Start to live forever, live till the end of time

Chapter 261 Leaving the Forbidden Sea and Waiting for the Heaven Pass to Open

The medium-sized Five Elements Teleportation Formation was quite large, several times larger than the formations they had teleported before. It was unknown how many layers of formations the Big Black Bull had superimposed on it.

A circular formation is located in the center, and the edges are all five-element stones as big as boulders, which are half a foot high. The teleportation formation is surrounded by a five-pole formation, which is the proud work of the big black bull.

It has been improved in attack and defense. It is invisible and integrated. Even the divine consciousness cannot penetrate it. If it is forced to penetrate, the extinguishing wind will come back!

They had already stood in the center, and the big black bull waved the formation flag. In an instant, the entire island sank and made a dull vibration.

Xiao Chi unknowingly shed a drop of cold sweat. The movement was a bit loud. When they entered the interstate teleportation formation in Dali, there was no such big movement.

Buzz —

The Five Elements Divine Light shone in all directions, and strong winds blew out from the Five Elements Stone. Sand and rocks flew around, and a pulling force from space came.

Chen Xun looked calm and glanced at the big black bull who was still controlling the formation, with absolute trust in his eyes.

After burning the incense, their bodies tensed up, and the power of the five elements of the formation trapped them like chains. Xiao Chi's expression became extremely ugly. The power of the five elements suppressed the spiritual power too hard.

The five elements of divine light flashed, and they disappeared here instantly.

After they left, the Wuji Formation began to operate automatically. The teleportation array was deeply hidden and no trace could be found. This deserted island returned to calm.

In the forbidden sea, on an island that looked like its body had been hollowed out, a bright array of light emitted from the mine, rising into the sky, extremely gorgeous.

Three phantoms gradually appeared in the formation, and their eyes were slightly shocked, as if they had just come back from a lifetime ago.

They are quite familiar with the surrounding environment, and this huge abandoned mine is their masterpiece.

"Awesome... Lao Niu." Chen Xun was shocked and looked around, "It's really done."

The big black cow made a grunting sound and stood up directly, looking at the world with a look of disdain. His dream for many years came true.

However, there are still many areas for improvement in the Five Elements Teleportation Array. For example, the movement is too loud, and the transmission speed is somewhat time-consuming.

The big black cow mooed and took out the booklet and started to record it. The feeling of teleporting by himself was completely different from using a stone, and he had some inspiration in his heart.

"Brother Niu, the world of immortality is so big, why don't we let us run wild?!" Xiao Chi's eyes widened, "Who can catch us!"


Chen Xun laughed, feeling happy in his heart, "When the time comes, we will have to go back to the Tiandu Plain and set up the teleportation array there."

"Brother Xun, I remember the way, I will lead the way!"

"no problem."

Chen Xun shouted loudly and slapped the big black cow fiercely, "Old cow, let's go fishing in the West Sea and wait for the gate to open."

"Moo~" the big black cow barked perfunctorily, and continued to write on the pamphlet, quite seriously.

Xiao Chi also glanced at it. Brother Xun and Brother Niu's habits were really strange. They always wrote and recorded in booklets. Don't monks usually record their exercises and the like?

Chen Xun tapped the ground, and a breeze blew by, heading towards the coast. Behind him were a black cow writing and a little lion purring.

They came to the coast. Chen Xun waved his hand, and a giant boat appeared and gradually solidified. The Heling Five Elements Tree also came to life and began to sway mysteriously.

Chen Xun stepped onto the giant boat and sat on the top of the attic on the deck. He looked in a certain direction: "Brothers, set sail."


"I'm going to explore the way!"

Da Hei Niu and Xiao Chi immediately became busy. The giant boat made a loud roar and began to be driven by the formation, heading towards the West Sea.

There are still many young monks in the Forbidden Sea sailing towards the depths in large ships. They are full of energy, overcoming thorns and thorns, fighting with people, the will of the Forbidden Sea, and sea beasts...

"Be careful under the sea!"

"There is a purple spirit legacy in the distance, get away quickly!"

"The ancient warship is over. It smells like an ancient warship. Run away!!"

The forbidden sea is filled with the screams of the Dali monks. The sound of the waves is like the sound of drums, which shocks people's hearts. There are crises in all directions, which makes people horrified.

