Starting Off With A Blacksmith Workshop

Chapter 220: Let's make toys (2)

Latest URL: Seeing Fan holding two books, one big and one small, his eyes fixed on them, becoming a little blurred.

He was indifferent to this before, but as his mind gradually matured, he became very cognizant of this issue.

The reason is nothing else, just because in Kyushu, they are really serious about something.

And when he was fascinated by it, the dean next to him said again: "Okay, don't read it, it has already been sent to you, and I can take it back for you. You can appreciate it slowly when you go back.

And about the award you won, you know it before, this is the highest honor for scientific and technological workers in Kyushu.

So far, a total of 44 scientific workers in Kyushu have won this honor, and you are one of them. You are proud enough.

In fact, for the achievements you have made, you deserve this award.

Well, let's watch the award ceremony later, oh yes, I forgot to tell you, after the ceremony is over, I will take you to the award work office to receive your medal and the corresponding bonus! "

After listening to the dean's words, he also felt honored. You must know that this is the highest honor for scientists in the entire Kyushu.

Who has won this award? The list of winners will not be listed one by one, anyway, the first winner is Mr. Yuan.

The honor he has obtained now is a figure who can stand alongside the old man.

As for the bonus mentioned by the dean, this is not important to him, because he is not short of money.

No matter what, he is also the chairman of Kyushu Divine Beast. He may not be ranked in the whole Kyushu in terms of social value, but he can still be ranked in the province.

The award ceremony was still going on, and the Grand Master issued certificates to the winners one by one on the stage.

The awards were presented very quickly, and everyone's certificates were issued immediately, leaving only the final group photo session.

And Li Zhenhua, as the only winner of the Kyushu Highest Science and Technology Award every year, is fortunate to stand beside the big leader.

After taking a huge horizontal photo, this awards ceremony is considered to be completely over.

After the leader left, the dean took him to the reward work office to collect the remaining things that belonged to him.

After the staff knew who he was, they received him very warmly, and handed over his medal and a check for a prize of 8 million yuan to him face to face.

When he came out of the synagogue, he had a large notebook in his hand and a small notebook in his pocket.

As for the medal, he was holding it in his hand, and the check was in the big book.

Anyway, his hands are not empty, it can be said that he has returned with a full load, and he has also thought about it, he will not cash that check, anyway, he does not lack the eight million, and when he returns, he will have the check framed.

Together with the honorary certificates and medals he received, they were all placed in the company's honor room, and when the photos were developed, they were hung up in a place in the company together with the photos.

When he received the highest science and technology award, this trip to Peiping was successfully concluded, and he still had a lot of knowledge in his mind, which was invaluable to him.

Returning to the residence, I told Ning Wei and the others to pack up their things, and they were ready to go back.

After explaining to several people, he went to the dean's office to say goodbye.

After dealing with all the matters in Beiping, Li Zhenhua embarked on the return journey. This time he did not choose to take the plane, but chose to take a car and run back at high speed with Ning Wei and the six.

After leaving the capital city and taking the expressway, the distance is only more than 400 kilometers. The distance is not too far. Keeping a constant speed of 120 kilometers, you can get home in about four to five hours.

After he got in the car, he closed his eyes and immersed himself in the virtual laboratory in his mind, planning the powered exoskeleton he was going to make when he went back.

In the virtual laboratory, he arranged the surrounding environment like a library. In the entire space, whether he understood it or not, he embodied all the books he had come into contact with.

Now the collection of books here is almost catching up with a medium-sized library.

And he was sitting in front of the table, and the white paper in front of him was densely written with his plans after returning to the district.

Just as he was planning the development plan for the powered exoskeleton, his external senses were urging him to withdraw from the laboratory as soon as possible.

When he opened his eyes again and looked out the window, he realized that the car had stopped at some point, and stopped on the expressway.

And when he looked towards the front of the car, he realized that the traffic jam was extremely serious, but he didn't know what happened in his position.

At this time, he could only wait in the car, quietly waiting for the road ahead to clear.

But after waiting for half an hour, the cars in front were still blocked, and they didn't know what happened, which made him a little depressed.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well choose to fly, because traffic jams on the road are a waste of time.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the convoy in front was finally moving slowly. Seeing the slow-moving team, he felt a little better.

When his car moved forward slowly and finally passed the location that caused the traffic jam, it turned out that there was a car accident.

I saw that the road at the scene was covered with fine sand, and the truck blocking the road had been moved to the side, and it was a bus that collided with the big truck.

Just when he was wondering what happened, a piece of news popped up on his mobile phone. There was a car accident on the Beijing-Taiwan Expressway, which described in detail what happened.

A total of three people were killed and six lost limbs in the aftermath. One of the most serious people was thrown out of the car because he was not wearing a seat belt in the passenger car, when he was thrown out of the window.

His entire arm was worn away in the friction between the bus and the ground.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but feel that this life is really too difficult, and life is also very fragile, and if he is not careful, he will encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters.

When he passed the scene of the car accident, the speed of the car immediately increased, and under the influence of the news just now, he firmly fixed himself in the seat with the seat belt.

The team returned to his company in the afternoon, but after the car accident he never quit in this emotion, still immersed in it.

He returned home in a daze, washed up briefly, and sat quietly on the sofa, thinking about what happened before.

He always felt like there was something he could do, especially after seeing the mutilated limbs described in the car accident.

He couldn't get to the point when he thought about it, but when he closed his eyes on the sofa again and didn't intend to continue thinking about it, the powered exoskeleton he had been researching recently appeared in his mind.

I saw him who was still very decadent sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, suddenly stood up from the sofa, his eyes were still wide open.

