Seeing Locke's intention to shirk, the king frowned slightly, then smiled and said: "I understand your concerns. You can stay in the palace now and think about it slowly."

"This is my honor, His Majesty the King." Locke nodded and agreed.

After finishing the conversation with the king, Locke was led by the guards to a room in the palace to rest.

After the guards left, Locke left behind a phantom. The real body had used invisibility to quietly come to the king's room and watched as a guard brought a plate of covered dishes and placed it in front of the king.

After the guards left, the king opened the lid and revealed what was on the plate, which was the body of a white snake.

The white snake had not been cooked in any way and was still raw. The king just took the knife and fork, cut the white snake open, and put a piece of bloody snake meat into his mouth.

The king's behavior verified Locke's guess that he was the king in the fairy tale White Snake, but Locke still couldn't help complaining: "You can eat the white snake raw like this, and you are not afraid of the parasites inside."

Of course, the king has been eating raw snake meat for many years, and there is nothing wrong now, so there is probably no need to worry about this problem. Locke also knows that it is precisely through these snake meat that the king can be famous for his wisdom throughout the country.

After eating the snake meat, the king began to speak softly. Soon, a little mouse ran out and made a squeaking sound.

The two sides started a conversation, and Locke soon understood that the king was letting the mouse spy on him.

"Sure enough, this is the source of the king's 'wisdom'. Relying on these white snake meats, the king has the ability to talk to animals."

With a smile on his face, Locke quietly left and returned to the room assigned to him by the king.

As expected, it didn't take long for him to notice the mouse getting in from a mouse hole in the room, hiding in the corner and secretly observing Locke.

With a sneer in his heart, Locke didn't seem to notice anything, so he cleaned up and rested.

In the next few days, there will be different visitors around Locke every day, including mice, birds, and ducks. It can be said to be extremely lively.

The king proudly thought he controlled Locke's every move, but he didn't know that his every word and deed was under Locke's magical surveillance.

This king is an ordinary person, and there is no magician in the entire palace, so it is impossible to detect Locke's magic.

These days, Locke received warm hospitality and ardent requests from the king every day, telling the rebels their shamelessness and hoping that Locke would help eliminate the rebels.

As time went by, Locke's pretense gradually wavered, and he seemed to be gradually convinced by the king, but he despised the king in his heart.

He thought it was pitiful, but Locke didn't know that the reason why those rebels appeared was because the king's ancestors were arrogant and extravagant, causing anger and resentment.

You must know that in order to guide Snow White, Locke knew the history of several surrounding countries.

In addition to monitoring the king, Locke has also done another thing these days, which is to find the source of the white snakes that the king eats.

It turns out that a special knight will deliver the white snake to the palace every day

Following this line, Locke continued to track and search, and found that these white snakes were given to the knights by different people every day.

After these people sent the white snake, they left and quietly sneaked into the royal city where the king said the rebels were.

Because he couldn't leave for too long, Locke could only sense the approximate location through the magic mark, thinking that he would definitely go there to find out if he had the opportunity in the future.

Until one day, when Locke was monitoring the conversation between the king and the queen, he heard them talking about something. A happy smile suddenly appeared on Locke's face.

It turned out that the queen told the king that her ring was missing. After thinking about it, the king began to doubt his most trusted honest guard Jim.

It seems that Jim is the guard who stole the king's white snake meat in the fairy tale. He did not miss him. This means that if you follow Jim, you will have the opportunity to meet the three crows.

In the fairy tale, it was the three crows who helped Jim find the golden apples. As long as he found those three crows, Locke would not only have a chance to get the golden apples, but he could also ask for the location of the golden apple tree.

After thinking for a while, Locke left the room and went to the garden of the palace, pretending to admire the flowers here. Jim was also here at this time.

After waiting for a while, two guards came to the garden and stopped Jim.

Locke saw this and walked over and asked, "What happened?"

"Lord Locke, Jim stole the queen's ring. The king asked us to take him over for questioning." A guard replied.

"As far as I know, Jim is usually very honest and doesn't seem like someone who would steal the Queen's ring. Is this a misunderstanding?" Locke said in surprise after hearing this.

Jim also said quickly at this time: "It's not me, I didn't steal the queen's ring."

"This is the king's order." The guard emphasized: "The king asked us to take you to see him."

Looking at Jim who was aggrieved and panicked, Locke said: "I believe Jim is not a person who steals things. I will go with you to see the king and clarify the matter."

The guards knew that Locke was the king's distinguished guest, so they did not stop him, and the group came to the king together.

"Your Majesty, I definitely don't have a ring from Her Majesty the Queen. You know I'm not that kind of person." Jim defended loudly as soon as he saw the King.

"Jim, I have always thought that you are an honest person, so I trust you very much and give you the right to freely enter and leave anywhere in the palace."

The king looked at Jim and said: "But sometimes, greed can make people do some irrational things. When the queen's ring was lost, the only one who had been to the queen's courtyard was you. Who else could it be if you didn't do it?"

"Your Majesty the King, please believe me. It really wasn't me. No one can match my loyalty to you." Faced with the King's question, Jim didn't know how to defend himself for a while and could only keep telling him. own innocence.

At this time, Locke said: "Your Majesty the King, as far as I know, Jim is an honest man. He probably did not steal the ring. Maybe it just fell somewhere accidentally. If you search carefully, you may be able to find it. "

The king was thinking about asking Locke to help, and did not want to directly refute his words. He thought about it and said to Jim: "Jim, I will give you one night. If you can't find the ring tomorrow, then I will execute him." you."

After hearing this, Jim showed a hint of joy at first, but soon became worried and left dejectedly.

After Jim left, Locke began to say goodbye to the king:

"Your Majesty the King, the Queen of Lawrence has heard about me. She seems to be unwilling for me to intervene in other countries' wars because it may bring trouble to the Kingdom of Lawrence, so I have to regretfully reject your request. .”

The king was originally in a bad mood, but after hearing Locke's words, his face turned ugly and he said stiffly: "I see, then forget about this matter. When are you going to continue traveling?"

Sure enough, people are used to go forward and not people are used to go behind. The king has the intention of driving people away.

Locke didn't care and replied: "It's indeed a pity. I'm going to pack up and leave tomorrow."

After bidding farewell to the king, Locke returned to the room and quietly observed Jim's situation. Seeing that he was just like in the fairy tale, he overheard the duck's conversation and found the ring from the duck's belly, eliminating suspicion.

Locke knew that Jim ate the king's white snake meat out of curiosity, and like the king, he had the ability to understand animal language. He heard clues from the duck's conversation and found the ring.

The ring was found in the duck's belly, and the king went to find other ducks. After listening to their conversation, he knew that it was indeed the duck that had eaten the ring.

Realizing that he had wronged Jim, the king felt a little guilty, and in order to compensate him, he was willing to agree to a condition.

But Jim, who had eaten white snake meat, had understood the origin of the king's reputation as "wisdom", and his respect for the king was greatly reduced. He was also a little disheartened because he was wronged, so he decided to leave the palace.

The king finally gave Jim a horse and a sum of money.

Next, Jim took his things and left the palace happily, thinking that he had the ability to understand animals and would definitely be able to make a career.

At the same time, Locke also chose to say goodbye to the king. The two met by chance at the city gate. After a brief conversation, the two chose to go together.

At this time, another task suddenly appeared in the system, which was to ask Locke to help Jim marry the princess.

This mission made Locke couldn't help but frown, because he found that this mission was inconsistent with his plan to get the golden apple.

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