Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 281 The direction of redemption

Comrade Stalin was obviously not in a good mood when he was woken up from his sleep, but it was not a small thing to wake him up from his sleep at such a late hour. Feeling a dull pain in his forehead, Stalin immediately took the telegram from the secretary waiting in front of him and began to read it quickly at a glance.

"Huh? How could it be like this?"

Obviously, the content of this urgent telegram sent from the Leningrad Front Army Headquarters was not expected by Stalin himself. Through a series of events, Malashenko, a man he had never met before but showed his extraordinary The outstanding and talented young man had a good impression. Stalin, who was familiar with how terrible malaria was, saw the last concluding sentence on the telegraph newspaper.

"Comrade Stalin, I suggest that a special plane should be arranged immediately to transfer Malashenko to Moscow where the medical conditions are better for treatment. Malashenko is very important whether it is to consolidate morale on the front line or the design of our Red Army's future tanks. He plays a very important role. Losing him like this is a big loss for our entire Red Army. We must take action immediately.”

Stalin, who looked unhappy and frowned, immediately put down the telegram in his hand after reading these concluding remarks. He lightly pinched his forehead and thought for a while before making a decision.

"Send a report to Zhukov and ask him to immediately arrange a special plane to bring Malashenko back to Moscow. In addition, we will make arrangements to prepare the hospital and use the best doctors and medicines to rescue Malashenko. !”

"Understood, Comrade Leader, I will make arrangements right now."

Watching his secretary's hurried departure, Comrade Stalin, who had been overwhelmed by all kinds of bad news in recent days, couldn't help but let out a deep lament.

"When will all this bad news end?"

The truth turned out to be just as the military doctor Zhuskov had expected.

The Soviet Union, located at the northernmost point of the earth, experiences freezing temperatures of tens of degrees below zero every year without exception. It is impossible to grow cinchona trees, a plant that lives in warm and humid climates in the tropics and subtropics. Using cinchona trees Naturally, purified and manufactured quinine, a specific drug for malaria, was out of the question.

The Western capitalist countries that control the origin of almost all quinine drugs in the world, that is, the Indonesian colony, are simply unable to share this special medicine that can turn the tide of disease and life saving with what they regard as their mortal enemy, the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union was completely destroyed due to a malaria plague that swept across the country, that would be the best outcome that those Western capitalist countries would like to see.

The hospital in Leningrad, which was besieged from land by the German Army Group Northern, had almost no supplies of even the most common drugs and medical supplies, let alone quinine, a specific malaria treatment drug that was extremely rare in the entire Soviet Union. It is almost exhausted and difficult to replenish.

The doctors and nurses who had been busy around Malashenko's bed all night, even if they tried their best, only used water bags to cool down and other temporary and not permanent methods to ensure that Malashenko's head was not burned out while barely managing. Just hold on for a breath, but you are still far away from the ultimate goal of snatching Malashenko back from the hands of death.

Fortunately, Malashenko, who had "already died once" on the battlefield, was much more critical than almost everyone imagined. Malashenko, who had a high fever and was in a coma, seemed to be invincible. The inexhaustible Xiaoqiang was still hanging on to his last breath. While the attending doctors present marveled that this was simply a miracle, they also accelerated the rush to transfer Malashenko to Moscow.

The sky above Leningrad Airport in the early morning was cloudless. The light rain that had just fallen last night combined with the unique cold wind in the early morning made all those busy here feel a deep chill.

Malashenko, who was still in an unconscious state, was rushed to the airport by a hurried crowd. In the early morning, he received an order from the front army headquarters and a Li-2 transport plane on standby had already roared its engine.

"Quickly, get Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko onto the plane and take off immediately! After arriving in Moscow, a better medical team will be on standby at the airport. Only when we arrive in Moscow can we rescue him!"

In his heart, he had an indescribable and complicated concern for Malashenko, a young man who was so outstanding that he was almost elusive. After thinking anxiously for most of the night, Zhukov temporarily entrusted everything at hand to him before dawn. Chief of Staff Hozin himself came to Leningrad Airport in person to see what was most likely Malashenko's "last face".

The cold wind whistling over the airport gently blew through the collar of the Red Army God of War and made a rustling sound. Zhukov, who looked anxious but showed a firm will, then quickly walked to the stretcher that had been half-carried into the cabin. Malashenko, who had been in a state of coma and semi-consciousness all night, quietly opened his heavy eyes at this moment.

Looking at the Red Army God of War standing next to him and watching him, Malashenko, who was so weak that he almost had no strength to speak, still tried to lift his right arm with strong will.

"Comrade Commander, I have burdened you with taking up the precious resources of our Red Army to send me to Moscow at such a critical moment. I really don't know what to say."

Having already learned the news that he was about to be sent to Moscow from Kirill and Iushkin, who had been with him all night, Malashenko, who once again had a desire for life in his heart, could not help but feel My heart felt warm.

Looking at the entire Leningrad Front, there is undoubtedly only one person with such power who can order the use of extremely precious transport planes to fly him to Moscow at such a critical moment of internal and external troubles.

Malashenko, who has always felt that he was just an insignificant lieutenant colonel, has not yet realized how significant and far-reaching his words and deeds have been on the entire Soviet Red Army and even the future strategic situation of the Patriotic War. Even Malashenko Comrade Stalin, his loving father who had never seen anything like Commander Shenke, issued brief instructions overnight for this purpose.

"Don't worry, Malashenko, Moscow is ready! Our best medical team has been prepared overnight and is on standby at the airport. As soon as you land there, you will receive the best treatment in the entire Soviet Union! Those German fascists can't break your will, so what does a little malaria mean? There are still many tank battles waiting for you to fight! We must persist until the day when our Red Army enters Berlin! "

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