Start in Another World With All Cooking Skills

Chapter 243 Storytelling in the Storm

The storm came not long after Dorne had finished cooking supper.

Thick clouds weigh heavily on the sea.

From time to time, under the clouds in the distance, you can see a ferocious lightning falling, and then hear the rumbling thunder.

Bean-sized raindrops fell from the clouds, and the strong wind at sea shook the mast.

Wave after wave shook the Anne's hull up and down.

Storms at sea always carry a frightening aura.

However, because most of the crew on the Anne were well-trained, under the command of Hector, the arrangements for fighting the storm were proceeding in an orderly manner.

So this moderate storm did not cause much trouble to the Anne.

On Dorne's side, the food prepared tonight is mixed vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with gravy, and bacon fried with onions, and finally served with the white bread bought at Charleston Harbor during the day.

Under the premise of sailing at sea, this dinner is already very hearty, and it was made by Don himself, so delicious!

Don asked the second officer to send a dinner to the captain's cabin.

He was carrying the food, and went back to the room with Kixiu and Yuval who came to help with the food.

On the Anne, in Don's room.

The light from two oil lamps brightened the room.

The clergy gathered here to have dinner together.

"So, why do you have to gather in my room for dinner today?" Donne asked after taking a sip of hot mixed vegetable soup, looking at the four priests in the room.

"Because you are the most spacious here! I share a room with Sister Adele, and Kissow and Yuval share a room. You are the only one who occupies the room where two people should be staying. If you don't go to your place, where will you go?"

Cross was digging for mashed potatoes with a spoon. Although the hull was shaking, the pastor's sister was holding onto the spoon firmly.

Don: ...

Well, it does make sense when you think about it.

"Besides, it's nighttime, with strong winds and heavy rain on the sea, and it's dark. Don't you think it's very suitable for friends to gather together and tell stories?"

Cross swallowed another mouthful of mashed potatoes and continued to preach, sucking on the spoon as well.

"I think, but not completely. I prefer to stay in the room and sleep in this kind of atmosphere." Don shrugged, and then turned his attention to the other three priests, "Also, why do you cooperate with Crowe so much? This guy Si?"

"Hey, don't look at me with that kind of gaze. It's not surprising that you want to find something to do after floating on the sea for so long, right?" Ki Xiu still had a stinky expression on his face.

"Actually, I think Kloss's proposal is very interesting." Yuval still squinted his eyes, half-smiling.

Only Miss Sword Bearer exchanged a glance with Don, shook her head lightly, then continued to lower her head to eat.

"As for Sister Adele, of course I dragged her here! If we play together but leave Sister Adele alone in the room, wouldn't that be too pitiful?"

The pastor's sister grabbed the topic, and while speaking like this, she patted her barren chest proudly.

Don: ...

Well, it still seems to make sense.

But think about it, this has been sailing at sea for two weeks, and the priests who usually don't have much to do will really feel bored.

After a while.

After finishing her share of supper, Close wiped her mouth with her handkerchief contentedly.

Then she took off her boots, climbed onto Don's bed naturally, sat cross-legged, and conveniently carried the kerosene lamp beside the bed to her.

"...don't let the lamp oil stain my bed." Donne looked helplessly at the pastor's sister.

"No, no." Kloss waved her hands again and again, "Ahem, then tonight's special story conference will begin!"

The dim light of the kerosene lamp reflected on the pastor's younger sister's fair face, which made the color on her face look uneven, giving off a weird feeling.

The vision in the room was dim, and the hull was still shaking up and down with the waves.

Outside, the violent sea wind whimpered, and the rain pattered on the Anne.

Occasionally, there would be a flash of lightning, and the bright light would penetrate into the room, accompanied by a low thunderclap.

One thing to say, now is indeed a very suitable atmosphere for storytelling.

Mmm, horror stories.

Of course it was Kloss who spoke first:

"This is a story I heard when I was very young. The story is like this. A long time ago, a certain principality experienced a huge war, followed by famine and plague, and many, many people died because of it .

There is a pair of brothers who can only be displaced because their hometown was destroyed by the war. They fled all the way, wandering, walking and walking...

One night, the brothers saw a small farmhouse with a light on in a field. The brothers were so tired and hungry that they knocked on the door of the farmhouse.

It was an old woman who opened the door. After listening to the two brothers' request, the old woman received them, let them sleep on the haystack in the kitchen, and prepared a bowl of sour broth with some kind of minced meat floating in it for them to drink.

Both brothers were very grateful to the kind old woman. And, that night they slept on a haystack in the kitchen.

That night, my sleeping brother was suddenly awakened by the rustling and creaking sound of chewing.

He woke up and found that his brother who should have been sleeping beside him was gone.

Moreover, in the dark corner of the kitchen, a figure could be seen squatting with his back facing him, and the small crunching and chewing sounds came from there.

The younger brother took the courage to look carefully at the figure, it was the old woman!

[It's so late, what are you doing here? ] The younger brother plucked up the courage to ask.

[Hungry, eat something. ] The old woman replied with a hoarse voice, accompanied by the sound of chewing in her mouth.

[eat? ]

[Yeah, do you want some? ] The old woman spoke like this, and handed a small piece of minced meat to her younger brother, [This is delicious. ] She said so in a strange tone.

Later, the younger brother held the piece of minced meat in front of him, and found that it was actually a bloody severed finger! "

"Woo—isn't it very scary? When I was a child, I heard Mr. Mayer tell this story, and it was scary."

When the pastor's sister told the end of the story, she shrugged her shoulders holding the kerosene lamp, shivered slightly, and expressed her thoughts.

"Clos, you've told this story several times." Both Kixiu and Yuval shook their heads.

"So, so I'm here to scare Don!" The pastor's sister patted the quilt under her body, "How is it? Don, have you been scared?"

"Actually, no." Don just spread his hands.

As a person on Earth living in the age of information explosion, he has seen a lot of weird stories on the Internet, and Dawn has also read many horror-themed novels, comics, and film and television works.

Therefore, the dictation of horror stories without any explosive points is generally difficult to scare him.

"Oh, you're boring, Don." The pastor's sister didn't see Don's frightened look, so she sighed and lost her interest.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say it, aren't you a priest of the Holy See? And you can fight well, why are you afraid of such stories?"

"The pastor also has the right to be afraid! Besides, it has nothing to do with being able to fight, right? Under the background of wars and famines, the tragedy of cannibalism? Isn't this scary? Dawn, you have no heart!" Klose was indignant Of course.

Don: ...

I don't know why, but after being explained by Kloss, the concept of this horror story, which was not very scary at first, went up all at once.

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