Start with Batman

Chapter 53: cut back row

What they call "goods" are actually people, including women and children. Their expressions were dull and stiff, and their bright eyes were dull and dull.

Zang Fei felt terrified, he subconsciously took two steps back.

He turned to look at his companion standing beside him.

The companion's name is Xiao En, and he is one of Zang Fei's best buddies in the gang. He was wearing a shiny black vest with a silver skull pendant around his neck. With his tall and strong body, he belonged to the kind of guy who looked like he had "not easy to mess with" on his face.

"Those are... our goods?" Zang Fei couldn't help asking.

"Yeah." Sean exhaled the smoke ring, and grinned at him, showing his blackened teeth, "It will sell for a good price, right?"

His tone was so relaxed and casual, as if all the dead objects in the container were simply used as bargaining chips for trading money.

Zang Fei felt that his breathing became short of breath. He felt a voice inside him shouting something, but he tried to ignore it.

Don't make trouble, don't make trouble. he said to himself.

He's just a little guy, a nobody, there's not much he can do. He just wanted to complete his first mission honestly and leave a good impression on Brother Dao.

He avoided those dull gazes in the container, as if those gazes were burning painfully.

"Okay... Sean," he tried to find a topic to distract himself, "how many times have you done this kind of mission? I mean... cargo like this?"

But no reply.

Zang Fei turned his head and found that the big man who was standing beside him a minute ago had disappeared out of thin air.

He froze for a few seconds, followed by a huge sense of fear, as if he instinctively realized that something was wrong.

Then the intercom rang.

"Did anyone see where Ah Wei went?"

"This is Hojo, Brother Qiang is gone."

Zang Fei reacted, and then raised the walkie-talkie: "This... this is Zang Fei, I can't see Xiao En anymore..."

It wasn't until then that everyone realized that they had already lost five or six people without anyone noticing.

"We are being targeted." Brother Dao, who led the team, made a decisive decision, "Assemble, everyone gather here!"

Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and gathered in the direction where the eldest brother was.

Zang Fei also moved. He took two steps, glanced aside out of the corner of his eye, and inadvertently caught another glimpse of those people in the container.

Those helpless and distressing eyes, the moment the eyes met, he felt as if his heart had been stabbed severely.

The voice in my heart became louder and harder to ignore. But he still tried his best to ignore these, followed the order and walked in the direction of his eldest brother.

Everyone started moving. The gangsters stopped what they were doing and moved towards the center one after another.

But no one noticed that on the top of a certain container, a red shadow squatted on the top of the container, "watching" their every move indifferently.

They thought that as long as they stood together in a group to avoid being singled out and not caught alone, they should be safe.

After all, this is how horror movies are performed. Those who like to break away from the team and run around are always the first to belch. Acting separately is definitely a big taboo in all kinds of horror movies.

But Chu Cheng, who saw this scene behind the screen, laughed.

If they spread out their positions, Chu Cheng had to consider that Daredevil would be exposed to the guns of others when he attacked one of their targets. So he must carefully plan the attack line and the sequence of goals.

But everyone is moving in the same direction, which becomes an excellent opportunity.

The red devil ran two steps forward, flipped over and jumped off the top of the container, and kicked a gangster in the head with a gorgeous volley, kicking him until he fainted from a concussion on the spot.

The person walking in front hurriedly turned around, and a shuttle of bullets swept over without even looking at it. But when he turned his head, Daredevil had already avoided the gun line in advance, and the bullets only exploded countless sparks on the iron skin of the container.

The man hurried to his companion to check the situation, and at the same time, the muzzle of the gun was always pointed in the direction where Daredevil retreated and flashed in, with his finger on the trigger, ready to fire at any time.

But he never expected that the red demon flew out from the opposite shadow. He turned pale with fright, and hurriedly tried to turn the gun, but the alloy short stick had already hit his face sideways, causing his brain to buzz, and his eyes fell to the ground in darkness.

A gangster nearby heard the gunshots, and hurriedly called his companion's name while changing direction and coming here. But he didn't expect that the three gangsters had just walked a few steps in this direction, and the red shadow had silently landed at the end of them, and he stepped forward and knocked the last man unconscious with a backhand stick.

Because the way of action is similar to that of Batman, although it was the first time for Chu Cheng to operate Daredevil, he got started very quickly. The general game awareness and operation ideas of this kind of assassin hero are actually the same. To put it bluntly, it is to avoid too much head-to-head and give priority to Gank shooters in the back row.

With the help of the full-view perspective of the radar sense, always avoid frontal firefights with the opponent, and stay hidden in the dark. The enemy advances and retreats, and the enemy retreats and advances. As long as the opponent is cowardly, go to the back row to steal people, and continue to circle around when the opponent comes to catch After that, the play is obscene.

Of course, today is just a relatively simple daily task to test the new hero. In terms of strength, Lawyer Ma is not as good as the old man's equipment, and he is even worse. Lawyer Ma's skills are specialized in police dogs rather than soldiers, so he is suitable for being a scout, but Batman is better in real hands.

Of course, it doesn't make any difference if you just deal with these minions.

The number of people continued to decrease, and there were only a few people, including Zang Fei, who successfully joined the elder brother in charge.

Brother Dao's eyes were gloomy, and his complexion was cloudy and uncertain. He has a swollen face and earrings, and his fierce appearance usually makes most people have to avoid his bad luck.

But now he's fine.

He saw that the little brothers probably couldn't make it through, and what was worse was that they hadn't even seen who the other was. He guessed it might be Batman, or one of the other fancy-dressed guys that came out lately. But no matter who they are, they can't afford it.

After all, they are just messing around on the road, and persimmons are always picky. It's okay to bully the good people, but they are not in the same order as these freaks.

He glanced at the container not far away and gritted his teeth. Although I feel sad about this batch of goods in my heart, as the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you will not worry about no firewood, you can make money if you lose money, and you will lose everything if you lose people.

So he casually said to Zang Fei who was beside him: "You, come here, go and drive for me. The others stay at the back of the palace..."


No one had any mental preparations for what happened at this I saw Zang Fei, who was named by Brother Dao, walked in front of him unhurriedly, and then picked up a brick.

Brother Dao didn't realize what happened until the end. A slab of bricks hit his head and face, only to blacken his eyes, and then there were golden stars, and he fell down top-heavy.

The other people on the side were also stunned.

They only vaguely remembered that this young man seemed to be a newcomer that Brother Dao had brought to his side recently, and no one even remembered his name.

Everyone was stunned, and no one even stepped forward to stop it for a moment. I saw Zang Fei riding on the body of Brother Dao who fell to the ground, and raised the brick in his hand to shine on the opponent's head, once, twice, three times...

Until the brick was soaked in blood and turned blood red, Brother Dao's head was also smashed into a puddle of meat sauce. Every time the brick was dropped, shocking contents would be splashed out, just like a stone falling into a quagmire.

Then they heard laughter.

Zang Fei rode on the headless corpse and laughed slowly. It was low at first, but soon got louder and louder until his whole body twitched with laughter, creepy.


Chu Cheng quickly eliminated most of the gangsters in the dock area. Soon there were only Brother Dao who took the lead and the last few people around him.

But when Daredevil jumped out of the container and came to the pier, Chu Cheng saw a scene he hadn't expected at all—

—Several gangsters fell in a pool of blood, and the head of the worst one was **** and bloody.

A young man put sticky blood on the corner of his mouth, like lipstick. He was holding a blood-red brick in his hand, he turned his head and grinned, and his strange gaze fell on Daredevil here.

He laughed wildly and rushed towards Daredevil.

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