Li Zhenhua was still thinking about other things in his mind, and at this moment, Doctor Fang and the others were already in the operating room, doing post-operation matters.

As for the surgeon himself, Wei Jiang has not yet come to his senses. The medical staff were divided into two teams, one team was still finishing the work, while the other team had already transferred Wei Jiang to the movable hospital bed and began to push Wei Jiang to the ICU.

When Wei Jiang was pushed out of the operating room, he woke up in his seat. It turned out that the operation had been completed before he knew it.

Shaking my head, I drove the things I was thinking out of my mind. At this time, it is reasonable to care about the things in front of me. As for the things I was thinking, I can wait until I go back to think about them.

And what he was thinking about was not at all something he could handle at this stage.

Seeing Wei Jiang being pushed to the ICU, he also hurriedly followed, and Dr. Fang also followed Wei Jiang, and they still had to carry out the subsequent nursing work by themselves.

After Wei Jiang was sent to the ICU, Doctor Fang made the final instructions before coming to Li Zhenhua again.

"Academician Li, I think we will temporarily stay at the hospital while Wei Jiang stays in the hospital, and we will not go back for the time being as for the beast of Kyushu.

After Wei Jiang leaves the ICU and is able to accept the normal environment, we will return to Kyushu Divine Beast again for the next work. "

Li Zhenhua nodded. After all, this operation is extremely important, and it is related to whether their clinical experiments can continue, so they still have to be cautious at this time.

"Okay, then you can just keep an eye on this side. You have worked hard during this time. But if you need anything, you can contact me at any time, or you can find Liu Xiaodong, Mr. Liu, and let him solve it for you."

"Well, I see." Doctor Fang responded briefly, and then told him about the operation just now.

"The implant surgery just performed on Wei Jiang is very successful so far, and it is no different from what we did on animals before.

As long as Wei Jiang's physical recovery can keep up, I think the mechanical prosthesis you presided over the research and development will be a success. Although it is a bit early, I still want to congratulate you!

Congratulations to Academician Li, who solved the problem of limb insufficiency mechanically. "

"Hehe, we're happy together!" Facing Doctor Fang's compliment, he smiled modestly, and didn't say anything else after that.

After explaining a few words to Dr. Fang at the end, he left the hospital with the future experimental subjects who came to see the operation on the 20th.

When they returned to the company, the twenty or so people continued to stay at the Kyushu Divine Beast, waiting for the follow-up number, and they were not idle during the waiting period.

For the project, they are just experimental subjects, and the only contribution they can make to the project is to ensure that their bodies are in the best condition.

All of them have worked hard to exercise, and the company's gym is almost occupied by these people, and this is the only thing they can do.

Li Zhenhua settled them down and returned to his private laboratory. Following Dr. Fang and the others to the hospital, his workshop regained its tranquility, and there were no longer as many people there as before.

Back in the office, I took a bottle of Toxinliang from the refrigerator, took a few sips on the sofa, then closed my eyes and began to think about my own affairs.

Now, even if the mechanical prosthesis is on the right track, Doctor Fang and the others are watching over the operation, so he doesn't need to worry too much, and all he has to do is to make mechanical prosthetics for the experimental subjects.

Moreover, it is time to consider the mass production of mechanical prosthetic limbs. Although he is not so eager, taking one step and thinking three steps is his consistent style of doing things.

But he didn't want to start research in this area right away. He remembered the incident when the director of the aircraft manufacturing workshop came to him.

Although the problem was solved by taking a shortcut at that time, it was not a long-term solution after all. If you want to solve this problem fundamentally, you still have to start with the machine tool.

So now, there are too few high-precision machine tools that can be used on aircraft, and for workers, not all workers can reach the level of eighth-level fitters, so if you want to mass-produce something, high-precision Machine tools are indispensable.

And there are many other factors restricting it. For example, if you have a machine tool, but you don't have a good set of cutting tools, you can't produce qualified products.

