Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 289 Spear and Shield

After learning that Malashenko was the tank hero who had been rumored in the Red Army recently, Major Malokov suddenly started chatting, as if he had found the most suitable person to chat with, he sat in the reception room with Malashenko. There was endless chatting around Shenke.

"When I went to give you clothes, I didn't know that you were the popular tank hero who has been rumored recently. There are so many people named Malashenko that we can even find them for you in the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Quite a few, I didn’t think about it at all.”

He took the initiative to open a pack of brand new cigarettes and handed one to Malashenko who was sitting on the sofa next to him. He had been engaged in special work at the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow and had never been to the front line. He had a great heart. Malokov, who should be passionate, was obviously very curious about the battles that took place on the front line.

"Can you tell me about the situation on the front line? Comrade Malashenko. I read the Pravda with your photo several times. The way that Nazi SS officer knelt down in front of you is really interesting. No matter how many times I don’t get bored! I always feel that those German fascists cannot be the opponent of our Red Army, especially some people seem to think that those Germans are invincible. To be honest, I am very worried about this. Disapproval."

Listening to the gushing words of Major Malokov on the side, Malashenko, who had personally experienced almost every day of frontline combat since the outbreak of Operation Barbarossa, could only smile bitterly.

Major Malokov's current thoughts are actually the true thoughts held by most of the Red Army soldiers and officers in the rear who have not been to the front line. Just reading various Soviet newspapers used to boost their own morale will destroy them. Exaggerated reports of the enemy's majesty cannot tell how terrifying the real combat power of the German army was.

"How can I tell you, Comrade Malokov? In fact, the combat effectiveness of those Germans cannot be treated with any contempt, but any Red Army soldier or even senior commanders who have this idea will suffer big losses in actual combat. ”

"Their armored forces are as fast as the wind, and the fleet of fighter jets roaring in the sky is like lightning. Although their soldiers do not believe in communism, their crazy personality worship of Hitler and the fanaticism of shouting "Long Live the Mountain" still make their combat effectiveness as hellish as the devils. horrible."

While talking, he gently flicked the ash from his finger. Malashenko, who had a solemn expression and a calm tone, did not look like he was joking no matter how he looked at it.

"When all these things were combined, it became the so-called blitzkrieg tactics used by Nazi Germany to sweep across Europe. The treaty that ended World War I was more temporary than peace. In the armistice agreement, those capitalist powers only cared about Germany’s interests, but did not consider the terrible bloody revenge that would result.”

“The German people, trapped in despair, yearned for the country’s re-emergence and revenge, and Hitler, a lunatic, happened to be born in such a great era and appeared on the stage to take advantage of the people’s weaknesses.

"The Treaty of Versailles is equivalent to a death sentence suspended for twenty years. Those ugly-faced Western capitalist powers were eventually buried by Hitler's revenge and wrath because of their greed and stupidity. Even our Soviet Union is now affected by this fire. Implicated, it is really ironic to say that this is a peace treaty.”

He had never heard the person next to him say such words before. Major Malokov, who subconsciously wanted to refute Malashenko's opinions and words, suddenly realized what was happening in front of him. This man is the well-deserved number one tank hero among the Red Army at the moment.

Even his immediate boss, Colonel Petrov, who was so brave and resolute that he admired him, praised him highly. As a person who has never been on the front line, he is really not qualified to tell Malashenko. Provide any rebuttal.

After once again defeating his naturally self-righteous thoughts with reason, Major Malokov realized that all his previous ideas about the war front were probably untenable at all, and then continued to speak.

"I think I need to overthrow my misconceptions and start over again, Comrade Malashenko. As you said, if those Germans are really so easy to deal with, wouldn't it imply that our Red Army's combat effectiveness is too low? From those Fascist invasions to now, our Red Army has fought only a handful of victories, and it is indeed too narrow-minded to just read the reports in the newspapers. "

The person who can sit down to the position of Major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will naturally not be a fool with a bubbling head. Even a dirty and despicable tarsal blood-sucking insect like Kamalov knows how to use tricks in conspiracies. Malokov, who had always been stuck in an existing inertia of thinking, relied on Malashenko's guidance to realize the true shape of the war. It was not difficult.

"But to be honest, Comrade Malashenko, I personally think it is necessary for our Soviet newspapers to report on the battles on the front lines like this."

"One of the most important things in war is morale. If we didn't have the official Soviet newspaper to establish a positive image and combat examples to cheer up the troops and soldiers on the front line, what would have happened to so many defeats so far? Face it? Not all Red Army soldiers are party members, and morale is not as indestructible as our faith."

After hearing such words, Malashenko had obviously realized that Major Malokov was not a bubbling fool who couldn't turn around. He nodded slowly after thinking about it for a moment and then quickly annihilated it. After removing the cigarette butt in his hand, he spoke again.

"This is the focal point of the spear and the shield, Comrade Malokov. Some things that must be done will bring certain negative effects, but if they are really abandoned, it will cause more serious consequences. The results. In comparison, we must complete it resolutely even if there are certain side effects, just like a seriously ill patient receiving specific drug treatment with strong side effects.”

"Although the side effects will damage the body, the benefits outweigh the risks and can save lives. I think you are also very clear about the choice you should make. I am also a staunch supporter of our Soviet Pravda."

Malashenko and Malokov, who had found a common ground in their conversation, became more and more animated, so much so that they sat on the sofa nearby and their soft eyes never left their lover Nata's body. Leah could only watch quietly without saying a word, until the sound of the wooden door gently opening broke the existing conversation atmosphere in the room.

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