Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 218 Iron Will

A series of 62mm warheads fired from the main gun's coaxial machine gun were like hitting jelly, easily piercing the chest of the seriously wounded German infantryman and claiming his life.

With blood splattered everywhere, his face looked slightly unwilling but more of pain, and he fell backwards. Iushkin, who had released the main cannon coaxial machine gun pedal under his feet, suddenly spoke uncharacteristically.

"I really don't understand whether these damn Germans are being manipulated or what, how they can be so crazy when they invade other people's motherland."

There was only one main gun breech as the distance between him and Iushkin, who was the gunner. After hearing everything Iushkin said, Malashenko immediately felt something.

"These guys are just pawns manipulated by the Nazi Party. Hitler twisted the ideals of serving the country and sacrifice of these young soldiers to realize his own political ambitions and personal desires."

"When I enter Berlin in the future, you may have the opportunity to catch Hitler in person and make him a prisoner of our Red Army. Then you can personally ask the fascist devil what method he used to brainwash these German soldiers."

As a later time traveler, Malashenko clearly understood the complete trend of the entire World War II, but the gunner Iushkin and other crew members, who were natives of this era, did not understand the reality.

In 1941, talking about conquering Berlin could only be regarded as a joke. After being stunned for a moment, the other crew members thought that Comrade Commander was just trying to boost morale and make a joke, and they all grinned in unison.

"Yes, Berlin, our goal should be Berlin!"

"I suggest Seryosha go full throttle and kick down the wall of Hitler's garden. I bet that fascist devil will be scared to death."

"The ** flag in Hitler's office should be made into a cleaning cloth. It must be very effective in cleaning the remaining gunpowder in the breech block."

The laughter amidst the huge roar of the diesel engine invisibly boosted morale. Malashenko, who was happy to see this scene, then returned to the topic with a raised corner of his mouth.

"Okay, comrades. We'll talk about kicking Hitler's butt later. Now we're going to smash the iron coffins of the German guys on the opposite side and reload them with armor-piercing bullets!"

Before he finished speaking, there was already movement on the German defensive positions. The tanks entrenched on both sides of the German defensive positions had begun to warm up and close their hatches to prepare for battle.

The armored force assigned to this German mixed battle group was actually half of an armored division that was temporarily transferred. Strictly speaking, it was not the brigade-level establishment mentioned in the previous report by Chief of Staff Hozin to Zhukov.

In 1941, the German army with complete combat capabilities and complete organizational structure had not yet adopted the brigade level as an armored force organization, which was actually a compressed organization of the original armored divisions. There were only pure armored divisions and those adapted from the original German cavalry units. The two armored force formations of the light armored division came.

This temporarily transferred half of the German armored division has about 70 to 80 tanks, which is roughly equivalent to a tank brigade-level establishment of the Soviet Red Army.

After receiving the aerial reconnaissance report from his own pilots, Chief of Staff Huo Zin, in order to facilitate understanding and discussion, directly assigned a brigade-level title to this German armored unit based on the organization method of the Red Army tank unit, to understand the specific details of the tank and armored units of the Soviet and German armies. Malashenko, who has different preparation methods and numbers, naturally knows what kind of opponent he will face.

The German armored forces, which have always advocated armor penetration and high-speed and flexible maneuvers, would not sit still and serve as fixed forts and wait for death even in positional defense battles.

Since the losses suffered by the armored forces in the previous offensive were minimal, Major General Fritz, who was in charge of commanding this German battle group, issued a letter to this half-division German armored force based on the current situation. Extremely aggressive, high-mobility defense orders.

Armored troops totaling half a division were evenly arranged on both sides of one's own defensive positions, waiting for opportunistic actions. Major General Fritz hoped that when one's own frontal defensive positions delayed the Soviet main force's attack and delayed the attack, he would The armored troops launched a pincer offensive at the same time on both sides of the position, outflanking the flanks and rear of the Soviet offensive troops.

By implementing high-mobility armored units to quickly intersperse and maneuver around, the main Soviet infantry group in the rear will be attacked from both sides, making it difficult to gather decisive attack forces in the main offensive direction, creating opportunities for the frontal defense positions to turn from defense to offense, and win time.

In the end, the Soviet infantry group, which was forced to fight on both sides, was unable to advance or retreat, and its morale was depleted due to being "encircled", in order to achieve the goal of dividing and surrounding the enemy's attacking forces, defeating them one by one, and finally counterattacking to win.

It has to be said that Major General Fritz, who was born in the Junkers aristocratic officer corps, can be said to be the epitome of the front-line generals of the German Wehrmacht during this period.

These veteran German soldiers who experienced the last world war were determined and fearless of powerful enemies. They had been working hard for decades just waiting for the glorious moment when they could regain their lost honor.

No matter how difficult and unfavorable the frontline battle is, it is difficult to overwhelm the fighting will of these veterans who are over 100 years old or even half a century old. The offensive and wildfire-like aggression tactics deliberately shaped by Hitler flow in the blood vessels of every iron-blooded body.

The older generation of German generals who had experienced the pitiful battles of World War I and were ultimately defeated alive knew better that only offense was the best defense.

Facing the massive Soviet counterattack, Major General Fritz is still trying to figure out how to turn defeat into victory.

This resolute and unyielding idea of ​​advocating offensive defeated the arrogant French and drove the British army, which was so proud that they never lowered their heads, back to their own small, shabby island.

Now, this German sword that has shattered powerful enemies in Western Europe one after another is about to face the most severe challenge since the day it was forged. A communist iron fist armed to the teeth with the red immortal will will fight back.

"The driver is ready to load armor-piercing shells, and the gunner will give priority to targeting Ivan's tanks."

The roaring gasoline engine burst out with a surging and powerful sound. The inferior quality of equipment could not stop the iron will of these German armored soldiers who were not afraid of powerful enemies. The dark gray cavalry had already leaped on their horses and raised their swords, waiting for the final moment to arrive.

Such a large-scale tactical arrangement of the German armored forces on the frontal battlefield could not escape Malashenko's eyes. Sima Zhao's well-known pincer offensive deployment did not require any further analysis.

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