Thinking of this, he also had an idea in his heart. Since there is a lack of high-precision machine tools, it is enough to produce such machine tools.

Just like what he used in the company before, the machining accuracy of the machine tool has been improved by several levels. But looking back, it was unrealistic. After all, there was only one other person, and he didn't have the energy to upgrade the machine tool every day.

This is his other idea, which is to manufacture one or more machine tools with extremely high precision, and then use these machine tools to produce next-level machine tools. Now that he can reach the precision level of one nanometer, the produced Even if the machine tool does not reach one nanometer, it will still be at the nanometer level.

After having this kind of nano-level machine tool, it is estimated that the accuracy can also be ten nanometers if it is used to produce sub-level machine tools.

If there is such a machine tool, whether it is positional accuracy, surface roughness, etc., which all reach the nanometer level, then it will be another take-off for Kyushu.

There is nothing wrong with manufacturing ultra-high-precision machine tools, but the difficulty lies not in his manufacturing machine tools, but in the subsequent mass production of sub-level machine tools. This requires a manufacturer with extremely rich experience in machine tool production.

Thinking of this, he understood that he had no advantage in mass-manufacturing machine tools, so the solution was to cooperate with a well-known domestic machine tool factory.

And this also has an advantage, he doesn't need to manage the company, so it can be regarded as indirectly reducing his work, just like the company he co-founded with Changzi Auto before.

In the manufacture of machine tools, he has great confidence that he can make them, and with the addition of powered exoskeletons, it is no longer a problem to manufacture large-scale machine tools. With the existence of this core technology, he believes that he can cooperate with machine tool manufacturers The intention of cooperation can be achieved.

After the main body of the machine tool is done, then it is the problem of the tool. For the tool, the most important thing is the material. As long as the material is good, the tool made is of course not much worse.

The production of knives can also be mass-produced in a cooperative manner as previously thought.

Thinking of this, he has decided what he wants to do next, which is to improve Kyushu's processing accuracy on a large scale, and use completely domestically produced ultra-high-precision machine tools to let Kyushu industry take a small leap forward again.

After wanting to understand these, and he has a general plan in mind, the rest is to execute. Although there will be difficulties in the middle of implementation, it is better to have a direction than to have no direction.

He opened his eyes again on the sofa, feeling the warmth in his hands and the coldness in his heart, raised his head and poured it into his stomach, burped for a long time, crushed the soda can and threw it into the side garbage can.

With a plan, a direction and a goal, he also has the motivation to move forward again. He had already thought about the days ahead, devoting all his energy to the manufacture of mechanical prosthetics during the day, and at night he began to research ultra-high-precision machine tools.

Whether it is machine tools such as turning, milling, planing, grinding, drilling, and boring, or their higher-level machining centers, he must design them according to the highest standards. Not only that, he has to figure out large and small ones.

With a clear idea, he also returned to the workshop and continued to manufacture the mechanical prosthetics of the remaining experimental subjects.

When he was thinking about these things, in the ICU ward of the County People's Hospital, Wei Jiang's eyelids moved slightly, which was obviously a sign that he was about to wake up.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Wei Jiang to wake up. When he woke up, he didn't feel much pain. This was because the anesthesia on his arm hadn't passed yet.

After regaining his sanity, he looked towards the area on his arm, only to see that the affected area was tightly bandaged, and he couldn't see what was going on inside.

After he woke up, Doctor Fang, who was standing by, hurried over to ask him how he felt, and Wei Jiang also told Doctor Fang about his feelings one by one.

Afterwards, there was nothing special, only changing the dressing and training, and when they were trained enough to be able to contact the external environment, they would be transferred from the hospital back to the Kyushu Divine Beast.

On the second day after Wei Jiang stayed in the ICU, he was able to get out of bed and move around. After all, he didn't move any organs. As far as the upper limbs were moved, it didn't affect his movements at all.

And on this day, the anesthesia on his affected area also passed away. Dr. Fang gave him an analgesic pump and asked him to use it when he couldn't bear it. Helps wounds heal faster.