Some guardians rose into the sky to resist the crisis, some monks turned around and abandoned their fellow disciples and fled, and some monks sacrificed their god-destroying magical weapons and roared.

Buzz —

A huge boat hidden in the depths of the mist headed towards them, passing through the large ships of the monks and passing through layers of purple mist.

Chen Xun was still sitting on the top of the pavilion, watching the fight of these young monks with calm eyes, feeling calm in his heart.

"In the blink of an eye, I have been in this forbidden sea for hundreds of years. Has it been so long?"

Chen Xun laughed unknowingly, and now he has finally become a great monk, "The years are really wonderful, and the world of immortality is even more wonderful."

Daheiniu was still chatting with Xiaochi, bursting into low laughter, not knowing what he was talking about.

At this time, several branches stretched out and stayed beside Chen Xun quietly without making any sound.

The faint sound of breaking wind passed through the low altitude of the Forbidden Sea, vibrating faint ripples on the dark sea surface. There was already some faint light in the sky, which was very dazzling.

A ray of light came, and an endless stretch of blue appeared in front of the eyes. The sky was clear and white clouds were floating in the sky like solitary sails on the blue sea.

The blue sky is endless, and a bright golden sun is embedded in it, shining on everything.


"Brother Xun, we are out!"

Big Hei Niu and Xiao Chi screamed, the gorgeous morning glow reflected on the vast sea, like the red glow cut by a fairy, making the sea extraordinarily bright.

"Oh." Chen Xun stood up, and the sea breeze rushed in.

The gangster suit gradually faded away, revealing that handsome and smiling face, which contained a different kind of warmth that was hard to dislike.

But those dark and deep eyes were so clear and peaceful, and the slight smile at the corner of his mouth made people dare not underestimate him.

"Brother Xun, there are many Yujia's fleets."

Before Xiao Chi could be happy, he became alert. He remembered the forces represented by these flags when he came to Forbidden Sea, "They seem to be looking for someone."

"Moo~" A gleam flashed in the big black bull's eyes. These monks obviously had no intention of entering the forbidden sea, but kept scanning the passing ships with their eyes.

"Block us?" Chen Xun sneered, "The Yu family is really not afraid of us going on a killing spree. Isn't it possible that these younger disciples will never come out?"

"Moo!" The big black cow raised its hind hooves and looked at Chen Xun. As long as the big brother spoke, it would quietly sink all these big ships.

"Brother Xun, we'd better be careful. If we take action, the god-transformation monk may appear inexplicably."

Xiao Chi looked at these human golden elixir monks and was still a little panicked. He was most afraid of people with ethnic groups behind them. "This kind of force cannot be dealt with by an individual. Killing a few people won't solve anything."

Da Hei Niu turned around and looked at Xiao Chi. As expected, he was their little brother. He was already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and his temper was still the same as before.

"Well, what Xiao Chi said is right. Others are not stupid. The ability to transform into gods is beyond our imagination."

Chen Xun nodded heavily. He couldn't use the descending spell. "The Yu family's children dare to be so unscrupulous, which means they are not afraid of us at all, but this Liangzi and we are determined."

"Moo!" The big black bull's eyes were slightly cold. The Yu family acted like this. It was no longer a grudge between individual monks.

"Brother Xun, what should we do?"

Xiao Chi was also a little angry for the two eldest brothers. This powerful force of the human race was really fearless. Do you really think that when you stand at the top of the Great Li, you can do whatever you want? !

"It doesn't matter. These are ordinary monks here. They may not know the truth."

Chen Xun's expression became calm, and a pool of lightning flashed in his eyes, "Act according to the plan. Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Don't let it go to your head and play into the hands of others."

Xiao Chi breathed a sigh of relief. He was indeed the eldest brother. He was indeed an old cultivator in the world of immortality. He always did things safely.

"Moo~" The big black bull shouted softly, waved the formation flag, and the giant boat began to take off. The concealment formation was always in operation, and it was impossible to be discovered by these Jindan Nascent Soul monks.


The giant boat soared through the clouds and mist, and the large dark clouds and mist gradually faded away from them. The air around them was clear, and there was no longer any will to suppress them. It was really relaxing like never before.

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