows the existence of such a “very terrible” weapon as the atomic bomb feels that Malashenko seems to know more information than he does.

And Malashenko didn't intend to keep this matter as a secret, so he immediately spoke.

"Well, maybe the Americans will drop atomic bombs on little Japan next month. Our progress is so fast, the Kwantung Army has already gone to hell to "reunite with victory" with the Nazis. I guess the Americans are also burning their butts now. I feel that more costs may be invested to accelerate research and development and actual combat, and to promote Japan’s surrender as soon as possible to stabilize the situation.”

Any scientific research work actually involves a problem of cost investment and resource tilt, and the atomic bomb is no exception. Moreover, when the technical strength is sufficient, cost investment and resource tilt are often directly proportional to the overall research and development speed.

The more costs and resources are invested, the R\u0026D efficiency will also be improved, but this involves some issues of whether it is worthwhile and marginal effects. For some scientific research projects that are not too urgent, it is okay to stabilize the cost and resource investment and take your time.

But for the current Americans, Malashenko dares to conclude that the atomic bomb can no longer be delayed.

The millions of Red Army troops who had just killed the Kwantung Army were stationed in the northeast. If they entered the Pass, let alone the Japanese troops inside the Pass, they would not be able to stop them. Even if the Bald and Japanese troops were included, they would still be unable to stop them.

This situation is obviously unacceptable to the Americans. If they cannot accept it, they must find ways to change the situation as soon as possible to benefit themselves.

Judging from the current situation, completing the research and development of the atomic bomb and putting it into actual combat as soon as possible is undoubtedly the best and most direct way to make Japan surrender and stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

Malashenko estimated that if he guessed correctly, the American atomic bomb would have been dropped earlier than in the existing history.

If you want to put this thing into actual combat as soon as possible and hit the Japanese devils on the forehead, it is easy. Just increase the investment in research and development costs and tilt resources. The method of throwing money at kryptonium is never outdated no matter what era.

But having said that, comparing the current situation, this can be regarded as the prelude to a kind of "U.S.-Soviet competition." Malashenko, who smiled and touched his chin while thinking about it, thought it was a bit interesting.

"Do you think we will take further action?"

"Go further?"

When Malashenko, who was thinking about it, heard what Comrade Political Commissar said, he quickly understood what it meant and spoke immediately.

"I guess there won't be any, otherwise the superiors wouldn't be so anxious to transfer me and Lavrinenko. I just don't know how long the leader's army will continue to be stationed, but comrades can finally do a good job It’s good news to take a break.”

It is only now that the leading army has truly ended the war years, and countless comrades of the leading army who followed Malashenko can finally have a good rest.

Thinking of this, Malashenko suddenly remembered something, hurriedly took out a wrapped red envelope from the desk drawer at hand, and then handed it to the political commissar with a smile.

"What's this?"

"You'll know if you open it and take a look."

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar heard the words and did as he was told. He opened the red envelope and saw an invitation letter inside. He read it at a glance and smiled immediately after reading it.

"Okay, our "elite bachelor" Comrade Commander is finally getting married. It will be at the end of this month? Then there's only one week left? You're in a hurry right now."

Facing the surprised question from the political commissar, Malashenko helplessly shook his head and said with a smile, "There is something else hidden."

"I didn't plan to do it so soon, but if it doesn't happen so soon, I really won't have time. When the transfer order comes and I go to the military academy and take up my post, I won't have time to deal with these things."

"It's indeed a little late, but there's nothing that needs to be prepared. Anyway, as soon as the comrades arrive, we can all have a good time together. We, the leader of the army, are not interested in extravagant and wasteful things. , I can’t take the lead.”

Phew, 7 million words finally ended all the main battle plots. I will write about other things later and fill in the gaps that have not yet been filled, so stay tuned.

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