Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 306 Car replacement and re-engraving

After hearing the gentle command from Malashenko, which was almost like comfort, Kirill, who could no longer suppress the excitement and depression in his heart, immediately dropped the luggage and backpack in his hand and headed toward the road. The resolute figure, which was slightly missing but still connected by blood, threw away and strode away.


The sound of the somewhat overexerted forehead and the broad chest slightly colliding together echoed in each other's hearts in a thrilling way. The various negative emotions and deep longings that had been suppressed in the hearts suddenly burst like a dam. It poured out like a flood. Kirill, who was still just a child in front of his elders, no longer had the bravery and tenacity on the battlefield and immediately burst into tears.

He stretched out his only remaining left arm and gently brushed the warm and familiar face on his chest. His mind was filled with the scene of Kirill riding on his shoulders and grinning happily when he was a child. How can he be a hard-hearted person? It’s just that the responsibilities that he has always been accustomed to carry on his shoulders and behind his back to face alone have long since given up on such things as tears.

"Why are you still acting like a child when you are already a brave Red Army soldier, Kirill. Look up! Tell me what kind of experiences you have endured and what results you have achieved during this period of time."

As the soft words from Colonel Petrov's mouth blurted out, Kirill, who had mixed feelings in his heart, raised his head and responded with the first words, but they had nothing to do with the order.

"Uncle, your arm, your right arm! What's going on!? Why is this happening? Tell me quickly!"

The empty sleeves of the Colonel's uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were floating in the air with the breeze. Colonel Petrov, who had long been accustomed to this feeling, did not show any sadness in return. It was as majestic as a mountain like Kirill when he was a child. The smile appeared in front of his eyes again immediately.

"It doesn't matter, Kirill. You are now a glorious and great Red Army soldier like your uncle. The oath we swore under the red flag requires us to do this. My uncle will not regret it in the past, he will not regret it today, and he will not regret it in the future." It will always be the same as now, even if one day I can't touch your head as gently as I do now, you must continue to fight bravely until all those evil German fascists are driven out of the motherland and the country where we live in our time! home."

Trapped in darkness and surrounded by countless enemies, he remained firm and brave without wavering.

Even though the road to the future is full of thorns and bumps, the brave hearts who came to this red land since the original Soviet idea still did not hesitate at all. Generation after generation of Red Army soldiers squandered their blood and devoted their lives to the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union. Protected his faith.

Even though this battle-hardened body will one day be buried on the battlefield, the nutrients turned into flesh and blood will still nourish this sacred land protected by the great wills with their lives.

The next generation of Red Army soldiers who have stepped on the burial ground of the martyrs will still bravely move forward without fear of strong enemies, and the solemn oath of allegiance to the Red Flag faith will eventually be sublimated with blood and life, glorious and great. The will of China coexists in the hearts of people in the East and the West across the vast physical distance regardless of national boundaries.

When the smoke dissipates and peace returns, the red sickle and hammer soaked in blood will have only one eternal name that will be remembered by the world.

What those Western capitalists who stand on the opposite side are afraid of is not just a name of a person or a simple country name. This name that once brought hope and light to desperate people trapped in the darkness of reincarnation will always have only one name, red. The colored Soviets will forever exist in this world together with the sacred flag dipped in blood, standing tall on the top of the world.

The brief reunion after a long absence always seems to be too short as it passes by in a hurry.

He led these brave soldiers who had followed him to defend the faith and returned to the temporary military base on the outskirts of Moscow.

Because of the name of the glorious and great Guards, he was able to enjoy all equipment priority supply and selection rights within the entire Soviet Red Army system. Malashenko, whose departure to the front line was imminent, had already asked the logistics department to transfer all the equipment that would follow. The tanks that will be used are transported in place, and Malashenko's solid concept of preferring vehicles to wait for people rather than people waiting for vehicles was implemented to the end.

"Until more new tanks arrive, we currently only have these KV1s available. Although they have some minor flaws and are not quite satisfactory, words such as solid and reliable are obviously no longer enough to describe these KV1s that accompany us. My friends who have been fighting all the way.”

Quite contrary to the philosophy held by the Red Army tank soldiers who were ordered to serve in the T34 medium tank unit, these tank veterans who followed Malashenko from Yelnya to the north and south to the present prefer the solid and reliable KV1 heavy-duty tank.

Thick armor that can withstand most of the German anti-tank artillery fire is a priority to survive on the cruel battlefield. The powerful and ferocious anti-armor firepower output is enough to destroy any German tank within the combat distance and is extremely sharp.

Just like Malashenko said.

Although these KV1s, ridiculed by some people as "cumbersome" and "should be eliminated", have major flaws, there are many minor flaws such as numerous shortcomings and innate design flaws.

But these partners who have accompanied him from the cruel battlefield to the present day, just like girlfriends and lovers, cannot be perfect. No one is perfect. The same is true for these elite Red Army tank soldiers who regard their cars as treasures. The principle of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", "only advantages and no disadvantages" has already been deeply ingrained in the soul, and looking at these brand-new KV1s in front of us is extremely pleasing to the eye.

After he handed over the original team of the original independent first heavy tank breakthrough battalion that came from Leningrad, and told these elite veteran crews to check and adapt to the new vehicles as soon as possible, they had already made corresponding plans and plans in their hearts. Malashenko turned around and spoke quietly to his crew, Lavrinenko and others who were following behind him.

"Come with me, there are some special tanks parked in the warehouse over there. I guarantee that Karamov will jump up with excitement when he sees them."

The heavy hinged wooden door was slowly opened from the outside to the inside under the push of the two people. The creaking sound of the wooden door opening echoed in the huge warehouse for a long time, with the sunshine coming from outside the door. Lavrinenko, who had barely been able to see clearly the familiar but slightly different tanks in front of him, who had been unprepared before, immediately involuntarily widened his eyes.

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