Start With a Fake University

Chapter 897: Which faculties and majors are transferred to the South Campus?

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half a month later.

The School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has a total of 129 teachers and students, and 26 people who graduated and entered the Feiyue Aerospace Science and Technology Department, a total of 155 people, joined the rocket recovery technology research project team of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

From now on, these 155 people will, for a long time to come, work with the rocket recovery technology engineers from the Space Administration to develop rocket recovery technology.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has a certain foundation in the study of rocket recovery technology. After all, this project of rocket recovery technology has been established a few years ago.

Although the progress of research in the past few years has not been as slow as imagined, it will not be a step forward. After all, the gathering here are all the top talents in the field of rocket recovery technology.

Therefore, on the basis of a certain foundation, coupled with the excellent team of 155 people provided by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and with the assistance of the computer team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the research began to gradually become went well.

Why did the team from the Department of Computer Science of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences also participate in this rocket recovery technology project to assist?

That is because, to a certain extent, rocket recovery technology is closely related to rocket control engineering, and the research of rocket control engineering must be inseparable from computer-related technologies.

At this time, the top computer team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences led by Xu Bin and Chen Jun became indispensable. Although the Space Administration also has a strong computer control team, the one led by Xu Bin and Chen Jun can Compared with the most powerful computer team in the world, it is almost meaningless.

It is precisely because of this.

The research on computer control of rocket recovery technology has been firmly grasped by Xu Bin and Chen Jun. The rest is research on other aspects of rocket control engineering, which requires rocket builders to conduct continuous exploration. Only by research and development can we break through the difficulties, and finally by combining all the mastered technologies, we can completely break through the rocket recovery technology.

And this process, on the NASA side, estimates that it will take at least a year.

However, on the Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue estimates that it will not take as long as a year. After all, his own funds have been guaranteed, and he has the coordination and scheduling of the General Administration of Space Administration, plus his own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. One hundred and fifty-five outstanding rocket technology teachers and students have been given rocket recovery technology by Ding Yue. After participating in the project, their mastery of rocket recovery technology can be described as deeper and faster.

In such a buoyant situation, where does it take another year?

Ding Yue thinks, about half a year is enough!

That is to say, when the Starship 1 of Yingjiang's Space Exploration Technology Company arrives near Mars, Xia Guo's rocket recovery technology can be developed and even started to be applied in rocket launch and space development plans.

In this way, when the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Feiyue Aerospace Science and Technology and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration began to cooperate, Ding Yue did not worry about this aspect for the time being.

Waiting for the research results of both parties.

In the past few months, the teaching of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has been steadily improving. After all, Director Qi Chunsheng, a very capable teaching worker, leads thousands of excellent lecturers, Professors, impart knowledge to more than 200,000 students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Not only that.

The more than 200,000 students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have also received a powerful learning buff effect in the school, and their learning efficiency can be said to be rising steadily.

Everything is progressing as expected.

In the past few months, the engineering project of the new capital of the Pharaoh's new capital, New Kairo, won by "stunning everyone" has also followed the eight construction teams of Feiyue Construction Company and most of the employees of Feiyue Construction Company. , all arrived in the pharaohs, and began to build the new city of Cairo.

With the rumbling machinery and transport vehicles running on the construction site, a brand-new international oasis city began to thrive on this desert land.

Not only that.

In order to realize the "oasis city" promised to the pharaohs, the teachers and students of the School of Environment and Botany of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are also intensively carrying out the further research and development of related technologies one after another, as well as the construction of Various soil environment improvements and other work that need to be done in New Kailuo City.

For this reason, the School of Environment, Botany and other departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have dispatched a total of more than 100 teachers and students to the construction site of Xin Kailuo City in the Pharaoh country, in order to help this city when building Xin Kai Luo City. The city's greening system lays a solid foundation.

After all, it was promised that they would give them an oasis city, and it was precisely because of this "oasis city plan" that they could win the project of New Kailuo City, so it must be honored.

The construction of New Kailuo City will not be completed within a year and a half. This is a huge project. Even if Feiyue Construction Company sends a huge construction team, it will take two or three years before it can be completely given to Pharaoh. China has created an oasis city.

In two or three years, the Pharaohs can still afford to wait, and this is the time they planned.

So ever.

In the past two or three years, Feiyue Construction Company has put most of its energy on New Kailuo City in the Pharaoh Kingdom. After winning this "battle" of New Kailuo City, Feiyue will Construction companies can once again grow steadily.

At this stage, Feiyue Construction Company is mainly engaged in two projects, one is the new city of Kailuo in the Pharaoh country, and the other is the South Campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, which has already completed most of it.

Speaking of which, since the construction of the South Campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue has not paid much attention to it. He only occasionally listens to Director Chen Ping to report on the progress of the construction.

Now, the construction of the South Campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is almost completed, so when another batch of freshmen arrives in September of the next year, it must be possible to conduct better diversion.

And actually.

When Ding Yue learned that the construction of the South Campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was about to be completed, in order to better plan the campus, so as not to crawl at that time, Ding Yue planned to hold a meeting to discuss which departments Majors will move out of the existing campus and go to the South Campus for teaching.

To be honest, there are more than 200,000 students in the current Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences community, which is indeed a bit "crowded". Ding Yue feels that it is best to accommodate hundreds of thousands of students in this campus, and it will not appear There are too many people, and it will not appear very deserted. Various infrastructures and the like can basically achieve a perfect balance.

If it stays like this, in the end, the number of undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will definitely exceed 300,000. By that time, infrastructure and other things may appear to be relatively overloaded. .

Just like a library.

