Start with Batman

Chapter 238: ready for battle

The latest website: Kasim looked down at the tentacles piercing through his body, and then at Ophelia, who had stabbed out the tentacles not far away, and froze in place for a while.

Even Ophelia's loyal Usak was unexpected by this turn of events. Usak, who had transformed into a human form, slowly opened his mouth wide, looked at Ophelia, and then at the impaled Kasim, unable to speak a single syllable for a while.

He stayed where he was, and seemed a little at a loss for a moment.

Kasim quickly regained his senses. He roared angrily, raised his whole body strength, and every muscle in his body trembled slightly as if exerted.

There seemed to be light in his eyes, and the structure of the Tis shield all over his body was about to move. That magical substance seemed to be separating from him, as if accumulating strength.

That was the precursor of the ancients before they showed themselves. Kasim was completely angry, which also represented the official break of the two ancients who had maintained a good companionship since ancient times. He has ignored it now, ignored the meaning of the disguise all along, ignored the huge movement that the exposure may cause, and the possible consequences, as if there was only one thought left in his mind—

—He will tear the leader who betrayed him to pieces.

But Ophelia was unmoved by his reaction. She didn't even move her footsteps, only the two tentacles that shot out from her hand trembled.

Invisible energy is transmitted along the tentacles, like electricity transmitted through a cable. The energy output intensified instantly, rushing into the body of the ancient Kasim like a torrent of water, and the latter trembled like an electric shock.

In an instant, the Tis Shield, which was about to move, returned to his body. He failed to show his body, nor did he make any counterattacks. His accumulated strength was quickly drawn away, and his anger was like a tiny flame, which was extinguished before it had time to evolve into a raging flame.

Ophelia looked at him indifferently, her eyes seemed to shoot frost.

"Look at you." She said calmly, "It has been so many years, so many reincarnations, but there has never been any progress. It's almost ridiculous.

Anger, with its power to be unleashed, never thinks about it.

So in the end you are still like this, with nothing but brute force, which is why you are always the easiest one to deal with. "

Kasim struggled desperately, roaring like a wounded beast with a lake in his mouth. But he has already lost the opportunity and has completely fallen into a passive situation. Whenever he tried to squeeze out any trace of strength from his body, the two tentacles pierced into his body would immediately **** it away.

He could feel that the essence was flowing rapidly from his body, being sucked away by this hateful woman who was once recognized as the leader in front of him, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't change the ending that was destined to be sucked dry. Impotent rage became the last thing he could do.

"It's really sad." Ophelia looked at him and said indifferently, "That look of rage, extreme anger, just like you have always been.

You are always angry, Kasim, always manic, acting as if you cannot suppress the desire to fight, as if only in this way can you make your presence known.

But the question is... have you ever really felt what anger is like? "

Kasim fell silent.

He still glared at Ophelia, but he no longer made the sound of roaring and filial piety.

"I think so." Ophelia smiled contemptuously, "As much as I hate to admit it, that little girl Leila was right, we all know what happened to us.

You're in a desperate quest for power, trying to look angry, like we try to look human. It's as if you can actually feel what anger is all about if you imitate it well enough.

It's sad and ridiculous. "

She said shaking her head.

Kasim continued to glare at her, moved his lips, but finally said nothing.

"Really angry?" Ophelia's mouth slightly raised, beautiful and cold, "Then I think you should thank me. If it weren't for me, if it weren't for this moment, you might never be able to recall what real anger is What does it feel like..."

She paused, her expression darkened a little.

"...and what it's like to be alive."

Her tone became a little heavier, and she also increased her strength in her hands. Kasim snorted, and more essence was absorbed into Ophelia's body along the two tentacles.

Kasim finally spoke.

"the same as you."

As he was dying, instead of his usual rage and anger, he sounded calmer.

"Maybe this will bring you one step closer to complete resurrection, but we all know that it is futile." Kasim showed a mocking smile, "Although go for power and try to fill our vacant parts. But we all Know how it ends.

The truth is, you can't change anything. You're not even a living thing, and no amount of power can change that. "

When he said this, his body had almost collapsed, and he couldn't even maintain this human posture.

He left only the last sentence.

"...I'll wait for you in **** first, but I won't be too late."

He disappeared.

Everything about Kasim, from essence to body substance, was completely absorbed by Ophelia. The sudden expansion of power made it almost impossible for Ophelia to restrain it for a while. Her body also almost disintegrated, the structure of the Tis shield rioted restlessly, and the invisible power cyclone pierced through the roof and soared into the sky, erupting into the sky in an invisible form.

It lasted for several minutes before Ophelia finally calmed down and absorbed all of Kasim.

Usak stood aside a little sluggishly, looking at this scene a little at a loss.

Ophelia, whose strength and temperament instantly swelled a lot, turned around slowly, and when she saw Usak, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

"Sure enough, in the end, only you are the only one I can trust and the only one who is willing to accompany me to the end."

Gracefully, she raised one arm slightly, reaching out to Usak.

Just like a real human lady.

Usak hesitated for a moment, caught her outstretched hand, and lowered his head.

"Of course, Lord Ophelia, I will always be by your side."



Secret Service Nine exploded in an instant.

The radar for monitoring the energy of the ancients remained active throughout the entire process, and suddenly detected an astonishing reading just a few minutes ago.

