Start your adventure with American TV series

Chapter 166 Research on Richard Crawford

"It's tens of meters high. It's like a giant. We can't let it move forward."

Realizing that the big boss's route would definitely pass through the supermarket, Locke couldn't help but frown, and while others couldn't see his movements in the thick fog, he quickly arrived more than a hundred meters away.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

With a series of gunshots, the surrounding monsters that were alarmed by Locke fell to the ground. Then Locke took out a rocket launcher and aimed at the boss in the distance.


The rocket launcher quickly locked onto the target and hit the target with a tail flame.


A voice with strong anger rang out. The boss looked similar to a goat, with four eyes on its huge head, long horns, and six legs. One foot was as big as two buses side by side. The car is about the same,

Every move it made would cause devastating damage to the nearby area, and its senses did not seem to be affected by the fog. It realized that Locke was the culprit of causing his pain, and changed its direction and walked towards Locke.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The super huge goat came towards Locke. Locke could only run at full speed, guiding the goat to three or four kilometers away. Suddenly, the ring on his hand flashed.

"Brush!" Locke's figure appeared on the opponent's head, making this guy's four eyes lose sight.

In anger, the huge goat began to trample all around. Every time it stepped on the ground, it would cause strong damage and vibration to the surrounding area.

Although this guy seems to be a little slow because of his large size, with such a big body, he can move dozens of meters away, so ordinary people can't even think about escaping.

With such a huge size, it can be regarded as a little monster in the Ultraman series. I don't know what kind of environment it is that can raise such a being at the top of the food chain.

That is to say, Locke runs with all his strength so that he can keep holding the opponent's hand.

All the monsters scattered around the giant goat, but Locke, who was sitting on his head at this time, seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll.

Looking at the time, it was still more than an hour before the return. Locke also noticed the situation a few kilometers away. As the vanguard, the army with several tanks and armored vehicles as the core was clearing away the surrounding monsters.

All kinds of artillery fire and RPG firepower came on stage one after another. This was also in line with the US military's habit of plowing the enemy with saturation firepower several times, and then the soldiers moved forward to mop up the enemy.

After all, they are just ordinary gigantic creatures, and they have no special abilities. If a modern and well-equipped army cannot solve them, it is just a joke.

For example, a few hundred meters ahead, an ostrich-like monster more than ten meters tall was knocked down by a few shells from a tank and went straight to heaven.

At this time, the US military seemed to have discovered this super giant goat.

Realizing that the roaring artillery fire was coming this way, Locke quickly activated the Disapparation again, and activated it twice in succession. He came to 700 to 800 meters away before looking at the goat monster again.

The goat ghost who was attacked by various artillery fire roared angrily again, even temporarily covering up the roar of the artillery fire.

The bone-like skin on the outside of this goat monster is indeed hard enough. Locke can see that the shelling effect of ordinary tanks is very small, just like the rocket he fired just now, it only makes this guy feel pain.

The angry goat monster seemed to have found a target to vent its hatred, and rushed towards the vanguard in front of it.

Seeing a hill rushing toward them, they managed to launch another round of attacks. The vanguard of the group was rushed to the front by the giant goat monster.

With its terrifying tonnage, the goat monster flattened several tanks and armored vehicles, and the land was flattened.

But it was not the vanguard of the Army that had the strongest firepower of the U.S. military. The Air Force, which received the distress signal, quickly locked onto this super-large goat monster.

Aiming at this guy were two of the latest heavy missiles. Just one of them could destroy all targets within a few hundred meters.

The ear-piercing explosion sounded loudly, and Locke saw that the goat monster's extremely hard bone shell instantly fell into pieces, and the fierce fire shrouded the huge mountain-like body.

After swaying for a while, the goat monster finally fell to the ground with a plop, hitting a large number of houses.


Locke took a breath and looked at the time. It was only about an hour away. He quickly returned to the supermarket and was surrounded by a group of people asking questions.

Locke just said that he saw a very large monster running in one direction, and didn't say much else. After waiting in the supermarket for a while, he received a notification that the mission was completed.

According to the system prompts, he can stay for up to three months, after which he will be forcibly deported.

Without choosing to stay longer, Locke directly chose to return to the world of American TV series and appeared again in the room of the manor on Kensington Garden Street.

At this time, Locke was in the mood to check his gains. He couldn't help but laugh out loud with a total of 4780 potential points. This was the first time he had received so many rewards in a mission.

Thinking that his job as a nanny for the past three days was not in vain, Locke ran to the bathroom to clean himself. He hadn't taken a shower in three days and still felt something strange about his body.

After taking a shower, he came out and checked the time. It was already early in the morning. He simply took a nap. He had been tense for three days and had his magic induction turned on at all times. The pressure and consumption on Locke was still quite high.

He slept until nine o'clock in the morning, and was not woken up until the maid in the manor notified Laura of a call.

"What's the matter? Why do you have to ask me to come over?"

Arriving at Crawford Manor, Locke asked Laura.

"Follow me!" Laura took Locke to the study room in the villa and showed Locke some books on the desk:

"In the past few days, I have been researching some legends about Queen Himihu, and I found that many of them were found by my parents, as well as my father's research notes. Take a look here."

Laura pointed to some research records: “According to records, Himiko was the queen of the Yamatai Kingdom in Japan’s Yayoi period.

She became the queen at the age of 17, and then a great war broke out in Japan. The lords from all over the country fought against each other, and finally they all respected Mihu as the king.

There are also records in the history of the Eastern Kingdom. She once paid tribute to the emperor of the Eastern Kingdom at that time and received a reward. The record said that she was a ghost and could confuse people. She had grown up and had no husband. She had a male brother to rule the country. , since he became king, he has rarely been seen.

Japanese records of this queen are more like myths and legends, saying that she was a witch with powerful magic, able to control natural forces, drive ghosts, and have the ability to reincarnate.

Legend has it that Queen Himihu reincarnated many times, but once her life came to an end, she never reincarnated again. After that, strong winds continued around Yamatai, and there were heavy rain, lightning, and ice and snow on the island from time to time.

Even now, there is a sea area near Yamatai that is shrouded in strong winds all year round. Ships that approach it will be torn apart by the storm and tsunamis. It is called the Devil's Dragon Triangle by many locals. "

After Locke finished reading, Laura said: "The records here are too outrageous, how can there be witches in this world?

Did you hear what my father said? Why did he write this in his research notes? ! This is not scientific at all! "

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