Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop

Chapter 244: Professor Luo's choice!

In fact, from the most fundamental point of view, the powered exoskeleton armor he created is actually the same type of thing as the space suit.

It's just two branches of this technology tree, one focuses on external power and armor protection, and the other focuses on life support systems.

It's just a difference in focus, but now Academician Luo has seen the advantages of the powered exoskeleton armor, and wants to combine the two branches together to achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

After understanding these things, he will have a bottom line in his heart, and now it depends on who the two sides are upgrading on the basis of.

If it is upgraded on Academician Luo's space suit, it will inevitably make the space suit more bloated; if it is actually upgraded on his Chi You power armor, although it wants to achieve the final effect, it will definitely increase in size , but the foundation is not too far off the mark.

In his heart, he is actually more inclined to optimize the life support system and other aspects on the basis of power armor, but as of now, the two sides have not collided, and no one is sure whether to continue research and development in that area.

Now, only when Academician Luo has finished researching his data can he really make up his mind and see whose basis the optimization is based on.

In the next few days, he was still the same as before. Although he had thoroughly studied all the materials, Academician Luo hadn't read them all yet, so he could only wait.

Although he continued to look at the data during the day, he was actually fishing for fish. The time he really did research was when he entered the virtual laboratory at night.

In the virtual laboratory that night, he first presented his Chi You power armor in front of him.

Looking at the armor in front of him that looked like a future warrior, he was still a little proud, and then he drove this emotion out of his mind. Now is not the time for him to feel grateful for his achievements.

Next, he took out his tools and started working on the armor. The mighty power armor was dismantled little by little under his hands.

Seeing that only the powered exoskeleton with reinforced brackets remained in front of him, Wei Wei felt dazed. Although he already had some ideas, these ideas were not very mature.

And these thoughts are just some assumptions he has made about the materials he can access at present, and these ideas may be discarded in the later stage as more and more contacts are made later.

But there is one thing that is common. It can be said that all design work is common, and that is the details. It is said that details determine success or failure, and it is even more important to put it on the space suit.

As long as all the details are considered, the designed spacesuit will have fewer errors when it is used in space.

This small mistake on the ground may be nothing, but in the vacuum environment of space, the consequences of a small mistake will be unaffordable to anyone.

And what he is doing now is to optimize the Chi You power armor he made before from the tiny details, and optimize those innocuous details and minor problems that were found on Chi You power armor before.

This optimization is a whole night. Don't think that this whole night is not much time, but don't forget that the time flow rate in the virtual laboratory is different.

The joints are not flexible, continue to study the joints of crustaceans, and find inspiration for optimization; the helmet has a poor view, optimize the helmet design, and increase the proportion of transparent alloys; in a dark environment, the light is insufficient, increase the strong light source ······

Many deficiencies in the armor were proposed and optimized by him. There were more than a hundred problems found on the entire armor, large and small, and he found solutions to them.

He was working hard in the virtual laboratory. Academician Luo was not idle after getting the materials. After all, he was the one who proposed the project. Be extra careful and careful.

After working overtime to study the data, Academician Luo also had a deeper understanding of the powered exoskeleton armor, anyway, it was enough for the upgrade of the spacesuit later.

When Academician Luo finished researching all the materials, half a month had passed since Li Zhenhua came over. His research of materials also meant that the project could really start.

For Li Zhenhua, this is also the first time he has participated in other people's projects. All the things he created before were all in his own way. Now he is working in the same direction as everyone else. once.

In fact, this is also good for him, and he also learned from Academician Luo how to coordinate management and conduct research and development in a multi-person project.

In fact, in his heart, he is also very interested in this R&D team model, not because he feels that he is inferior to the team model, but because it is a bit against the sky for him to conquer a project by himself.

And in the team, when Bao Buqi can collide with a better direction, this advantage is something he doesn't have alone.

On this day, Academician Luo read all the materials and called all the people involved in the project together, and the next step was the official start of the project.

Academician Luo sat at the head, with a computer in front of him. He was connecting the computer to the projector, and then he started to talk when he saw that everyone was present.

"When everyone has arrived, let's have a formal meeting. First of all, we need to give this project a name. Everyone knows that the space suit we studied this time is going to be used for the moon landing plan.

Then I will call it the Wu Gang spacesuit project, and everyone has no objections!

Hehe, in fact, this name was only inspired by Academician Li. "

After speaking, he glanced at the expressions of everyone at the scene, and found that no one expressed any opinions, and seeing that Li Zhenhua didn't say anything, the name of the spacesuit was decided.

Wu Gang's conquest of laurel is one of the most famous stories about the moon.

"Then everyone knows that our next step is to combine Academician Li's powered exoskeleton armor with our spacesuit to make our spacesuit even better.

Now let’s move on to the first topic, which is also a topic for us to determine the general direction. Which base is more suitable for the optimization of the space suit as a prototype? Let’s discuss it, and please speak freely! "

Li Zhenhua sat in his seat, quietly listening to Academician Luo's words, feeling that a hero sees the same thing in his heart.

Sure enough, Academician Luo didn't build it, and he grasped the key point when he came up. If this point can't be solved, and the direction of the workpiece can't be determined, then their current road will be bumpy.

After Academician Luo finished speaking and posed the first question, everyone present began to chatter and discuss.

This kind of discussion didn't last long, and soon everyone calmed down again. Academician Luo looked at the quiet look of everyone, knowing that everyone should have finished the discussion, and made a choice accordingly.

