Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 286 Draw the gun

The Gas Jeep, which was moving slowly along the way, was driving on the winding country road like a four-wheel carriage walking on the country road.

Malashenko, who had never seen the scene outside Moscow seventy years ago, deliberately asked Valentin to slow down the car. The scenery of green grass and fragrant fields slowly passing by like a slideshow was like an oil painting. It's generally beautiful here.

"I think there is no more pleasant scenery than this, what do you think, Comrade Valentin?"

Corporal Valentin, who was concentrating on driving, obviously did not expect that Malashenko would ask him a question so unexpectedly, and it took several seconds for him to answer with some stammering and speechlessness.

"Uh, yes, Comrade Malashenko, you are right, this is indeed beautiful! But when autumn comes, it will be a different story. It will be much more abrupt than now. I came here last year Pass here."

He couldn't help but burst out laughing after hearing Valentin's completely unemotional and low-EQ answer. Malashenko couldn't help but feel relieved when he thought that in his previous life, he was just as dumb as Valentin and couldn't speak. , this kind of silly words without any thought may be the chat healing partner that Malashenko needs most right now.

"Comrade Malashenko, we have arrived at the entrance of the village. Do you want me to stop now?"

Malashenko, who was still thinking about things in his mind, heard the reminder beside him and immediately turned his head and looked out of the car. He saw a small village that was not too big and consistent with the appearance of "home" deep in his memory. It appeared before our eyes.

"Just park here, Valentin, but why is there another car at the entrance to the village?"

Malashenko, who had just come back to his senses, spotted the grass-green Gas Jeep parked at the corner of the village earlier than him. Valentin, who was also feeling very strange in his heart, immediately opened the door after completely stopping the car. Get out of the car first.

With a curious and puzzled expression, Valentin stepped forward and took a look at the car. After going around in a circle, Valentin found nothing of value, and then came to the car where he had already gotten out of the car. Malashenko said next to him.

"It's very strange, Comrade Malashenko. This looks like it should be a car from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no one in the car. I just looked towards the village and found no trace. I remember half a month The former Ministry of Internal Affairs only conducted an investigation into the villages around Moscow. Logically speaking, it should not appear so frequently in ordinary small villages. It is really strange. "

Valentin, who is not affiliated with the Ministry of Internal Affairs but directly affiliated with the Moscow Kremlin headquarters, only knows some superficial things at best, and cannot explain the real reasons. Valentin himself is still thinking about it with doubts, but he has already taken the back seat. Malashenko, who carried the suitcase in his hands, was a bit nervous and disagreed.

"Maybe it's the need for a special mission. Valentin, I can't guess the final result standing here. When we enter the village and see our own comrades in person, it will all be clear. If we are lucky, they said Maybe I’ll even give you a cigarette to smoke.”

Valentin, who was still doubtful, shook his head slowly and then quickly followed Malashenko's pace and walked forward quickly. After all, there is really nothing to worry about now that the Germans have not yet reached the gates of Moscow. At best, the guys from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the village to catch one or two suspicious German spies.

Just as Malashenko, who was carrying a suitcase, was chatting and laughing with Valentin beside him and walking towards the inside of the village, he grabbed Natalya's slender wrist, which was obviously unwilling, and pulled it forcefully. Kamalov, who was walking in front, happened to make eye contact with Malashenko, who had turned his head and returned the look.

For a few seconds, the air around him seemed to freeze.

Kamalov didn't think too much in his mind. Even though he was bumped into by a stranger, his expression remained calm and his heart didn't beat. The officers who could hang out in Moscow basically didn't want to have too much trouble with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Because of the relationship, Kamalov, who is one level lower than Malashenko, does not think that the other party will deliberately cause trouble for him because of this unclear matter.

After a brief moment of thinking, Kamalov had already made up his mind. He didn't even have basic meeting etiquette. Without saying hello, he gently pulled down his big-brimmed hat and prepared to force himself away from Malashenko. passing by.

But what Kamalov never expected was that at the moment when he passed by without any vigilance, a big hand that was strong enough to squeeze him without any warning Zhong Yi grabbed his left wrist and forcibly stopped him.

The anger in his heart suddenly surged up like a ignited gas tank. Kamalov was about to turn around and speak, but Malashenko, who was almost emotionless and cold in his words, spoke first. step.

"Can you please let go of the girl in your hands before we talk about anything? Comrade. I don't think a woman needs to be around to listen to the conversation between two Red Army colonel officers."

The moment they looked at each other, he understood everything from Natalia's eyes that were about to burst into tears. All the memories of the past good moments in his mind surged down like a flood from a dam. Ke didn't hesitate at all. Natalia's helpless and tearful eyes alone were enough for everything she did next.

Kamalov, who was pinched so hard that he still had the upper hand and had the upper hand, had experienced such cowardice. Malashenko’s uniform of a tank corps officer, which was one rank higher than his own, was selectively ignored by him. The vicious words that were almost enough to chew bones were blurted out immediately with a slow sound.

"What if I say no? Comrade Lieutenant Colonel."

"Then I think my right hand will give the same answer, Comrade Major."

Before he finished speaking, he immediately used force to put further pressure on the other party. Kamarov, who has always lived comfortably in the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, really talked about strength, he was fighting in a tank with real guns. The opponent of Malashenko, who was killed by the Germans in a sea of ​​blood.

He grabbed a 20-pound armor-piercing bullet with one hand with astonishing strength, just like an ordinary person playing with a lighter. Even though Kamalov was squeezed, he let out a wail and couldn't help but let go of Natalia's arm.

"You bastard! How dare you attack the Major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! I will arrest you now!"

In anger, he used his right hand that was still intact to pull out the Tokarev TT33 pistol he was wearing from his waist. Before he could put his index finger on the unfamiliar trigger that had not been touched for a long time, he uttered arrogant words and did not hesitate to retaliate first. Immediately after Kamalov made a fatal threat, he felt a chill on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, comrade, your action of firing a gun can't even compare with those German baggage soldiers."

Looking at the battle-scarred Tokarev pistol with the black muzzle in front of him, Kamalov, who had never felt that death was so close to him, was immediately frightened by the cold feeling and was completely confused. Kamalov, who was supposed to say something next, heard the sound of brakes coming quickly.

"Stop it! What are you doing!? Put down the gun! Now!"

Hearing the familiar loud roar in his ears, he was immediately startled. Malashenko, who was still holding the gun in his hand, couldn't help but turn his head and look in the direction of the sound. There was only one arm but the other sleeve. A familiar figure floating in the wind then appeared at the end of the field of vision.

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