"That's right, my next step is to research and develop powered exoskeleton armor. As long as this thing can be produced, I can completely develop a prosthesis, or a high-tech prosthesis based on it."

He finally wanted to understand why he felt that he could do something. It turned out that he could completely transform the exoskeleton armor he was about to develop into a prosthetic limb after modification.

Thinking about it this way, the more he thinks about it, the more he thinks it's crazy. Now the powered exoskeleton is not just a toy he wants to make for himself.

He identified the greatest value of this project, which is to assist the disabled to regain their lost physical mobility. Of course, the main target group is those who have lost their upper limbs.

The more I thought about it, the more I thought about it, but it didn't take long for me to regain my senses and put these fantasies behind me.

‘Don’t think too much about it. For now, it’s time to consider how to get the powered exoskeleton out. As for the research and development of prosthetics,

The technology in this promotion direction is the last research and development that needs to be carried out! '

While he was still thinking about this, the door was pushed open, and he opened his eyes from the sofa to see Li Yun standing at the door.

Seeing Li Yun came back, he didn't continue to think about his plan, and immediately stood up on the sofa and walked towards the beautiful lady.

The two of them didn't have dinner at home that night. They waited for Li Yun to change into a new suit. They went to the county town to have dinner and watch a movie after dinner.

That night was another dark battle, and he had accumulated homework for more than two months and handed it in at once.

After Li Yun checked all his homework, the two embraced and fell asleep, but he did not choose to fall asleep directly.

He got into the virtual laboratory and started the research and development of the powered exoskeleton, while his body entered a deep sleep, which can be said to be a perfect combination of sleep and work.

In the same library-style space that had materialized, he sat at the desk and designed the powered exoskeleton from scratch.

Powered exoskeletons, to put it bluntly, are still wearable equipment for the human body, and belong to the same type as smart watches and vr eyes, but it is not so appropriate to say that they are the same kind of thing.

There are several goals achieved by this equipment, such as increasing strength, increasing speed, improving jumping ability, and giving people a strength to rely on.

In the previous understanding, it is not that no one is researching this kind of powered exoskeleton, and many research institutions in the world are conducting research in this direction.

Their main application direction of this equipment is to determine in terms of warfare. Letting soldiers wear this equipment can enable soldiers to obtain more powerful individual combat capabilities, so this equipment is also called individual exoskeleton. .

However, his first goal was not the military direction. His original intention was only to enable himself to gain greater strength in assembling large-scale equipment.

As for the application in the military direction, it can be improved after it is successfully developed, which does not mean that it cannot be used in the military at all.

The first thing to do is the design of the mechanical part, and he is still very good at this aspect.

In terms of mechanics, the first thing he has to solve is the transmission system, which direction should he choose for development.

The two most reliable solutions, one is to use a hydraulic system, while the other is to use a pneumatic system.

If you don't understand it that well, the principle is actually the same as that of an excavator, except that the mechanical arm of the excavator has been reduced and improved into a mechanical arm that can be worn by the human body.

The power source on the excavator is changed from a diesel engine to a small electric motor distributed throughout the exoskeleton system.

Regarding the two reversals of the power output system, he has not yet made up his mind. Hydraulic pressure and air pressure each have their own advantages.

Advantages of the hydraulic system: stable transmission, high driving rigidity, high response speed, and infinitely variable transmission;

But the disadvantages are also obvious to all, that is, it is easy to cause oil leakage, which affects its performance, is sensitive to pollution, requires high purity of hydraulic oil, and the temperature also has a great impact on the hydraulic system.

Compared with the hydraulic system, the pneumatic system is faster in action, and the cost of the control components is also low and the structure is simple.

The disadvantage is that the movement is extremely unstable, the driving rigidity is insufficient, and the precision control is not as good as the hydraulic system.

Listing the advantages and disadvantages of these two systems one by one, compared with each other, he chose the hydraulic system as the main transmission system.

The main reason is the high rigidity of the drive, which also means that it is more reliable than the pneumatic system.

As for the shortcomings of the hydraulic system, he just needs to solve them one by one, otherwise there is no challenge at all, and there is not much motivation to do it.

After the hydraulic system is determined, the rest is easy to talk about, at least there is a research and development direction.

With the in-depth research and development of the powered exoskeleton, he also developed the power source needed for it.

The power source is a small electric motor. For small electric motors, when he finished the helicopter model before, he produced a 2.6kw electric motor with 3.5 horsepower.

However, this kind of motor is still a little too big to be used on a powered exoskeleton, so this kind of motor can only be used on main branches, and it is not suitable for places that require small power.

So he also needs to develop a micro motor for the powered exoskeleton, and not only the micro and small motors used everywhere, he also needs to design a motor as the main power source.

Then he started with the power and started the research and development of the power exoskeleton.

As an active power source, there is only one requirement for it, that is, the power must be large enough and the horsepower must be strong enough.

Only in this way can the designed exoskeleton armor allow people to lift heavier things, run faster and jump farther.

So he showed the two electric tools that he had designed and used on the Baihu 200.

On this basis, the active power source used by the exoskeleton should be gradually optimized.

When he started research in this area, he also felt more and more that staying in Peiping for two months was not in vain.

Because now when he looks at the two motors designed before, he can suddenly know what can be improved on the motor.

This is the effect he showed in his training in Peiping. For the two previous motors, Li Zhenhua first optimized them.

But it's just optimization. He doesn't want to apply it to the market now. As a qualified company owner, he must learn how to squeeze toothpaste.

What's more, if the motor is updated now, those who have already bought a car in the market will definitely have opinions.

And the motor he optimized this time, even if it is the company's technical reserve, can be used at any time if he wants to use it later.

ps: This chapter counts as the update on the 1st


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