Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 3192 Survival or destruction is entirely up to you.

Yamada Otozo finally chose to surrender, which was not beyond Malashenko's expectations. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

After the necessary procedures were completed, the basic surrender situation was discussed with the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff, and all the major items were screened and confirmed to be correct.

Malashenko, who reported the situation to his superiors, quickly waited for the person who could actually preside over the overall situation and negotiate, his old leader and front army commander Vatutin who is now the Marshal of the Soviet Union.

"I didn't expect you to actually do it. It's simply unbelievable. Even if you look at the map, your offensive route will split the entire Kwantung Army Group in two. Even if you look at the entire Red Army, , This is also an unprecedented feat, which will have a great impact on the future development of the integrated warfare doctrine of various arms. "

"Congratulations, Comrade Malashenko, you have once again won victory and honor for the front army, the Red Army, and the motherland! Marshal Zhukov and Comrade Stalin have sent congratulatory messages one after another, congratulating you and the leading army."

Of course, the leadership army's participation in the combat operation against Japan was not only due to military needs, it was an experimental operation to test the integrated clustering of various arms, but also because political purposes required the leadership army to complete the final blow against another powerful enemy.

In this way, the title of King of Double Achievements by planting the flag in the Capitol Building and surrendering the bandit leader of the Kwantung Army is fully deserved for the leader army.

It is not difficult to explain why Comrade Father and Comrade Lao Zhu sent congratulatory messages immediately.

There was no other reason. The telegram that had been prepared in advance was probably waiting for this moment to arrive, and then was sent immediately. The results and honors achieved by the troops in the name of the leader will naturally receive attention that matches their name. The reason is that simple.

After a brief exchange of greetings with Vatutin, Malashenko could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the battle against the Kwantung Army was not very stressful on the battlefield, the whole process from the beginning to the end was extremely fast-paced and rushed. There were no dangers but everything was rushed and slowed down.

Malashenko, who felt like he had barely rested his breath from beginning to end, now relaxed a lot.

But before he could really relax, Malashenko still had one thing to do - accompany Vatutin to complete the surrender ceremony of Yamada Otozo, an old devil.

It was the same conference room that once made the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff feel ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. Vatutin, who set the surrender scene on the front line of the adjacent city, was personally in charge, and Malashenko was at the closest position.

Everyone else present at the meeting was also a distinguished senior general of the front army and leading army, which could be said to be a gathering of generals.

"You are lucky that you were not completely crushed by the leader's army, and ended up with the same fate as hundreds of thousands of so-called elites and your second division."

There are no superfluous and unnecessary honorifics.

The first sentence Vatugin, who was sitting in the chair of the negotiation table, gave Yamada Otsuzo, who came with a gloomy face and a mother-like expression, a blow.

The expression of Yamada Otsuzo, who was deep enough in the city, didn't change at all. The gloomy old devil didn't even blink. He pulled out a chair and sat down on his own. He took off his shit-yellow military cap and put it aside and then relaxed. Speak slowly.

"Then can we officially start signing? Your Excellency, Marshal."

"Sign? No? This is just the surrender site. You have to sign somewhere else, not here."


The expressionless Yamada Otozo sitting on top said nothing, as if waiting for orders on what he needs to do next, and as the winner, Vatugin certainly has this power.

"Immediately order all Kwantung Army troops to immediately lay down their weapons and surrender to the Red Army! Any behavior that does not lay down their weapons and surrender will be regarded as a provocation, without exception."

"The time left for you is also limited. Before 12 o'clock noon tomorrow, any Kwantung Army troops that have not surrendered will be destroyed by the Red Army. Do not try to resist or try to escape. You have already experienced the consequences yourself. It’s very clear.”

After being relayed by the translator, Yamada Otsuzo pricked up his ears and listened carefully word for word. After making sure that he had not misunderstood or missed something, he nodded slowly.

"I understand. We will comply with your army's request. In fact, the relevant surrender order message has been drafted. Please review it, Marshal. If there are no problems, then I will send it out immediately in the name of the Commander of the Kwantung Army."

After saying that, Vatutin, who was sitting in the main seat, immediately raised his hand to take the draft of the telegram that Yamada Otsuzo took the initiative to stand up and offered with both hands, and took it to look at with Malashenko beside him.

"Are you sure this is the official version you want to send out?"

"Hi, Marshal, if you think there is anything else that needs to be modified, please correct me and we will do it."

Yamada Otsuzo's attitude is indeed much better than the attitude of the German guy who repeatedly argued and was unwilling to surrender honestly a few months ago.

Malashenko, who also experienced that scene personally, secretly thought that the Japanese who surrendered were really honest. Once these gangsters were defeated, they would behave like dogs. At least the smart ones among them were like that.

After hearing Yamada Otsuzo's reply, Vatugin put the message in his hand on the table and then spoke seriously.

"That is to say, you did not receive formal surrender approval from the mainland. You judged on your own that the request was allowed, so you drafted this telegram."


Of course, Yamada Otsuzo's "spring style" of picking out words in the telegram was not hidden from Vatutin, who checked it repeatedly with the translator beside him. Although it is not clear what causes this situation, the problem can always be seen and understood.

On the other hand, Yamada Otozo was able to speak slowly and calmly when faced with Vatugin's questioning.

"I think this is not important, Your Majesty Marshal. Some of the issues and situations involved cannot be solved and explained clearly in a short time."

"But I think as long as this telegram can make the various departments of the Kwantung Army lay down their weapons and surrender, then it will be acceptable to your army. I don't know if there is anything wrong with my understanding. Please correct me, Marshal."

After hearing this, Vatutin looked at each other and Malashenko beside him, exchanged opinions with their eyes and nodded to confirm that everything was correct.

Apart from the "Spring and Autumn Writing Technique", no other problems could be seen from this telegram. It did have the immediate effect the Red Army wanted, and then formally spoke to Yamada Otsuzo.

"Yes, I will send this telegram immediately in your name. In addition, tell your remaining defeated generals that 12 o'clock at noon tomorrow is the deadline. Survival or destruction is entirely up to you."

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