Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 249 For Victory

Although what Second Lieutenant Oleg said at this time may sound to some people with ulterior motives as an unwarranted guise of shaking the morale of the military, Malashenko, who traveled from later generations, knew very clearly in his heart that How desperately did the Soviet aviation force fight the enemy in the early stages of the Soviet-German War?

Early Soviet aircraft such as the Lager 3 MiG 3 were beaten or beaten in front of the German BF109E. The German Focke Wolff FW190 high-altitude fighter that followed closely behind them even more. The Soviet aviation force, which was on the edge of the cliff of life and death, gave it another hard push.

When time continued to move forward to 1942, the BF109F fighter jet, which was put into mass production and widely equipped with all front-line German Air Force units, became even more abnormal.

Take the F4, the leader among the BF109F fighters, as an example.

This type of BF109 fighter jet modification far exceeds the Soviet aircraft of the same period in terms of acceleration performance and maneuverability, especially the extremely small turning radius of the fighter jet. Looking at the world's mainstream fighter jets at the same time, only the Japanese United The fleet's "mythical" fighter, the Zero-21, is slightly better than it.

The BF109F4, which has a turning radius that is equal to that of the Zero fighter, is almost invincible in terms of low-altitude dogfighting capabilities. Its excellent and extraordinary comprehensive performance even won it the title of "Gundam F4" in the mouths of future military fans. ” the reputation.

In other words, the Soviet airmen who are still fighting to the death with the German BF109E series are still facing hard times.

This is just like the T3476 fighting the German Tiger Ferdinand in the original historical direction. The German army has an absolute advantage in equipment quality and its superb combat literacy is unparalleled. It is natural that the German army can be born. World-class aces such as Erich Hartmann and Otto Karvus.

From the sad look on Oleg's face, we can imagine how tragic the scene of blood spilled in the sky was. Malashenko, who tried to change the future direction of Soviet tanks, could not take into account the air force that he was not very proficient in at the same time. After confirming how tragic the current battle situation in the direction of Uritsk was, Malashenko immediately patted Oleg lightly on the shoulder.

"I will send someone as soon as possible to send you back to a relatively better medical facility in the rear city of Leningrad for rest and treatment, so that you can recover peacefully. Second Lieutenant Oleg, you will have the moment to take to the skies again."

Seeing Malashenko getting up and leaving, he hesitated and wanted to struggle to get up and say something, but the tearing feeling of the chest wound that followed was like a sharp knife, stinging Oleg's weak body. Nervous, I lay back on the stretcher again and could only watch Malashenko's back fleeing away.

"Comrade Malashenko, please be careful."

Malashenko jumped out of the truck compartment with a solemn look on his face. The heavy pressure from the German air force overhead, which dominated the entire sky, was like a huge mountain, making Malashenko gasp for breath. Don't get angry.

"The things running on the ground are easy to deal with no matter what. Even if the German tanks are superior to me, it won't be a big problem, but what on earth do I want to do with the planes overhead?"

The steel eagle hovering in the sky firmly restrained the armored cavalry on the ground like an object descending on it. The Stuka, which was roaring and screaming, only needed an aerial bomb to kill it instantly. The doomed outcome of scrapping one or even more KV1 heavy tanks and being beaten but unable to fight back is simply an unsolvable knot for Malashenko.

"Oh, they say Americans are trash, but the wild donkeys and milk bottles on their heads are always there to greet them. The Germans, even Tiger King and Hunting Tiger, can't resist them. How come it's the complete opposite when it comes to me? ?”

The irritated Malashenko took the last puff of the cigarette and flicked the butt of the cigarette away. Now, no matter whether he is dead or alive, even if there is a mountain of swords and fire waiting for him ahead, he can only bite the bullet and push up. There is no way out.

"Inform all the infantry to get on the vehicle, and all vehicle crews will continue to move forward! There are only the last ten kilometers left on the Uritsk front line, so be ready to fight at any time!"

Seeing the terrible look on Malashenko's face, Lavrinenko was hesitant to speak. Lavrinenko, who had already guessed something from the crash-landed IL-2 attack plane riddled with bullets, ended up shaking his head. And did not speak.

The roaring tank column loaded with infantry knights once again surged forward, heading straight towards the red town of Uritsk, which was burned by the hellish war.

At the same time, General Zhukov, who was stationed at the Smolny Front Army Headquarters in the city of Leningrad, also received the latest battle reports from the front line. The shocking figures as always were hard to convince the Red Army God of War who was used to seeing such scenes. What's happening on the face again.

"How many fighter jets does the shore-based aviation force of the Baltic Fleet have that can be dispatched? I mean those types of aircraft that can at least compete with the German aircraft for air supremacy."

After hearing the obviously annoyed words from Zhukov's mouth, he immediately became embarrassed. Lieutenant General Hozin, who was personally ordered by Zhukov to be brought from Moscow to Leningrad as Chief of Staff, hesitated for a long time before speaking suddenly.

"We don't have many aircraft left, Comrade Commander. The Baltic Fleet Headquarters reported that there are less than 30 fighters left in the sky, and only a dozen bombers and ground attack aircraft are left. , If there is no supplement, we will no longer be able to maintain the limited air superiority over the city of Leningrad."

Chief of Staff Hojin, who originally thought that Zhukov's question was for the sake of the safety of the airspace of the Front Army Headquarters, never expected that Zhukov's words that followed directly ignored the safety of the Front Army Headquarters.

"Telegram to the Baltic Fleet Headquarters that all aircraft that can still fly immediately take off to prepare to support the Uritsk theater again. The primary mission is to cover the counterattack of the ground armored forces and defeat the German ground forces!"

After hearing this, Chief of Staff Huo Jin was so shocked that his jaw dropped to the ground. He never expected that Zhukov, the commander of the front army, would make such a move at this critical moment. This was simply taking the head of the entire front army. The safety of the organization is a life-and-death gamble.

"Comrade Commander, do you want to think about it again? If you do this, you and the entire front command will lose the last air protection umbrella. As long as one of those German bombers flies over our heads, it will be an irreparable disaster. !”

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