"It seems that everyone has thought about it, so let's talk about it and see what everyone thinks, which one is more suitable."

However, Academician Luo's words did not get a response from everyone present, and everyone was afraid to speak.

In fact, Academician Luo understood their behavior very well. After all, these people don't think comprehensively about such directional things, so let the old man decide. As the saying goes: An old family is like a treasure.

Another reason is that no one knows whether there will be a rift between Academician Luo and Academician Li over this issue.

So at this time, don't just support blindly, don't stand in line, the confrontation between the big guys is not something they can participate in.

Academician Luo looked at everyone and said nothing, although he understood in his heart, but he couldn't do nothing like this!

"It seems that everyone is quite nervous, so we won't let everyone speak on stage. Let's write on paper. Writing is always possible."

Soon everyone moved, and now that they are more inclined to that plan or the anonymous mode, this saves everyone from worrying about the future.

In the end, everyone's choices were all gathered together. Academician Luo held them in his hand and looked at these notes. Most of the notes were based on space suits.

Only a very few people choose to upgrade and optimize based on Chiyou's power armor.

Looking at such a result in his hands, Academician Luo didn't have any surprises in his heart, because these people in the team had been researching traditional space suits before.

But it is also a bit disappointing, because only a very small number of people are still enterprising, and most people are a little too steady.

It is inappropriate to say that they are sticking to the rules, thinking that they are also innovating on traditional space suits, so it can only be described as robust.

Speaking of academician Luo's own choice of spacesuit direction, he is also more inclined to optimize and upgrade on the basis of power armor.

why? Because he also believes that the research and development direction based on power armor will be the mainstream in the future, and it will also be the final appearance of space suits in the future. Who doesn't want their own solutions to be more advanced?

It can only be said that the current space suit is a transition.

But the situation they are facing now makes him a little difficult to handle. After all, most people choose the direction of traditional space suits.

Generally speaking, the minority should obey the majority, but in scientific research, sometimes the truth is not in the hands of the majority.

As the person in charge of the project, Academician Luo tended to choose the direction of power armor research and development, but he did not communicate with the team in advance. Li Zhenhua's body, as the source of another direction, saw him as if he had found a breakthrough point.

"Okay, I have seen everyone's opinions, and I will not announce it now, because everyone is making a choice based on previous knowledge, then let Academician Li talk about the relevant knowledge of power armor, and then we will introduce The direction is set."

‘Is there anything else I do here? '

Originally sitting on the sidelines only waiting for Academician Luo to announce the final result, now that he was asked to tell himself, he looked at Academician Luo with some surprise.

After careful consideration of Academician Luo's words, he understood that the choices of the people at the scene did not meet Academician Luo's expectations. He wanted him to explain the power armor technology clearly and let everyone make a new choice!

But this only let him speak, and Academician Luo did not reveal his attitude, which made him somewhat at a loss as to what to say, if he pushed the matter to a place that did not meet Academician Luo's expectations, would he offend others.

He couldn't help but think a little too much. This was actually the reason why he had always done research by himself before and didn't want others to get involved. Even if he wanted to form a team, he had to do what he said.

Seeing Academician Luo looking at him, he also knew what to say.

'Forget it, don't think about it, just talk about it according to the actual situation, let's die! '

"Then let me tell you about the technology I have mastered and the advantages of using power armor on space suits.

Powered exoskeleton armor, as you can tell from its name, has a certain protection ability and power, and in terms of power, the current one should be better.

Having power means strong maneuverability, large load capacity, and can provide more power to the user.

Then explain the other word of the name - armor. It can be understood literally, and the protection ability will definitely not be bad. The power armor I made for experiments can protect against bullets below 12.7mm.

In terms of protection and safety, I think it should have a better protection level than traditional space suits.

There are advantages, but there are disadvantages. If the foundation of power armor is used for development, then the task load will be huge. If the life support system of the space suit is added to it, it can be regarded as a redesign.

That's all I can say, Academician Luo, what do you think? "

After speaking, he looked at Academician Luo again, and Academician Luo also listened to his words. These words were obviously spoken from a neutral perspective, and he did not give a biased narration just because the power armor belonged to him.

Then Academician Luo took over the conversation and watched the crowd start talking again.

"Academician Li just made it clear to everyone, now let me talk about my choice! In fact, I want to choose the direction of power armor to optimize and upgrade."

After Academician Luo finished speaking, everyone showed shocked expressions. None of them really thought that the chief designer of the traditional spacesuit would abandon his own design and choose an unfamiliar direction instead. .

Even Li Zhenhua would be But after thinking about it, I realized that Academician Luo is the kind of person who seriously considers the development of space suits, and he will not exclude good things for other reasons , just like inviting Li Zhenhua over this time.

"Haha, look at your shocked expressions, you didn't expect me to make such a choice!

In fact, my choice is not complicated. I am completely thinking about the future of space suits. I think that in the future, we will definitely enter the space age.

In the space age, the spacesuits worn by people will definitely have combat capabilities. For the space operations that we will inevitably avoid in the future, we choose spacesuits that are more suitable for combat conditions.

This is our ultimate path in the future, so I think traditional space suits are bound to fail to keep up with the times.

So in order to have a passive situation at that time, it is better for us to take the initiative to move closer to that direction now! "

When Academician Luo finished speaking, all eyes changed from doubt to admiration.


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