Start With a Fake University

Chapter 892: SpaceX's Starship Program

The construction team of Li Zhonghuang who was in dispute with Hengtai Group, which Liu Haicheng entrusted his friend to find, is also a very high-quality construction team, and he expressed his willingness to join Feiyue Construction Company.

The phone that Director Chen Ping just answered here is also a very strong construction team. The person in charge of the construction team was very happy when he heard that Feiyue Construction Company wanted to recruit them.

He was even more excited when he heard that he could go to the Pharaoh country to build a new city of Kailuo, and even said that the basic salary of 3,000 yuan per month was no longer needed.

But Chen Ping said that this is not possible. All the workers and friends of the construction team of Feiyue Construction Company must pay a monthly basic salary of 3,000 yuan.

It's all right now.

A total of five construction teams were needed, and they were all found at once.

Among them, Feiyue Construction Company contacted three of them, Liu Haicheng from Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, Liu Haicheng, helped to introduce two, and Feiyue Construction Company had three construction teams, a total of eight construction teams, thousands of The No. 1 person will go to the Pharaoh country in a mighty way to build the project of the new city of Kailuo, which has attracted the attention of the whole world.

In order to express his gratitude to Liu Haicheng, Ding Yue specially invited Liu Haicheng to have a meal at his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. This meal was made by Fu, the best chef of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, which can be said to be the highest level. The gourmet treat.

"President Ding, you are very kind, I am also very happy to see your Feiyue Construction Company build Pharaoh's new city of Kailuo. Our Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau has no shortage of projects all over the world, although it is very It's a pity that I didn't win the project at New Cairro City, but I don't regret it now."

Liu Haicheng said frankly to Ding Yue.

"Thank you Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau for your support to our Feiyue Construction Company. In the future, most of the students who graduated from the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences still want to come to your Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau. At that time, please take care of Mr. Liu. ."

Ding Yue also politely said to Liu Haicheng.

What Ding Yue said is true, the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences now has at least tens of thousands of students, and so many students from the School of Architecture graduate every year, it is definitely impossible to absorb all of them into the Feiyue Construction Company under his Feiyue Group, then For the remaining students, the best home is undoubtedly the Xia Guo Construction Engineering Bureau.

But in fact, the competition of Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau is also very fierce. After all, this is a large state-owned enterprise.

So Ding Yue thought that if he had a good relationship with Mr. Liu Haicheng from the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, it would be more or less beneficial for his graduates from the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to go to the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau. , at least in the impression points have an advantage.

In addition, the students of the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences have strong enough professional skills. Ding Yue believes that they want to enter the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau. In the case of fierce competition and thousands of horses crossing the single-plank bridge, they can do it. He gave full play to his own strength and entered the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau with his own strength.

"Principal Ding, I hope that in the future, we, Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, can cooperate with you Feiyue Construction Company more."

Before leaving, Liu Haicheng said this.

I don't know if it's to be polite or something. Ding Yue pondered, it is also a construction company in the Xia Kingdom. I guess there will be more competition in the future, right?

Of course, the possibility of cooperation is not ruled out.

After all, Feiyue Construction Company and Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau actually have their own advantages and disadvantages. Feiyue Construction Company cannot say that it is omnipotent. It can only be said that it is in the design and planning of the project, as well as supporting other industrial technologies. There are certain advantages. After all, there is an entire Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences behind Feiyue Construction Company. With so many departments and majors, they can serve Feiyue Construction Company at critical moments.

"Okay, I also look forward to more cooperation between us in the future. It doesn't matter if you miss this time, there will be opportunities in the future, then Mr. Liu, I still have a lot of things here, so I won't send them away. Mr. Liu is safe on the road. ."

Ding Yue sent Liu Haicheng to the gate of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and then waved goodbye.

Someone had already arranged for someone to drive Liu Haicheng to the airport, but Ding Yue didn't take it personally, and Liu Haicheng also said that there was no need for such a troublesome delivery.

After Liu Haicheng left.

An Yujia, who was beside Ding Yue, murmured and asked: "Principal Ding, you said that Mr. Liu can sincerely cooperate with us in the future? If Feiyue Construction Company can have a cooperative relationship with Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, this It is very beneficial to the development of Feiyue Construction Company.”

An Yujia made some analysis, but Ding Yue smiled faintly and said, "In the past, this President Liu was arrogant, but this time, I think this Liu is always sincere, and he seems to have seen us Feiyue Construction Company. , and the potential of the School of Architecture of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, although this person is sometimes arrogant, he is very capable and his eyesight is accurate."

Ding Yue's communication with Liu Haicheng during this day can be regarded as seeing that Liu Haicheng's ability is very strong, otherwise, a middle-aged man with a pot belly is more arrogant and arrogant. Being the person in charge of the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau, and this Liu Haicheng, is also the person in charge of the Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau who climbed up from the front line, which is very powerful.

"Well, I can see that this Liu is always capable, so I hope I can really cooperate with their Xiaguo Construction Engineering Bureau in the future, but this time I can find five high-quality construction teams so quickly. , I really have to thank President Liu."

An Yujia nodded and said.

"Who said no."

Ding Yue shrugged slightly. His thanks to Liu Haicheng came from the heart. This time, he really helped his Feiyue Construction Company to solve some problems.

"Now there are eight construction teams. In one month, we need to integrate the eight construction teams, let them enter the state, and let them know what to do next on the engineering project of Pharaoh New Kairo City. These They have to be allocated, and then for the remaining more than a month, let them take a good vacation and reunite with their families, after all, it is estimated that it will be difficult to return for a long time after this trip abroad."

Ding Yue also knows the difficulties of people on these construction sites. Generally, after entering a construction site and starting to work, there is basically no leisure time to accompany his family, and he will work on the construction site until the end of the project.

