Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 299 Gathering Will

There was silence in the huge training venue, and Malashenko, standing on the wooden podium, continued.

"I know that the vast majority of you are elites who have endured life and death hardships and survived fighting all the way to this day. Almost every crew present has a single-digit or even double-digit record of destroying German tanks. In my opinion, It seems that this is indeed worthy of boasting. Being able to destroy German tanks is enough to prove one's ability, not to mention that many of our comrades have destroyed more than one tank."

What Malashenko said actually represents the true inner thoughts of the vast majority of the unruly tank soldiers in the audience at this moment.

These Red Army tank crews who were drawn from various Red Army tank units were almost without exception regarded as "masters" and "elites" in their original units. They were respected by their colleagues and praised by their superiors. At the same time, he also served as a first-level commander of a large or small company or platoon. It is impossible to say that such a person does not have a bit of arrogance and rebellious character in his heart.

It was originally supposed to be a good thing to be transferred to the Guards Tank Regiment, which symbolizes the most elite unit of the Red Army, but these tank soldiers who were full of excitement did not find out until they came to Malashenko's command that everything they had taken for granted before was The content is just meaningless mirror images.

There are no rookies or new recruits in this newly formed Guards Tank Regiment. Almost all of them were elite tank crews in their original troops before being transferred here.

Some tank commanders who could still serve as company and platoon-level grassroots commanders in the original army, after coming to Malashenko's command, can only be the most ordinary tank commanders without any command authority. This It is almost impossible for the parties concerned to have no grievances and thoughts in this kind of troop transfer, which is equivalent to dismissal from office in disguise.

If it is really just "dismissal from office", then forget it. After all, everyone is a tank elite who has fought with his life with real swords and guns. It is an unwritten rule in the army that his skills are inferior to others and he is commanded by a stronger one. Rules, there is basically no dissatisfaction and complaints.

But what confuses these rebellious Red Army tank soldiers the most is that Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, known as the hero of the Red Army tanks, is simply stunned. The unit has just begun to take shape. Everyone trains hard all day long. These days, almost everyone spends much more time in the tank than doing other things in the day. The tank soldiers, who are only thinking about rushing to the front line to have a life-and-death fight with the Nazi fascists, have no idea about the tank soldiers. Rashenko's behavior is very confusing.

"Comrade Commander, I have a question. Instead of running back and forth here every day wasting precious diesel and artillery shells, why don't we go directly to the front line to give those fascists a fatal blow? Now everyone is spending precious energy and Physical energy is wasted on such meaningless things as training. Every comrade here is no longer a recruit. I personally think that such training is of little significance. "

Malashenko, who had been waiting for such a question since the beginning of the lecture, immediately turned his head in the direction of the sound. The tank commander who raised his right arm still remained motionless. Quietly waiting for Malashenko's answer.

Looking at the large group of dark tank soldiers in the audience who basically responded with approval, Malashenko realized that the time had come and immediately raised the corner of his mouth, cleared his throat again and blurted out.

"In fact, I think the question that this comrade just raised is also an unsolved mystery in everyone's mind. Instead of letting everyone continue to be so confused and scold me secretly, I think it is time to tell everyone the real reason. "

"Yes, it is true that as the comrade just said, everyone here is an elite of the former army who has experienced hundreds of battles. Tutorials for recruits such as simulated attacks and formation drills are almost useless to everyone. It can be said to be a childish thing.”

"But at the same time, the point I want to emphasize is that our newly established Guards Tank Regiment is essentially a force like loose sand. There is no doubt about this."

Malashenko's words that echoed over the huge gathering place were like a drop of ice water poured into hot oil and exploded in an instant. It is difficult to imagine that this new regiment commander, who is also known as the Red Army tank hero, To describe such a tank regiment composed of all elites as a piece of loose sand, the bewildered Red Army tank soldiers immediately began to chirp like a flock of frightened birds in the audience.

"Is he crazy? He actually described us as a piece of loose sand? I can kill five German tanks by myself, not to mention that we now have so many crews of the same level."

"I think he is either crazy or the title of tank hero above his head is false. It is already boring enough for us to do this kind of basic training like new recruits, but now they describe our hard work as a piece of loose sand, and our regiment What are you thinking about, Comrade Chang?"

"I always feel that it's not that simple. After all, he is the head of the regiment who was entrusted with important tasks by General Zhukov and personally appointed by leader Comrade Stalin. If he is really of this level, he will be sent to lead us? Just thinking about it makes me think impossible."

Everyone in the audience was arguing with each other, but Malashenko on the stage saw it in his eyes and took it to heart. Realizing that the heat was almost over, Malashenko immediately raised his arms and gently lowered his arms. After signaling for everyone to be quiet for the time being, Malashenko, who regained the right to speak, continued to speak without thinking.

"I think every elite tank crew we have here should be the core of the original unit, but precisely because of this, I think everyone should be a partner in daily battles. As long as you After selecting a battle breakthrough point, all the other Red Army tanks around you will cooperate and fight around you. In other words, I have also experienced dozens of tank battles before. "

Combining his own personal experience to the point, the words from Malashenko's mouth were like accurate master-level prophecies that hit the vital points of almost all tank crews in the audience. These experienced tank crews with the name of elites are indeed, as Malashenko said, they were the core components of the battle in the original army and were not the kind to actively cooperate with other friendly tank crews. exist.

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