Start with Batman

Chapter 113: Chased by Tarzan

many years ago.

A gap was chiseled in the darkness, and a ray of light pierced like a blade into the silent abyss.

Immediately afterwards, there was a dull bang, and the heavy stone slab was pulled away from the outside, and the light hit the dusty stone steps. Bunches of light penetrated into the dark space one after another, a group of people in full armor and wearing gas masks walked into this space, and the interlaced lights illuminated the sealed space.

The team quickly carried out various tests on the darkness. They've made sure there's no lethal hallucinogenic fumes, that the structure, which has been dark for unknown centuries, is strong enough not to collapse from a surprise visit by a group of them, and many other things.

After checking almost all the dangers, one of the team leaders pressed the headset and said: "This is Lengji. This floor is very safe, there is no problem, let the archaeologists come down."

All of them present were senior investigators, special agents belonging to a certain department. They are the vanguard team that opened the way. The meaning here is that archaeologists do not need to take risks.

The agents set up the sonar gear, which is a model specially designed for exploring in similar relic tombs. This humble little box can turn the maze that the ancients painstakingly designed into a fully opened map, and even many traps are invisible to expensive high-tech toys.

When the device was activated, everyone heard a very soft hum. The sound waves are like invisible water, penetrating into every aspect of the ruins.

It's as if a cheat code to fully open the map has been entered in the game. The boundless darkness has faded under the power of modern technology, and the palace hidden under the veil of darkness has no choice but to show its true face on Lushan Mountain.

When the huge space drawn by abstract lines and graphics was revealed on the screen, many people couldn't help but exclaimed.

The sonar detected something none of them had ever seen before. Although many of them are already veterans in the field of related operations, there is still no comparison between what they have seen in the past and what they see in front of them.

"It's also...too big..." someone murmured.

"And it's complicated." Someone else interjected, "We've never, never even heard of a structure like this. It doesn't fit with what we know about the architectural styles of almost any dynasty." .”

"Yes." Someone beside him echoed, "It doesn't even look like human handwriting."

"Because it really isn't."

This time it was Leng Ji who spoke. He is not only the leader of the operation, but also a legend in the department and a spiritual beacon for everyone on the team.

"Captain?" An agent asked strangely, "What does this mean?"

But Leng Ji didn't answer. Everyone found that he had already retreated outside the entrance unknowingly, and he had taken off the marching backpack that was originally carried on his body and threw it among the crowd.

More people are beginning to realize that something is wrong.

"Captain? How do you..."

Then they saw Leng Ji take out a small device from his jacket, a metallic black gadget with a red button on it, like a dangerous trigger.

Under countless pairs of shocked and puzzled eyes, he pulled the trigger.


The cave turned into a sea of ​​flames.


Years later, now.


The harsh detonation sound broke the tranquility of the night. The invisible shock wave shattered the glass outside the Sloan Science and Technology Building, and the engulfed flames followed one after another. Half of the floor was instantly engulfed in flames. Standing on the street below, one could see the gorgeous fireball hundreds of meters away.

On the top floor of a building across the street, someone was standing on the edge of the building, staring at the flames that exploded on the roof with binoculars.

He stared intently for a while, and waited until almost the entire floor was on fire, and broken walls and bricks wrapped in flames kept falling towards the street, before he unhurriedly took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Yeah, I watched it carefully," he said. "No one came out of it. Batman is finished."

After exchanging a few words, he put away the binoculars, hung up the phone, and looked back contentedly.

...and was pleasantly surprised to see Batman standing in the shadows behind him.

He was silent, and even patiently and politely listened to the man's phone call.


The man's face changed suddenly, he cursed and immediately drew his gun. But a dart thrown out of the darkness sent his gun flying.

The man flew forward and punched vigorously. Although this punch is full of flaws in Batman's eyes, its strength and speed are not weak.


But not much. Batman dodges a punch sideways, and takes two steps diagonally so that the opponent's next blow is also missed. The man turned around with a strange yelp, as if he wanted to make a handsome punch back, but suddenly bumped into Batman's outstretched combat boots, and was tripped in a very indecent dog-eating mud posture.

He just tried to get up, when Batman raised his hand, a string of multi-ball animal traps was thrown out, binding him tightly, flopping on the ground like a loach for a long time, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free .

But at the same time, in an inconspicuous alley on the nearby street, a white car suddenly started, drifted around a corner and drove onto the main road, with the accelerator fully pedaled and galloping at full speed in a direction away from Sloan Technology.

There were two men sitting in the car. The driver took out his mobile phone while driving and dialed a number.

"We're exposed," he said sharply. "Batman somehow noticed the Observer. The Observer is screwed. We're getting off the scene now…"

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly noticed that people on both sides of the street around him seemed to have raised their heads, all of them were dumbfounded, pointing at something behind them with wide-eyed eyes, and their expressions were very exaggerated.

Immediately afterwards, even his accomplice in the passenger seat exclaimed, leaned out half of his body out of the car window, stretched his neck and maintained a petrified expression: "What the hell... what is that! ?”

The driver couldn't help it, and took the time to look back. Seeing this, the whole person was stunned like an electric shock for an instant, making him open his mouth involuntarily like everyone else around him, and his reaction was as if he had contracted some infectious disease.

He sees a person...or let's say something that looks like a person.

That thing was wearing a red and blue tights, UU Reading replaced the white silk threads one by one in the sky, leaping freely between buildings like a swing, at an unscientific speed Bite their car buttocks and chase after them.

The figure dragged the silk thread to a height of tens of meters in a graceful arc, then replaced it with another silk thread and swooped down, gliding forward at an even more astonishing speed under the blessing of gravity, like riding the wind and breaking the waves.

This sci-fi shot made both of them confused.

It wasn't until he passed by a truck and nearly overturned that the driver suddenly came back to his senses and forced himself not to look at the unreasonable ghost behind him.

"Why are you still in a daze? Shoot him down!"

He shouted at the top of his voice to bring his companion in the passenger seat back to his senses. The man next to him quickly took out a micro punch, squinted his eyes and tried to aim at the afterimage swinging in mid-air.

But if you want to hit that kind of ultra-high-speed fancy moving target at this distance, instead of pinning your hopes on your own aiming skills, you might as well pray to God and worship Buddha more. There is a saying that it is better to play well than to catch well. Maybe the fate can be wiped out when it comes?

Of course, when the opponent is Spider-Man, the fate is not easy to use. Unless the human spider sensor is also on strike today, otherwise, if he is Spider-Man and not Kuaiyin, wouldn't it be funny to be injured by a gun?

The man in the passenger seat had already started twitching in vain toward the sky, and the driver realized that his phone hadn't been hung up yet, and the person on the other end was asking him something.

"What's going on!? I don't know what's going on!" the driver tried his best to drown out the gunshots, "We're being hunted down by a circus ape Tarzan!

He Nima swings faster than our car!

What? Of course I'm awake..."

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