Chapter 328: super treasure

, start to operate Batman

From a long distance away, from the perspective of Green Lantern, it seemed to hear a loud noise. But the direction seems to be a little far away, even though there is a green light or translation, I can't hear clearly.

Chu Cheng asked the Green Lantern to move a little closer to that side, and soon found that there were two groups of people confronting each other in the open space in front of them. He let the Green Lantern hide behind the bunker, and the energy of the green light was released, forming a green transparent eye in mid-air, like an invisible floating camera, clearly watching the movement in the field from a bird's-eye view.

The crowd in that venue was divided into two groups, but mixed with many different races. There are those with humanoid bodies but rock-solid bodies, standing molluscs with arms and legs that are tentacles, and others that are even more grotesque.

There is one person from each of the two teams, who seems to be the leader of the two teams.

The one from the camp on the left was a big man over two meters tall, with a thick and strong body but his arms were as slender as bamboo poles, which looked uncoordinated and unattractive.

The head of the one on the right side is round, with two black holes in its eyes, and its whole body seems to be made of quicksilver, reflecting bright silvery light.

The big guy and Brother Quicksilver were arguing about something on behalf of their respective camps.

"...Aval United is of course a powerful party in your own planet, but if you want to come to Krafal to play wild? It's a bit too disrespectful to our Second United."

Brother Mercury spoke bluntly, and the words translated by Green Lantern were clear. As soon as he finished speaking, the aliens behind him immediately stirred up.

The big man on the opposite side was unmoved and said: "The name of the second alliance of Crafal has been heard all over the Star Region, if the situation is not really tense, we don't want to make things too ugly.

What we Lord Avar mean is that conflict should be avoided if possible. Aval and Krafal are not very familiar with each other, but there have been several pleasant cooperations, and we sincerely hope to keep it going. "

The big man paused, narrowed his eyes and changed the topic: "But now I heard that 'that thing' will be in the second team... so now this makes things a little complicated."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Brother Shuiyin's tone became more blunt.

"It's not good for us to be stupid, I think you should know." The big man was aggressive, "Everyone understands, so let's open the skylight and speak out.

Needless to say, the importance of 'that thing', its appearance is destined to cause the entire star world to be turned upside down. Anyone who holds it in their hands will gain unimaginable power. "

"As I said, the Second Alliance didn't get that item." Brother Quicksilver said bluntly, "We did get a little wind of what you mentioned before, and we did send a team to search for it.

However, the team encountered a gravitational current storm during the voyage, and the lost communication of the team was interrupted. At present, only two ships of the whole team returned safely, but neither of them brought back any valuable news. "

When Chu Cheng heard this, his thoughts immediately began to diverge.

The Second Alliance of Krafal... He vaguely thought that he seemed to have seen similar words on the spaceship he had just abandoned in the universe.

Perhaps Claire and the others are members of this alliance.

The person said they sent a search team to search, but the team got separated due to an accident, and many people may be missing at present. It just so happened that he thought that Nakelaiye also said that he had found something extremely important, and that the whole ship even gave away the heads of that thing's three values ​​to zero.

So the super treasure they talked about can subvert the star world...

...Is it possible that the thing is talking about the weird statue that's now lying in the Warp of Green Lantern's Lantern?

But that thing seems to be a powerful source of infection. Judging from the ending on the spaceship, its main function is to make people lose their San value until they go crazy. Why do these aliens want to grab that thing?

The big man continued: "Maybe. But I think if someone actually got that thing... Hehe, I'm afraid they might not be able to spread the word generously."

Brother Mercury's gleaming silver face seemed to have darkened slightly.

"Meaning, you think we're talking nonsense?"

"Who knows..."

The big man just opened his mouth, and halfway through the sentence, Brother Shuiyin suddenly yelled and rushed forward, his shot arm flung out like a silver dragon.

The big man had been on guard for a long time, he leaned his body to avoid the sudden blow from the opponent, and at the same time, his arm stretched out and grabbed Brother Mercury's shoulder.

The big man's arms were strangely thin, and it felt as incongruous as if someone else's arms had been attached to him. But this slender arm was surprisingly nimble, it suddenly grew at an arm-and-a-half distance, grabbing Brother Shuiyin's body violently.

But Brother Mercury is not a fuel-efficient lamp. His left shoulder was grabbed, his shoulders sank and his body shrank violently, shrinking out of the big man's hand like a ball of ooze.

Seeing that the leaders on both sides moved their hands, the camps of both sides quickly shouted and rushed forward. The two teams quickly formed a chaotic mess.

Chu Cheng remained calm for the time being, and still watched from the back row from the perspective of Green Lantern, observing and recording the fighting methods of aliens of different races.

The body-like alien punches and kicks, and his usual skills are similar to fighting boxing, but from time to time he will use his weird body specialties, turning some areas into a state similar to ooze to buffer physical damage or Avoid restraint, the movement is quite flexible.

He also saw that the soft extraterrestrial has three pairs of six tentacles, which are soft and slippery, and they dance together. There are traces to follow.

Two of the aliens of different species were jealous, and when the fight reached a critical juncture, one of them opened his mouth, and a strange energy hit the opponent's heart like an arrow. The person on the opposite side raised his tail, and a ball of energy was also stimulated from the tip of the tail, which was also head-on. Both of them backed away with a loss.

The green light ring activated the reconnaissance perspective all the way, and the energy spectrum scanning analysis unexpectedly showed that the two people used extremely similar energy, which could almost be regarded as the same source.

But those two people clearly had different races and camps, and they fought each other like sworn enemies, but the strength they used unexpectedly seemed to be of the same origin as the enemy and ourselves.

After careful observation, Chu Cheng soon discovered that it wasn't just the two of them~ Everyone present seemed to be able to detect similar energy reactions more or less.

They strengthened their attacks, strengthened their physical defenses, released abilities to project energy, and so on, all of which seemed to be based on that energy.

Thinking about it this way, the energy used by the leader of the Cantel army and even the envoy they killed was quite similar.

So isn't this the basic energy common to certain forces in the astral world?

Similar to Chakra? Douqi or something?

The envoy from Jiji Star seemed to call this the power bestowed by the gods, but he didn't know what connection it had with the gods of this star world.

Chu Cheng made a note secretly, wondering if he could observe any other valuable clues. Two groups of aliens were also scuffling and yelling at the same time. At this moment, a figure flashed into the circle, and a terrifying air pressure that swept across the audience exploded.

"Who?" "What?" "M!"

A group of aliens in the melee yelled, interspersed with a series of swearing - I don't know what the original words were translated into classic expressions of greeting ancestors by Deng Jie.

But I don't know if it was due to the instinct of fear of the strong, the aliens on both sides of the scene stopped fighting at the same time, and attacked that person with incomparable tacit cooperation.

Dozens of people present at the scene joined forces to besiege at the same time, but they didn't know what method that person used. Hearing a series of muffled sounds like beating drums, all the aliens in the circle suddenly turned on their backs. Flying, with that person as the center, they were blown away to the outer circle.

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Seeing the man's appearance clearly through Hal's perspective, Chu Cheng couldn't help being startled in surprise.

Because it looks like a human being.

a woman.

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