Start with Batman

Chapter 199: haven't seen you for a long time

The capture mission was successfully concluded, and the joint operation mission finally won a complete victory. This action team, led by the ICU and assisted by the asylum, successfully arrested and brought Li Changcheng, the biggest traitor in the history of the asylum, to justice. During the period, no soldiers were fired and no shots were fired. Such a description seems to make this action seem a bit lofty, but those who participated in it may feel a little unclear.

The main problem is that you said that this person was arrested by them, it seems that there is nothing wrong. When a whole team on their side drove to the gate of the base with live ammunition, the inside had already become a mess. The operation team was still separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, and the entire terrorist armed stronghold had basically been exposed. upside down.

Anyway, when they arrived, there was only one person still panting in the entire camp, and it was Li Changcheng they were arresting. This buddy lost one arm during the line-up with Wolverine, and the other arm, which is still intact, was handcuffed at the entrance of an underground fortification.

The size of the fortifications also amazed the team. The appraisal results show that the facility is designed according to the standard of withstanding nuclear strikes, and it may be no less than the safe house of some big shots on the planet Pole. Moreover, this thing is buried deep underground and various shielding methods have been set up. If their arresting team arrives at the scene, they may miss this place.

But the iron figure who attacked the base was not missed. There was a crack that looked like a burn mark on the thick iron door, and the picture was shocking.

From the traces left by the scene, the experts quickly thought that this was the effect of some kind of energy weapon. However, the energy weapon of the Earth Star is still at the conceptual level. Although there is this theory, it does not yet have the basis for weaponization.

So a group of experts scratched their heads and couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying output it would have to produce such a cutting effect.

The rest of the people in the room facilities have also died.

Technically speaking, Li Changcheng was really captured by them. It’s just that skipping the battle process makes people feel a little subtle, because someone has done all the work for them and packed up the people who need to be arrested. They drove the army over with great fanfare just to come to sign a charge.

In fact, in all fairness, Siegel felt that their launch of this operation was already efficient enough. After locating the target position, they assembled a team in the shortest possible time, quickly scouted and assessed and organized an attack.

However, there is a **** on my side, not only dispatching super fast but also unreasonable combat power, single-handedly rushing into the military center Kai Wushuang, the momentum of thunder was taken down. It can only be said that they have also worked hard, but this head is really unbeatable.

But this process and routine are already familiar to the lunatic asylum. Anyway, the whole lunatic asylum has never been persecuted by those superheroes so far. Now that things are over, the feng shui turns, and the gang from the lunatic asylum are watching the ICU and starting to go their old way like people from the lunatic asylum, and they are still inexplicably happy to watch.

Especially the equipment department headed by Minister Shi, when they saw the group of people in the pharmaceutical factory who were shocked when they saw Iron Man's unscientific armor, they felt like they saw their own shadow, and for a while There is a third of sympathy and a third of schadenfreude.

To be fair, they didn't want to put it up at the beginning. However, one of these masked people is more inappropriate than the other, and it's too comfortable to put it on. .

There is no chance for someone else to wipe the **** of the boss.

A few hours later, Li Changcheng was locked in the interrogation room of the pharmaceutical factory. Siegel, who was in charge of leading the team, sat directly opposite him.

Li Changcheng, who backed him behind the scenes, was killed by Batman after Li Changcheng lost the ability to operate the Tis Shield, and now he has turned back into an ordinary and extraordinary person.

In addition, he had an arm chopped off by Wolverine, and he couldn't heal such an injury by himself based on his ability level as a special person. Then the shackles he wears have the effect of restraining his ability, and there are a large number of armed agents on guard outside the door at any time, making it almost impossible for him to escape.

Of course, Li Changcheng didn't seem to have this intention at all.

Li Changcheng in the interrogation room seemed to be cooperative. He reacted calmly, without panic or anger, almost as if he was unaware of his dire situation. He answered the interrogator's questions calmly, as if he was chatting.

Much to the surprise of everyone, Li Changcheng passed all the tests on infected people.

He wasn't infected—or, more accurately, mentally.

This seems to be reasonable, because the special person is not so easy to be infected. But at the same time, this also means that everything Li Changcheng does is out of his own will.

"So you're saying," Siegel glanced at the confession notes, and raised his eyebrows, "What you did was entirely out of distrust of humans and this entire race?"

"That's almost what it means." Li Changcheng said calmly.

"Do you think the things you awakened can make human beings better?" Siegel flipped through his notes, raised his eyelids and looked at Li Changcheng, as if observing his expression.

