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Chapter 130 Cutting out the roots

"So it was just a coincidental rear-end collision. I didn't expect that drunkard to be a big businessman from Mexico." Locke also felt helpless. This was simply an unforeseen disaster.

"Very good, we understand the situation, thank you for your cooperation."

Martha was also an acquaintance of Locke. After confirming that Locke was not lying, she ended the inquiry, but finally reminded Locke:

"Those Mexican traffickers are very crazy and like to express their anger, so you must be careful in the next period of time."

"I see."

Locke nodded. Unlike the traffickers in the United States, the big traffickers in Mexico are more dangerous.

These big businessmen in western Zhejiang suffered a lot from the elite-trained police forces.

They also grew up very quickly and set their sights directly on those Jidu troops who were trained according to the military elite.

Various threats such as money, death, parents, wives, children, etc. were used to recruit many elites who had to surrender for various reasons.

This group of people was trained according to the special forces, and their various equipment configurations were comparable to those of regular troops. It can be said that spears and shields are constantly increasing and becoming stronger.

Moreover, most of the dealers here in New York are very scrupulous. These big dealers in Mexico are different. They are all crazy and ruthless guys, and it is very likely that they will take their anger out on Locke.

He himself may not be worried about his safety after the attack, but the people around him are different.

After Martha left with her people, Locke immediately contacted Damon and asked him to expand the security company and recruit more elite members.

At the same time, Locke also started to activate channels, preparing to find out the opponent's background so as to be prepared.

Just two days passed, and the New York Police Department was on full alert. At the same time, the FBI also appeared and began to argue with the New York Police Department, hoping that the New York Police Department would hand over Gabriel to them.

This also gave Gabriel's men time to prepare and start making plans to rescue their boss.

Even on the morning when Locke first learned the news, the police secretly handed a note to Gabriel who had regained consciousness because of the $100,000 and the threat of his family's safety.

At the same time, Locke also received news from the hospital in the past two days. The two bodyguards who accompanied Gabriel to the hospital were stabbed to death on the bed in the hospital.

Even the home of the two bodyguards was hit by the gang, and their wives and children were all killed in the flames.

The encounter of these two bodyguards made Locke wary. These big Mexican traffickers were indeed rampant. If Gabriel could not be killed directly, there was no telling when Locke or the people around him would be in danger.

Even as long as everyone in the Cordis family is not dead, a series of repeated revenge killings may follow.

If Gabriel is killed, his brothers, parents, or other relatives may jump out to take revenge.

Locke, who wanted to understand this, came up with the idea of ​​​​going to Mexico to eradicate the roots, and this time he was not prepared to continue to be a lone ranger.

After all, the situation in Mexico is complicated, and who knows what will happen. It is better to recruit some elite teams to do it.

These days, with one hundred thousand dollars, you can definitely find elites like seals and green berets to work for you.

Putting these people into groups of eight to form four or five combat teams would cost only three to four million U.S. dollars. Adding in equipment, intelligence, and pension funds, ten million U.S. dollars would be enough for them to be willing to raid any trafficker's stronghold.

Let these people take the lead in the attack, and take Damon and Vanessa to intervene according to the situation. Once successful, they will definitely be able to harvest a large amount of cash, or gold and jewelry, and maybe even make a lot of money in turn.

Of course, you must hide your identity when doing this. The personnel involved in these operations are just a business and cannot be recruited into security companies.

Otherwise, once something slips through the net, intelligence leakage will also cause some trouble.

As a result, Locke made up his mind, and the mission followed. To eliminate the Cordis family, he would be directly rewarded with 1,200 potential points. It was indeed a big businessman family in Mexico.

Now that the mission has appeared, Locke's determination has become stronger. No matter who the Cordis family is, even if they are rich, can they still compare with themselves now?

First, collect intelligence to see how many people there are in the Cordis family. If you find a few, kill them and send their whole family to join the group neatly.

Anyway, it's just money. I don't believe that ten or twenty million dollars these days can't kill the Cordis family. If it's not enough, double it.

I am not afraid of the attacks of these guys at all. At worst, I can arrange the people around me and hide anywhere in the world casually.

And it is impossible for the Cordis family to leave Mexico, or even not show up for a long time.

Once these traffickers lose their business, a large number of their subordinates will quickly find new owners, and some people who have enemies with them will take revenge on them.

Thinking of this, Locke remembered the call he had made some time ago. He recalled the phone number in his memory and quickly contacted the other party.

On the surface, the Continental Hotel is an old hotel, but secretly it is affiliated with the High Table, a killer organization with its own power around the world, and the branch in the United States.

The killers here in the United States would take tasks at the Continental Hotel. Locke only learned of the existence of the other party from the information in Sloan's office when he was destroying the textile factory.

But Locke didn't think about contacting the other party at that time.

Unexpectedly, as his fame gradually increased, the Continental Hotel took the initiative to extend an olive branch and sent people to contact him, saying that they could help Locke 'remove' the people he wanted to deal with.

Obviously, the fact that Continental Hotels can open branches around the world is related to the dignitaries of various countries. In other words, it can obtain corresponding conveniences in various countries by serving these dignitaries.

According to the rules of the Continental Hotel, after receiving the task, the hotel will evaluate the danger of the task and then determine the amount. The employer will pay first, and then the Continental Hotel will try its best to eliminate the target.

If a killer fails, a more powerful killer will be arranged to continue until the target is confirmed dead or the employer cancels the mission.

Of course, if the employer proactively cancels the assignment, the money will not be refunded.

The reason why there is a cancellation rule actually means that the killer group is not omnipotent, and the Continental Hotel also needs to leave itself a way out, which fully reflects the flexible bottom line.

After all, if killers are sent out one after another, and even the most powerful killer cannot complete the task, then no killer will dare to take on this task again.

Naturally, it is impossible to involve the entire organization at this time, so we can only go back to discuss with the employer.

Even if the employer has a tough attitude, after careful consideration, he may target the employer, go back to the target to reconcile, and use various methods to promise some conditions.

The twelve elders on the high table are also human beings. Most of them belong to a family, with relatives, friends and family businesses. Naturally, they are also afraid that the target will transfer their hatred to them.

Moreover, many of the goals of the upper class will be carefully measured and they will not accept orders easily.

The upper class society itself also has some invisible rules. When encountering conflicts, they generally will not resort to methods such as assassination, because these extreme methods will attract a lot of hostility if they are not careful.

After all, if everyone doesn't abide by the rules and you kill each other, everyone's safety will not be guaranteed. At this level, no one has the money to hire a killer.

Therefore, the reason why this seemingly high-ranking killer organization can survive is actually because the powerful need tools that do not dirty their hands to help them eliminate some targets.

Most of the time, the targets of the Continental Hotel are ordinary people, gang members, or those without basic connections. Newly wealthy people rarely dare to offend those powerful people with deep roots.

Now Locke can be regarded as a member of the powerful, so the Continental Hotel will take the initiative to visit him in an attempt to establish a friendly relationship.

In addition to the Continental Hotel, Locke also contacted a hitman from a hitman company through Damon, who was a friend Damon had met a few years ago, and he felt safer.

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