Although the current campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has three libraries, one old library, and two new large-scale libraries, this must be a huge pressure for 300,000 students.

On the south campus, two large libraries were also built. When some of the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were moved to the south campus, they could be well diverted to reduce the load on these basic teaching facilities.

So after three days.

Ding Yue formally convened the teaching leaders of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the heads of various departments, and the deans of various departments to come to the meeting room No. 1 of the Administration Building for a meeting and discussion.

"Hello, Principal Ding."

After seeing President Ding, the heads of departments and departments greeted him one after another.

They also know what the topic of this meeting is.

When Ding Yue asked his secretary Wen Ruohan to inform them, he asked Wen Ruohan to tell them.

"Sit and sit, everyone."

Ding Yue glanced at the conference room. Everyone who should come has already arrived. Two of them, Huang Youjie and Xu Bin, are also there. After all, one of them is the director of the administration department and the other is the logistics department. director.

"Everyone is here, so before the meeting starts, I will briefly state the situation first."

Ding Yue sat in his seat of the principal's meeting and said, "Director Chen Ping, no one else is here, and everyone knows that Director Chen Ping led the team to build a new city of Kailuo in the Pharaoh country, so in some cases, I will take care of myself. Let me tell you that with the continuous increase of enrollment in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences every year, the number of students is also increasing. In order to consider the carrying capacity of the campus, the school leaders have already started planning for the South Campus more than a year ago. With the construction, after more than a year of construction on the South Campus, the construction has basically been completed. In some cases, it can also be completed in the first half of this year. Then in the second half of the year, after the completion of a new batch of enrollment in September It is said that before that, it is necessary to decide which departments and majors are to be transferred to the South Campus for daily teaching work.”

After Ding Yue's remarks, the heads of various departments and departments sitting in the conference room began to discuss.

After all, this matter concerns each of them.

Over the years, in this campus, everyone has actually gotten used to it. Who would want to leave the current teaching environment and go to a brand new teaching area.

Although the South Campus is not far from the current campus, just below the university town, once people get used to a comfortable environment and want to get out of this comfort zone, there will still be some murmurs in their hearts. .

"Today, let's discuss about democracy, and have a comprehensive discussion about the current teaching situation and future teaching planning."

Ding Yue said to the deans of the colleges and departments: "What do you guys think?"

"President Ding, I think that our current campus has relatively mature teaching, so should we consider keeping all the traditional departments and majors, and then transfer those emerging departments and majors to the new campus, which would be better. What about giving emerging departments and majors a broader teaching space?”

At this time, a department chair suggested.

Apparently, the head of the department is the head of a traditional department.

In Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there are indeed traditional departments and emerging departments.

Traditional faculties, there is no doubt, are traditional faculties and majors that exist in many colleges and universities, such as physical chemistry, mechanical computer, architectural media, aerospace, agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry.

Emerging faculties are e-sports academies, catering and gourmet departments, national arts academies, etc. These are the faculties and majors that have emerged in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, but now many private colleges and even public colleges and universities have appeared similar to e-commerce. Competitive, Chinese martial arts and other colleges and departments.

"Director Liu, what you said is biased. Why do our emerging departments and majors have to be moved to the South Campus?"

At this time, a department chair of an emerging department refuted Director Liu's words.

"This is just a suggestion, isn't it still up to Principal Ding to make up his mind?" Director Liu shrugged and spread his hands.

"Cough cough."

Ding Yue coughed lightly, signaling everyone not to quarrel because of this.

After all, the unity of everyone is still very important, and we can't quarrel because of this matter.

"It's not my opinion on this matter, and I won't say anything to force which faculties and majors have to move to the South Campus. Let's just discuss. The meaning of this meeting is to give full play to democratic discussions. In the end, there is a consensus that everyone can agree on.”

Ding Yue emphasized.

Although Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences does not matter what it is, it is true that Ding Yue can say it alone, and the people under him must implement it even if they disagree, but if that is the case, the drawbacks will be too great.

Therefore, Ding Yue is still prepared to give full play to the characteristics of democracy and let everyone participate in the discussion, so as to form a consensus that everyone can agree on.

"Director Qi, do you have any better suggestions?"

Ding Yue looked at Director Qi Chunsheng and asked.

"Principal Ding...this...this, to be honest, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, and everyone doesn't want to leave." Qi Chunsheng shook his head and said, "This is understandable, but I have to Everyone should understand that some departments and departments will be transferred to the South Campus.”

"Understand, understand."

The deans of the House of Representatives nodded in understanding.

"Everyone, on the South Campus, the conditions are not worse than here, and they are all built according to the same principles, so you don't feel that going to the South Campus is to endure hardships or something, that's something that doesn't exist, understand? ?"

Ding Yue emphasized this matter.

Otherwise, it may cause a certain misunderstanding, thinking that going to the South Campus means that the school does not pay attention to their departments and majors, but this is not the case.

The construction of the South Campus is no worse than the current campus. The infrastructure, equipment, environment, etc. are all top-notch or even better.

"President Ding, we have nothing to say about our National Arts Institute. I took the initiative to apply to be transferred to the South Campus."

At this time, Wu Changdao, the head of the Department of Chinese Martial Arts, took the initiative to stand up and asked Ying to be transferred to the South Campus, which was a good start.

Seeing this, Ding Yue nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Okay, it's very good that Director Wu has such a consciousness, so it's even considered your National Arts Academy."

For Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, whether or not to change the campus doesn't seem to have any impact on the Academy of Chinese Arts, so Ding Yue agreed to Director Wu Changdao's initiative without thinking about it.

"Hey, I suddenly thought."

At this time, Xu Bin seemed to want to say something.

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