You must know that these ancients have always been very cautious, even if there are occasional fluctuations in readings, they are only very slight, and they are often fleeting, and sometimes it is almost too late to lock the position.

But this time is different. The energy reading level suddenly rushed to the historical peak, and the agent on duty was once frightened to think that the machine was malfunctioning.

After the situation was reported, the Ninth Office immediately began to summon elite agents to prepare for departure. At the same time, Professor Miyazaki also came to the imprisoned ancient Layla and asked her about the situation.

Leila was not surprised after hearing this, she just muttered to herself: "So, Ophelia, that guy finally decided to take this step..."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means," Leila raised her head and said calmly, "You may have to prepare for a decisive battle with the ancients."


At the same time, Jiangdu.

Chu Cheng looked at the big "Account Upgrade" line on the screen, and was a little pleasantly surprised, but also a little confused.

Even at this level, he knew in his heart that it was becoming more and more difficult to increase the level of the game. Because the experience slot is generally a bit long, so if he wants to upgrade now, he usually has to brush a valuable boss.

Earlier today, he had indeed smashed an old leader, but according to his estimation, there should be a long way to go before the next upgrade.

Speaking of which, there are heroes hanging up in other cities, but most of them deal with street affairs, and it stands to reason that the experience they give is also limited.

"It's because of the technology module, sir."

Friday explained the mechanism.

"During this period of time, you arranged to develop many projects for corresponding heroes. For heroes on the technology development side, equipment design and technology development will also increase experience points."

In other words, Chu Cheng arranged for Stark to be busy in the laboratory these days, but he has been gaining experience all the time.

In terms of analogy, this should feel similar to life skills such as refining and forging in traditional online games. That's right, not every superhero is a street hero after all.

Street heroes like Spider-Man and Daredevil usually fly over the walls to fight crime, so it is natural that they usually hang up and level up on the streets.


And like Iron Man, he usually only cares about big things and rarely deals with street crimes, so he usually spends his time leveling in the laboratory. Therefore, it is reasonable for him to rely on technology development for on-hook brushing.

Then, after leveling up, it is naturally the skill extraction module.

But this time I didn't draw any skills that could bring about substantial improvements. The five skills either had unclear meanings or were highly repetitive.

It was a fighting fight from some hero again—reasonably, Chu Cheng felt that if he smoked a few more times, the various fighting skills he had stockpiled in his warehouse could be used as Chinese cabbage for wholesale.

Then there was even a proficient in business, but it didn't mean much to Chu Cheng who had no plan to become a capitalist. Another slightly novelty is the material mastery drawn from Stark.

That's not to say it's completely useless. Stark's attainments in material science are definitely ahead of eight major roads in today's scientific world, but the best materials he has developed have been applied to Iron Man's armor, which is included in the technical module, and Chu Cheng does not need to do it himself. Research.

It can only be said that if there is a chance in the future, Chu Cheng can borrow his knowledge and try to see if he can use the unique resources of the Earth Star to develop other new materials...

...In the future anyway, let's talk again when we have a chance.

Then came the Moonlight Knight's "spiritual vision", which allows you to see spirits in the equipped state. It is just called spiritual vision, but it is not only able to see, it can also enable the wearer to touch the spirit body, and make most of the abilities and weapons used by the wearer be blessed by Kong Su's magic, which can cause damage to the spirit body .

This can be regarded as the development of a new field, and it is a pretty good skill. After all, so far Chu Cheng's hero skills are all on the technological side, and if he really encounters any monsters, most of his abilities will be useless.

The main fact is also related to a common feature of Marvel DC. Although Meiman has all-inclusive systems and systems, generally speaking, the technology side is more developed. The proportion of heroes on the technology side is definitely higher than that on the magic side. This can only be seen from the distribution of MCU movie characters. .

Then the overall level of the mysterious side is higher than that of the technology side. Those who play metaphysics may start at a relatively high level, so most of them are clustered among high-level heroes, so Chu Cheng starts from low-level heroes, and it is inevitable that he will not be able to draw the mysterious side.

It is very rare to have a metaphysics hero with a large upper and lower limit gap like Moonlight Knight in the low-level pool.

Therefore, from the perspective of skill diversity, spiritual vision skills are still quite critical - the premise is that there are ghosts that can be killed on the Earth's Pole Star.

In short, Chu Cheng tried to equip this skill in the room, and briefly experienced the perspective of a moonlight knight. But it seems that I didn’t see anything, and there were no lonely ghosts that suddenly appeared in front of my I can only say that either the Earth Star is still a world governed by science and there are no ghosts, or there are ghosts. It's not all over the street.

In short, the skills are thrown into the inventory first, and there will be more hole cards when encountering ghosts in the future.

There are no practical skills for the rest, and there is no substantial improvement for him at present. But it is also expected, after all, the most C in his pool besides Iron Man is the Spider-Man series, but he has basically drawn all the abilities of Spider-Man.

Although Iron Man is strong, he doesn't rely on his ability to rely on his equipment, so Chu Cheng has already encountered a bottleneck before a new hero is released, and his strength has risen to the ceiling.

This proves that sentence again, the new hero is the primary productive force, no matter whether he is engaged in technology or ability, or the most intuitive field combat power, all cannot do without the new hero.

After drawing the skills, I checked the new functions after the upgrade, and Chu Cheng's eyes lit up when he saw it clearly.

The long-lost hero pool has been upgraded!

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