On the seventh day, after several dressing changes, his wound recovered well, and Wei Jiang, who was able to withstand the external environment, left the hospital and returned to the Kyushu Divine Beast under the care of Dr. Fang and the others.

It is said that the muscles and bones are injured for a hundred days, not to mention that Wei Jiang has undergone amputation again this time? So his recovery time was also longer, much longer than the recovery time of the animals.

Also because Wei Jiang was able to communicate with Dr. Fang in a timely manner, this also allowed them to collect a lot of postoperative experiences of the surgeons after the operation.

With the gradual recovery of Wei Jiang's arm, all his feelings have been collected. His feelings are good suggestions for improvement in the follow-up surgery.

When he returned to the Kyushu Divine Beast for training, Li Zhenhua also built all the subsequent twenty-two mechanical prosthetic limbs of the experimental subjects. At that time, the scene was also extremely spectacular.

If it weren't for the appearance of these prosthetics, which are all made of metal, and it can be seen at a glance that they are prosthetics, then if they are seen by others, they will definitely be regarded as the role of a perverted murderer.

Who would a normal person have nothing to do with these things that look like human limbs?

After he handed over all the prosthetic limbs to Dr. Fang, he felt as if he suddenly had nothing to do. He was suddenly free, and he didn't plan to start the business of machine tools immediately.

After all, the affairs of the machine tool are not a small project. There are many things involved in it, and there are many aspects that need to be resolved. Moreover, it is not only finished after he manufactures it, but there is also the matter of finding a cooperative manufacturer in the future.

This time, he had no idea at all. It was different from the previous cooperation with Zhangzi Automobile. At that time, Zhangzi Automobile took the initiative to find them and cooperate with them. Now, there is only an idea in his mind, and he wants to find a partner. It's not an easy thing.

So at that time, all energy will be devoted to it, so it is not suitable for crossing with mechanical prosthetics.

So he has entered a window of time now, so he wants to find something to do for himself to pass the time, otherwise he can't keep pushing Li Yun hard.

Even if he was willing, and Li Yun was willing, they couldn't bear it themselves. As the saying goes, only exhausted cows have no plowed land, so he must be the one who can't hold it, not Li Yun. Bleeding is not certain.

After thinking about it, he finally thought of something that should have been done a long time ago. This is his own private matter, so he has been procrastinating in his heart.

But now I have time ~ ~ then proceed to solve it.

Then he started planning on paper, first writing the title on the paper. "Li Li's Wedding"

From the scale of the wedding, who needs to be invited, where to hold it, hotel specifications and so on, everything is listed on the paper.

As long as he thought of something, it was on the paper, and before he knew it, the A4 paper filled three sheets.

When he stopped writing and looked at the paper filled with writing in his hand, he realized that he seemed like a fool. The wedding was a matter between the two of them, not himself, so these things could be discussed with Li Yun.

Then he called Li Yun and asked her to get off work early and tell her something when she got home.

Afterwards, the two left the company one after another and rushed home. When they got home, Li Zhenhua didn't say anything. He took Li Yun to sit on the sofa in the living room, and took the three pieces of paper he had written down on the sofa. In front of Li Yun.

Li Yun looked at him suspiciously. "What is this? It's so formal, why don't you tell me directly?"

Seeing Li Yun asking him a question, he suddenly wanted to take a stab at it, and then he straightened his face and said to Li Yun who was opposite Yu Jiefeng, "I'm tired, let's get a divorce!"

After hearing what he said, her face immediately changed from doubt to incredulity, and at the same time, Li Yun's eyes turned red and were filled with tears.

When Li Zhenhua saw Li Yun's expression, he couldn't hold back immediately. This guy made people cry.

Suddenly I feel that my brain is really not working, how can I take this skin? Immediately wanted to comfort Li Yun, but before he could make a move, Li Yun on the opposite side rushed towards him and pressed on his body.

Then I felt a very painful feeling on my arm!

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