So this is why many people working on the construction site are actually married together. The man works on the construction site, and if the daughter can keep up with her physical fitness, she will also work on the construction site with her husband. If not, they will do the cooking work on the construction site.

But in fact, as more and more young construction workers stand on the stage, most of them are single, or even if they have a girlfriend, it is basically impossible for the girlfriend to work on the construction site, so they basically fall in love and so on. Yes, in a long distance relationship.

"Well, okay, Principal Ding, I will let Director Chen arrange it." An Yujia nodded and said, "So after they sign the contract, will they start paying the basic salary immediately? Or wait until they officially start work. count?"

"That's naturally the moment of signing the contract. Even if it's our regular employee, then we have to pay people a basic salary." Ding Yue replied without hesitation.

"in addition."

Ding Yue suddenly reminded him again and said, "Though these eight construction teams will go abroad to build the new Kailuo City, although they rarely have time, if there is a small holiday such as May 1st or 11th, let's try our best to satisfy them. Their need to return home to be with their families, understand?"

Within a year, there are only three opportunities to return to China to reunite with family members, May 1st and 11th, and the Spring Festival.

During the Spring Festival, Ding Yue would definitely ask the company to give the workers a longer holiday, but on May 1st and 11th, there would be no way. The small long holiday at this time depends on whether the workers are willing to go back to China and meet with them. The family is reunited.

If you are willing, Feiyue Construction Company will definitely support it with all its strength.

"Okay, Principal Ding."

An Yujia nodded and felt that the humanized arrangement that Principal Ding said was very suitable, and he was very supportive. After all, these workers on the construction site are really not easy.

You must know that one city after another, one project after another, which one was not built brick by brick by construction workers?

Ding Yue gave An Yujia what he could think of and what should be explained, and An Yujia would also pass it on to Chen Ping. Feiyue Group is such a very humanized large company.

Employees here can not only get high salaries, but also a very high sense of happiness.

After all, most of the employees of Feiyue Group are graduates of their own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Of course, the talents cultivated by themselves must be given the best treatment, and the talents cultivated by themselves cannot be squeezed by themselves. Well, if it is so endlessly oppressed, these talents will eventually be unbearable and eventually choose to leave, and at the same time, the reputation of their own Feiyue Group will also decline, so how can the internal circulation be carried out?


Feiyue Group is not short of money to give employees high-tech salaries and welfare benefits. In this regard, Ding Yue said that it is absolutely impossible to save.

It is precisely because of the "happiness" of Feiyue Group that this company has always maintained a very high vitality and can compete in the global market, even if it is only a young company, when facing those old companies. , is not afraid at all.

The four circles of Feiyue · Future New Energy Vehicles against Teas, Mercedes-Benz and BMW are the best examples.

After Ding Yue and An Yujia returned from the main gate of the school to the principal's office in the administration building, Wen Ruohan in the office was staring at something with his mobile phone in his arms. He must be watching news or something.

"Principal Ding, Sister An, you guys are back."

Wen Ruohan stood up after seeing Principal Ding and An Yujia coming back.

When I sent Liu Haicheng just now, because Ding Yue asked Wen Ruohan to do other things in the office, he didn't let Wen Ruohan follow him.


Ding Yue nodded, then walked straight to his desk.

"Principal Ding, I saw a news just now. I wonder if Principal Ding is interested in you."

Wen Ruohan said suddenly.


Ding Yue just sat down, then raised his head, looked at secretary Wen Ruohan and asked, "What news? We are from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? Or from Feiyue Group?"

Under normal circumstances, Ding Yue is only interested in the news of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group. Other news does not seem to be that important. After all, a person's energy is limited, and Ding Yue has to manage his own fog. City University of Arts and Sciences, but also planning the development plan of Feiyue Group, how can I have the energy to manage other things.


Wen Ruohan shook her head and said, "It's news about SpaceX."

"Space Exploration Technology Company?"

When Ding Yue heard this, he immediately became interested.

This space exploration technology company is a space technology company in the Eagle sauce country. It is very powerful. Teas is related to this space exploration technology company, and it is the same boss Aikes.

This Akers can be regarded as a legend.

SpaceX has always been committed to the development of space and aerospace technology, and it is also a private company of Eagle sauce. To be able to do this shows how powerful he is.

The most important thing is that Space Exploration Technology Company has many cutting-edge technologies such as the world's top space and space rockets.

A few years ago, the space technology company has already realized the business of manned space travel. Now the space technology company is very skilled in this business, and can use the manned leap to achieve manned travel to outer space.

Moreover, SpaceX's rocket recovery technology is quite Even Xia Guo has not yet mastered rocket recovery technology.

"Well, SpaceX launched the Orion starship today and is going to Mars to establish a Mars base." Wen Ruohan told Principal Ding of the news he saw.

"Space Exploration Technology Corporation is already so strong, is it ready to build a Mars base?"

After An Yujia heard the words, she couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that the pace of human exploration of space has never stopped. It used to be the moon, but now it is Mars. A few years ago, Xia Guo just let the rover land on the surface of Mars. Now Eagle sauce's space exploration technology company is going to be on Mars. Building a base on Mars does sound incredible.

The space competition has never stopped on Earth. As a major aerospace power, Xia Guo also has a Mars plan, but because the development of aerospace technology is not so strong, the current Mars plan can only be carried out step by step, starting with the Mars rover exploration. Mars begins.

But this is already a bit behind SpaceX.

Ding Yue couldn't help frowning.

With the development of space technology, it seems that we really have to step up our pace, and the aerospace field is very critical. Ding Yue thought about it and said: "Space Exploration Technology has always wanted to explore Mars, and now they have begun to act. We have to work hard."

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