"Yes. I have studied for a long time before I came to this conclusion." Li Changcheng remained calm as if he was having an academic exchange, "They will transform the human body and give us the power to surpass our own limits.

Because people are fragile, whether mentally or physically, they are always very weak and vulnerable. There are some things that you think that you will not be shaken no matter what, that you can be firm until the end, but you find that it is not the case when things come to an end. People are far less resilient than we think, in everything, because this is our inherent flaw.

And they will strengthen our spirit, fill in our missing faith, make us steadfast, no matter what we face, we will not waver.

That's what humanity needs, the part of us that has been incomplete. Because humans are such creatures, with evolutionary flaws that make us incomplete and prevent us from breaking through on our own.

We are failures, so we are destined to rely on them to become perfect. "

"I believe the way you describe is 'infection'." Siegel tapped the table with his pen and said.

"The name is not very nice, but we can call it another name in the future." Li Changcheng said nonchalantly.

"Okay... ok, so your motivation is to... guide human evolution. But have you ever considered that maybe the being you're trying to awaken isn't the helpful type?

I mean... now the pole stars belong to us humans, but once they wake up, they might have different opinions? "

"Of course." Li Changcheng nodded, and said seriously, "But as I said, we are failed evolutions and have no ability to improve ourselves. So since we want to help, we naturally need to pay some corresponding price."

"Your views are so extreme, I'm surprised no one has ever noticed before."

Siegel said, and continued to flip through the files. Here is a record of Li Changcheng's personal information they found, most of which were originally top secret, and now the arrest team has been authorized to gain access under special circumstances.

"So I guess, your thinking must have something to do with your experience in the terrorist camp?"

Li Changcheng didn't seem surprised that the other party raised this question, and only responded calmly: "A person's past will largely shape a person. We are all defined by our own past, more or less."

"Got it. So it doesn't look like I'm the best person to have this conversation."

Siegel stood up, walked to the door of the interrogation room, and held the door handle.

"...he is."

He turned the handle and opened the door.

The door was opened.

A man's figure appeared behind the door. He limped and supported half of his body with mechanical limbs. His movements even seemed a bit clumsy, but his vicissitudes of face showed a bit of determination that ordinary people didn't have.

For the first time since sitting in this interrogation room, Li Changcheng Tong Kong slightly shrank, and his face changed slightly.

Standing at the door, Leng Shaokang showed him a smile like an old friend meeting again.

"Long time no see, Lao Li."

When Leng Shaokang walked into the interrogation room, Siegel immediately got up and went out, closing the door behind him.

Soon there were only two former comrades in arms left in the room.

Leng Shaokang sat down in the seat opposite Li Changcheng, and the two of them looked at each other speechlessly for a moment.

"...How are you doing recently?" Leng Shaokang took the lead to break the silence.

Li Changcheng raised his arm, indicating the shackles on his hands, and the metal chain was ripped apart.

"As you can see, it's so-so." He shrugged. "It's getting harder and harder to accomplish something these days, but it's still manageable."

He paused, and his eyes fell on the replaced leg of his old comrade-in-arms.

Leng Shaokang noticed his gaze, but he didn't intend to avoid it, he just stretched out his leg generously and smiled.

"This guy is getting more and more clumsy." He patted the prosthetic joint, "Do you remember the question you asked me? What do you want to do the most after you go back?

I said I couldn't wait to hug my little girl and didn't want to delay for a second. I wasn't with her when she was born, and I haven't held her in my life.

Then I finally got my wish, I went back to her, but I still couldn't lift her up... Ha, I can barely stand on my own with this stupid crap. "

He tapped his metal leg again, seemingly displeased with it. But his expression was still smiling, as if he was casually chatting with an old friend.

"Of course, as an old guy who recovered his life from the battlefield, my treatment is pretty good. They overhaul me every year, and now this leg is a product that has been updated twice. They give me Guaranteed to say it's the best option in the field at the moment, but it seems like that's about it."

Li Changcheng stared at his leg for a moment, then remained silent.

Neither of them mentioned it, but they both knew it. They all knew how Leng Shaokang lost his leg, which was exactly what they had experienced in that terrorist camp.

They fought side by side, were captured together, and planned the escape together. Together they escaped the prison, but were exposed before being able to leave the camp.

Fear of being captured and yearning for freedom made Li Changcheng do what he thought he would never do—he abandoned his teammates.

