Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 359 Sister Vivienne Is Still Pretty

Because Ling used to take care of the food and daily life of a large group of children, and at the same time find relatives and arrange places for them.

It all costs money.

By the time she decided to go to Dorne, all the money on her body was almost spent.

Ling planned the use of the last few silver Gnars left.

First, from the vicinity of Golden Oak City, they took the children to the middle of the empire in a caravan carriage.

Then on the way to Eaton Town, you can save and save.

Finally, in the vicinity of Nuanfeng Town, when Ling and her three children were on their way along the main road, they met Ms. Babasha who was sitting in a carriage.

The kind-hearted Babasha saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with three twelve or thirteen-year-old children on the road, so she stopped the carriage and asked if she needed help.

After knowing that Ling and his party were also planning to go to Eaton Town, the female musician gave them a ride.

On the way, Babasha learned through chatting with these people that they had a lot of connections with Mr. Dorn, the benefactor she was going to visit.

This wave is "kissing and kissing".

Because of the relationship bond derived from Donne, it is more reasonable and reasonable for the female musician and the female thief to go together.


Eaton, morning.

The entrance of the Wishing Restaurant, which has not been open for a long time.

"Good morning, Amy!"

"Well, it's early for you too, Aisha."

Amy, who slept upstairs in the hot pot restaurant last night, and Aisha, who lived in the staff dormitory, met here and walked into the wishing restaurant together.

There was no one in the lobby of the restaurant.

Mr. Gonzalez, after opening the door, he went to the hot pot restaurant to find Xiongpao and Fat Fox.

The two little cooks walked to the kitchen door of the wishing restaurant.

During Don's absence, his two young apprentices lived very self-disciplined.

I will come to the restaurant kitchen early in the morning to practice and make Cantonese recipes taught by Don.

Practice until noon, and after distributing the practice dishes as staff meals, I will go to the hot pot restaurant to help out, and occasionally stir fry the hot pot base or something.

Wait until the afternoon to practice Cantonese cuisine again and make staff meals.

In the evening, it depends on whether you want to practice more or not depending on your personal situation.

Such high-intensity practice will naturally bring rewards.

Aisha, who is very talented in cooking, has already mastered the Cantonese recipes left by Donne through long-term hard work.

Even, for extremely familiar dishes, sometimes she will make a little innovation based on her own inspiration without deducting points.

The Cantonese cuisine she is making now, if Donne personally examines and evaluates it, the score level is probably like a mango.

Big in the middle and small at both ends.

She can produce most of the Cantonese dishes to A-level. And a small number of them are B grades that are not satisfactory, or S grades that break through the delicious threshold.

What is even more surprising is Amy's progress.

Little Amy, who has mediocre cooking talent, is working harder to make up for the talent gap between herself and Aisha.

Moreover, in the process of practicing and cooking, Amy will not add the slightest personal thought to the cooking techniques.

She will take a strict look and completely reproduce any detail of the cooking process taught by Donne.

How long to fry the food and turn it over, how long to cook it out of the pan, etc., follow Don's demonstration operations and his own dense notes, accurate to the second.

Such inflexible and extreme imitation may make the dishes less individual and spiritual.

However, the object of Amy's imitation is the man who stands at the top of the culinary world in the Miracle Land.

Even if an apprentice of a top teacher just imitates step by step, his final grades will not be much worse.

At the cost of completely abandoning her personal characteristics, Amy is now almost able to restore the Cantonese recipes taught by Dorn to seven or eighty-eight.

If Amy is asked to cook dishes other than Cantonese cuisine that do not have extremely detailed recipe process records, the ratings she makes are probably C-level and B-level.

But if you ask her to cook Cantonese cuisine, she will be all grade A.

perfectly balanced.

The two little chefs have their own ways and directions on the road of pursuing culinary excellence, and there is no strict right or wrong.

When Dawn returns, he will only admire the progress of the two of them. Moreover, they will safely delegate the management of the back kitchen of the third Cantonese restaurant to them.

Donne has only one requirement for the dishes served on the table of his own restaurant - it must be above grade A.

Now, if Aisha and Amy cooperate, they only make Cantonese dishes on the menu, which can fully meet this requirement.

Two little cooks stood at the door of the kitchen, about to go in.

From the nearby wooden stairs, came the sound of light footsteps.

They turned their heads and saw a petite girl who came down from upstairs.

She has a fair complexion like a porcelain doll, delicate facial features, and long, silky silver hair. Wearing a blue and white dress, holding a thick and heavy ebony staff much taller than herself.

"Sister Vivian, good morning." Amy and Aisha greeted together.

"Well——Amy and Aisha, you are also good." Vivian stopped, tilted her head and looked downstairs, "Now, can you see me? Clearly, or vaguely?"

"It's very clear. Sister Vivian, I can see your beautiful hair and beautiful eyes clearly. In short, you are very beautiful, hehe."

Elsa responded with a giggle.

Amy on the side also nodded in agreement: "Well, it's clear. Aisha is right, sister Vivienne is still very beautiful."

"Don't, don't make fun of me. It's a little embarrassing..." Miss Goblin tightened the ebony staff in her arms, which was higher than her own, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

She still couldn't handle the straight rainbow farts of these two little girls.

"Well, I'm going out. You are going to the kitchen to practice cooking as usual, right?" So Vivian said.

"Yeah!" Aisha replied vigorously, "We're going to cook, sister Vivienne, be careful on the road."

"Goodbye, Sister Vivian." Amy also smiled.

Miss Goblin nodded, tightened the staff in her arms, and walked out of the restaurant.

After Vivian went out, the smiling faces of Aisha and Amy dimmed...

Aisha: "Sister Vivienne, have you gone outside the town to wait for the teacher to come home?"

Amy: "Well... I don't know if big brother will come back today."

The tone of the two girls was a little lonely.

Aisha and Amy knew that every morning and evening, Vivienne would go back outside the town, hold the heavy staff, and sit under a big banyan tree.

Just sit there and do nothing.

Miss Goblin, waiting for Don to come home.

Dawn left in early summer, and now, more than half of autumn is almost over.

Even the leaves of the big banyan tree have turned from green to yellow.

This time, Dawn had been away for too long, so long that it was uncertain whether he would come back.

Amy and Elsa usually miss Donne and feel lonely because of it.

The same goes for the other people in the restaurant, Gonzalez, Fat Fox, Bear Claw, and Hana.

But everyone will tacitly agree not to show such emotions in front of Vivienne.

When they could see Vivienne, they always deliberately acted energetic and had a smile on their faces.

Because everyone knows that among them, the one who misses Dawn the most and feels the most lonely and sad about it is Vivienne.

No one else can.

"Amy... shall we cook?" Aisha sighed.

"Yeah." Amy just nodded.

The two girls suppressed the distressed expressions on their faces, tried hard to change their emotions, and walked into the kitchen.

They still remember that Don once told them something like this: "When you are unhappy, you should keep yourself busy."


If you cook carefully every day, you won't have time to think about unhappy things.

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