Start with Batman

Chapter 145: Holographic camouflage

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"Can you see me, Friday?"

"Yes, sir."

"How does the system work?"

"Flawless, sir. The facial module is very realistic, the face is real, the eyes and expressions are lifelike. At least if I say it...I don't think there is a flaw."


Just a while ago, a Secret Service Nine plane landed near the ruins. The advance team got off the plane and came to the camp, and Chu Cheng's remote-controlled Batman was also among them.

Of course, it can't be wearing the windy hood and cloak, which is obviously too ostentatious for covert missions. At this time, Batman was wearing the same uniform as the agents of the Nine Secret Service, and his face was the appearance of a spiritual guy in the nine agents.

His current identity was Snake, one of Secret Service Nine's chosen advance team.

This is thanks to a new piece of equipment that Chu Cheng found in the arsenal after Batman upgraded, the holographic digital camouflage.

This is also one of the basic skills that Batman has had since his early years. It’s just that when the technology was underdeveloped and the screenwriter’s imagination was limited, the master’s cross-dressing relied on the same disguise technique as Sherlock Holmes, except for makeup, which is known as one of the four major magic tricks in Asia, the rest relied on Oscar. The little gold man has the same acting skills.

But ever since the master got the inspiration from where and opened the branch of the technology tree mainly based on "stealing", the master has started a racing journey with full throttle on the road of imitating the abilities of his teammates and opponents.

Seeing that Superman's heat vision is easy to use, so there is a plasma cutter; seeing Wonder Woman's wristband artifact, so I pay tribute to a wave of bat wristbands that can absorb heat vision; seeing that Martian Manhunter can arbitrarily Transformed into someone else's appearance, so there is the current equipment.

Holographic digital camouflage, configured in the built-in module of the current armor, can change the appearance of Batman into any image by modifying the parameters. Even women's clothing is not a problem.

So even though he looks unarmed in a suit and leather shoes, in fact he may have been armed to the teeth under this harmless holographic image of humans and animals.

The current situation is that Chu Cheng invited the real Snake agent to sleep like a baby on his own toilet, and then used the holographic camouflage technology to package the master into the appearance of this agent, sneaked into the grave and flew with the advance team Here comes the site of the ruins.

When "Agent Snake" stood face to face with a colleague, Friday hacked into the agent's body camera to check the operation status of the digital mask and confirmed that there was no problem.

The ruins don't have ventilation ducts to drill or windows to pry into like normal buildings, so it's a better idea to join the advance party.

The work of the plasma earth drilling machine had just been completed, and the expert team immediately followed it up for evaluation. After the experts gave a safety briefing, the advance team was dispatched immediately.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle."

When Chu Cheng manipulated Batman to keep up, an officer beside him groaned impatiently.

To be reasonable, it's not that Chu Cheng dawdled on purpose, but that the precision of this operation is indeed a bit difficult to control.

It's one thing to manipulate a game character into a fight, but quite another to manipulate a character pretending to be a real person. Especially when acting as a team in a team like this, when pressing the button to walk first, the character must not be too fast, otherwise it is easy to stick to the front of the ass. However, he can't be too slow, otherwise he will be easily pouted by the people behind.

Fortunately, the underground space is pitch black, and even if flares are used to enter, the brightness and coverage of the light are limited. Everyone's attention was focused on the dangers that might appear in the ruins, and no one would care if someone around them moved slightly unnaturally.

"We're coming in." Luo Yajun, who led the team, said.

"Very good, let's investigate the internal structure first." Professor Miyazaki's voice came from the headset, "The camp is also continuing to monitor the radiation of evidence A-086, and the camp will continue to inform you of the direction.

Note that this operation focuses on recovering evidence, and the exploration and inspection work will be discussed later. If you find that there is danger, you can apply to abandon the mission at any time. "


The sonar probe starts to map, but it takes a while for the map to complete. Before that, Agent Duan Lan, who can also act as a humanoid self-propelled sonar, also released sound waves to conduct a preliminary investigation.

With her eyes closed, she stood in the middle of the open space, feeling the feedback from the sound waves, her brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

"How is it?" Luo Yajun walked to her side.

"This... I've never seen anything like it."

Miss Sonar's eyes were still tightly shut, but her expression became more and more confused.

"It's very big down here, very big, and the building structure... doesn't feel like a building. It's too complicated. I don't know what it is..."

Then her facial muscles trembled violently, as if she had suddenly discovered something, and she became extremely surprised.

"Wait,'s not my illusion, it's like..."

"Like what? What did you hear, Agent?"

Duan Lan opened her eyes, with shock and confusion written all over her face.

"This like a living thing."


"It seems to be wasn't there before. But it started suddenly after we came in." Duan Lan looked complicated, "I think maybe we'd better go out first..."

But it was too late.

If the place they were in was a box, it felt like someone had hit that box hard.

The ground suddenly shook violently, and many agents were overturned to the ground. Dust rained down and cracks appeared in the ground.

Luo Yajun's complexion changed.

"Something is wrong." He made a decisive decision, "The mission is aborted. Everyone..."

Before he finished speaking, a stronger shock followed.

It sounded like something exploding, coming from right under their feet. The solid ground suddenly cracked, and countless cracks spread, like huge black holes opened.

This room, which was supposed to be extremely stable, fell apart without warning, like a huge cake that was cut vertically and horizontally into many small pieces, and each of them split and collapsed in different directions, throwing everyone into a bottomless pit. dark.

This turn of events caught Chu Cheng unexpectedly. When the incident happened, he was using the detective mode to observe the surrounding environment. An exclamation point suddenly popped up on the screen, and the mutation happened in the next second.

The ground under Batman's feet crumbled the fastest, and he instantly fell into the endless darkness below. In the chaos, Chu Cheng immediately used the claw raised his hand and shot a claw to grab the edge of a certain platform, but then that platform also immediately collapsed. The claws catapulted back with a screech of weight-bearing fibers.

But it's not a big problem. Chu Cheng pressed the blank space, and Batman's cloak opened immediately. The electric current stimulated the cloak to instantly harden into a hang glider, helping him to cushion his fall.

A moment later, Batman rolled and landed successfully. At the same time, a large number of rocks fell from the sky, covering him in the middle.

Of course, the problem is still not big.

First came the black gloves, and then came the bat-shaped helmet and armor—the Batman, whose whole body vibrated at high speed like an afterimage, quickly penetrated through the ruins, getting rid of the masonry fragments.

"Alan's system is released."

"...holograms turned back on."

When Batman stood up, all of his armor and cape had disappeared. Pale blue digital light rolled over him, and he quickly reverted to Snake, Agent Nine.

There was chaos at the moment of the collapse, and there was no light source when it fell. So even though the holographic system was temporarily disarmed during the fall, the chances of being seen by others are not high.

Not to mention that the detective mode scan found no one near his crash point.

"Unexplained unknown changes have occurred in the terrain of the ruins, and the nine agents may have been thrown to different locations." Friday said, "I am trying to retrieve the characteristic signals of other people, but there seems to be some kind of interference... …”

"Wait until next Friday," Chu Cheng interjected in the middle of her speech, "We seem to have a companion."

Batman's perspective stops. I saw clearly on the screen that the detective mode marked an orange-red figure not far ahead.

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