He heard the sound of Leng Shaokang being caught, shouting and fighting. At that time, the voice was so close to him, right behind him, as if it was in Chi Chi's position. He could even imagine through his voice the scene of his comrades being besieged and beaten, and a certain voice in his heart was telling him that he had to go back, and he couldn't leave him here.

But a voice deep inside told him he shouldn't go back.

There's no point in turning back, only to get them packed up and caught. At least one of them would be able to escape if they kept running.

So he didn't look back and didn't stop, but left those all behind him.

He escaped, at the price of betraying his best brother.

"To be honest, if it wasn't for a nice and enthusiastic young guy who came to me and said that there is a lunatic who is planning to summon evil gods to destroy the world, and that lunatic happens to be my buddy or something—I don't understand much, but roughly It’s more or less the meaning—if it weren’t for that, I actually don’t want to see you.”

Leng Shaokang said bluntly.

Li Changcheng shrugged.

"I think so. I didn't expect that you might forgive me..."

But he was interrupted by Leng Shaokang before he finished speaking.

"In my opinion, there is nothing to forgive." Leng Shaokang shook his head, "I don't know what you think. Maybe you think that you abandoned me and escaped by betraying your teammates. But you may Got one basic thing wrong—

— You didn't betray me, but I left voluntarily. When the operation was revealed, I knew we couldn't escape that base together. At least one of us has to stay, or neither of us can go.

So I made a decision in a very short time, and it was up to me to attract the attention of the pursuers, which might create opportunities for my teammates to escape. Also because I believed he would arrive with reinforcements before long - which you did later on.

That is my judgment, my decision, which was not discussed with you or your consent was not sought because of time constraints. You see an opportunity and you take it. In my opinion, this is called teamwork, and it is the tacit understanding we should have.

Besides, besides..."

He paused and smiled at Li Changcheng.

"Strictly speaking, you saved my life—if you didn't bring someone back, I would have already confessed. So even if you really want to say that you owe me something, we have already evened it out."

Li Changcheng's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it in the end.

"So you see, you don't owe me anything." Leng Shaokang put away his smile and became serious, his tone even became a little cold, "I don't forgive you because there is nothing to forgive.

And the reason why I said I don't want to see you is because I'm so disappointed in you—I gave up on you so easily.

I heard what you just said, and I know what you're thinking. You blame humans for the mistakes you think you've made, and you take away your guilt by convincing yourself that it's human nature to give up and back down. But deep down, you know what's going on. "

Leng Shaokang sighed.

"I can't believe I'm here to tell you this. You should be the best of us and the pride of all of us." He said in a soft and cold voice, "You say that human beings Are things defective? Of course, there are too many to count.

Maybe we are indeed so fragile, easily shaken and betrayed, and our most steadfast beliefs may also be crushed.

Hell, no one knows this better than I do. You want to talk about flaws? Okay. "

He patted his missing leg again.

"I wake up every day and put this thing on - and it's not as easy as a massage. I can't hold my daughter and have to ask my wife to move a table. Damn, I can't even walk not understand.

But I got through it anyway, and got on with life, like everyone else.

So yes, we are fragile, have myriad flaws, give up at times, and get knocked down by life. But we, too, get up when we fall, accept our flaws, and we move on.

This is us, we are weak, but we also have our own persistence. We don’t need to be bred or turned into pets to become better. "

Li Changcheng looked sideways at the floor and pondered for a while.

He didn't speak out until after a while.

"As always, always look on the bright side?" he said.

Leng Shaokang smiled.

"Life is a bastard, it slaps you, and you have to learn to smile."

Li Changcheng laughed dryly twice.

"Okay." His spine relaxed, and he threw his whole body into the chair, and the shackles were rattled, "I know why they came to you, and I know what they want to know. ...All right, then I'll get straight to the point."

Hearing this everyone outside the interrogation room also pricked up their ears, holding their breath and waiting for the words he was about to say next.

"The underground ruins were built by believers who surrendered to certain ancient existences in ancient times." Li Changcheng said, "It used to be their residence, but later it also became their tomb, a tomb that has sealed them for countless years.

Find the key corresponding to the seal—that is, Exhibit A-086, open the seal, and release those once great things. The code name of the project is called "Plaiti", and it is also the project you may find in my private server. "


Siegel outside the door frowned and noticed the word.

"That's right, Laitos was not the only one who was sealed under that ruin." Li Changcheng said calmly, "There were originally five ancient beings sealed inside.

Batman solved only one of them, and now, you have four left. "

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