Start From Cultivation University

Chapter 371: Write a song for him

The Campus Singer Contest can be said to be a must-have item for every school. It's just that it's different from ordinary university competitions. The judges of this competition... are jerks.

After the initial cries of "this is too embarrassing", everyone accepted it faster than expected. Just watch a bunch of people volunteer to stand forward and show off one by one.

"Sister, go out boldly! Go out, don't look back..."

"Put your eggs, my eggs, on a string..."

"If the egg is there, the dream is there, and there is true love between heaven and earth..."

The scene of the battle was very fierce, but I saw a group of demons dancing wildly on the ground, the aggressive aura swept the jungle, and the autumn wind blew, and the leaves were rustling. Amidst the melodious singing, under the gaze of everyone, the small mouth that had drilled out of the eggshell stopped for a moment, and then slowly retracted.

——I'm sorry, I cast the wrong birth, is it too late to change the birth method now?

Yang Xiaohe lay behind the crowd, watching with fixed eyes. Seeing that the egg was about to stop moving, she swallowed her saliva, opened her mouth cautiously, and hummed softly among the crowd as if she had done it unintentionally.

"If you hadn't suddenly broken into my life, how could I have let go of my obstinate loneliness..."

She subconsciously sang the lyrics that came to her mind first, hiding her voice among the crowd, being very careful.

While humming, her eyes were fixed on the slightly shaking egg, but only she knew that when she read these lyrics, her mind was always the shadow of another person.

If you hadn't suddenly broken into my life...

How could I...

Yang Xiaohe hummed softly, her eyes lowered lower and lower, from the eggs in front of her, to the backs of the crowd, and finally she just looked at her own feet.

She dared not look up. She was afraid that if she saw his shadow at this time, she would lose control of her emotions again.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt the surrounding students commotion, leaning forward like grass being blown by the wind, accompanied by a burst of excited shouting: "Hey! There is movement, there is movement! "

Yang Xiaohe raised her head, stood on tiptoes, and looked in through the gaps in the crowd. Sure enough, the eggs in the cultivation circle started to shake, the cracks near the gap expanded rapidly, and the fragments fell off one by one, and the brown beak inside could be seen stretching and shrinking.

Finally, amidst the booing of surprise, the head of a little harpy popped out of the gap, blinking its little golden eyes, and crying like a newborn baby.

"Fuck! Awesome!"

"Six's experiment of cultivating the magic circle was successful! Record the data! Hurry up! Don't forget!"

"Transfer it into the constant temperature barrier! Adjust the spiritual power input of the barrier!"

"Bring over the special spiritual food prepared by Dan Xiu from the equipment department before, feed some, don't starve the child!"

"Speaking of which, whose singing voice awakened this sleeping beauty?"

The crowd became agitated, students in lab coats rushed forward to do the "delivery delivery" work, and more people looked around, looking for the winner of the "singer contest".

Among all of this, Yang Xiaohe didn't think too much about it—she still remembered her duties as a reporter from the Propaganda Department, and as soon as the situation changed, she quickly picked up the camera and captured the "delivery" of the little demon. moment.

But just as she raised the camera to her eyes, a voice rang in her ear.

"I listened, it seemed that the song she sang promoted the hatching."

Like a piece of bait falling into a fish pond, the eyes of the surrounding students were all attracted, and they all fell on Yang Xiaohe in the middle. In just a few seconds, she has changed from the back of the crowd to the center of the crowd.

The hand holding the camera froze, Yang Xiaohe stood where he was, his whole body seemed to freeze.

It's not entirely because she suddenly became the focus of everyone, but more importantly... the sentence just now was said by Xie Tianyang.

"Just now I heard,

As soon as you open your mouth, that demon egg will respond. "

As Xie Tianyang spoke, he glanced at her from the front, with the approval from the president showing on his face: "I have to say, your singing is indeed quite nice, no wonder that little demon is so active after hearing it."

After he said this casually, he turned his head and turned to the side to assign work to other students.

But he left as soon as he said that, and Yang Xiaohe was still standing there behind, holding the camera in his hands, staring at his back, and thinking about the words just now.

what did he say?

He was... complimenting me just now?

Yang Xiaohe stood there in a daze, feeling his hands and feet became cold all of a sudden, the hot blood in his whole body gathered at one point, and all rushed to his face. This made her feel dizzy for a while, and her face was burning like a fever.

He praised me!

He heard me sing!

He really noticed me! ! !

At that moment, she felt that the world was silenced, only the words just now echoed in her mind repeatedly, like the sound of church bells, every cell turned into a devout believer in the sound of the bell, and a carnival was held everywhere in the body Festival.

It wasn't until people on both sides finished their work and the crowd dispersed that she recovered from the daze and realized that the battery of the camera in her hand had been half drained.

what! Oops! The material at the end was not filmed! I don't know if what I just shot is enough...

She quickly turned on the playback, looking back at the footage she just took one by one. She tried to concentrate on her work, but she couldn't bear to stay on the scene a few minutes ago.

What did Senior Xie say just now... By the way, he praised me for singing well!

In other words, he likes to hear me sing, right?

Ahhh, what were you thinking just now? With such a good opportunity, I should have taken advantage of the time when he was talking, and said "I can sing to you if the senior wants to hear it", and turned passive into active...but it was just missed.

Forget it!

Yang Xiaohe bit her lip, feeling that tears were about to come out for a moment, and she was crying stupidly by herself.

Well, the past can no longer be undone. Now that there are new opportunities, it is necessary to take advantage of them.

As senior sister Chu Yunyi said, he should show himself more in the direction he is interested in. The previous plan to get close to him by relying on his grades has been aborted, so... can we start with singing?

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense, and a surge of energy came out. At this time, the experiment in the morning was basically over. She put the camera back in one hand, put on her bag, and jumped out of the blessed place from the exit, ready to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

He likes the songs I sing, so he has to find a way to participate in activities related to literature and art held by the student union... Speaking of which, is there such an activity?

That's right, this is Kunlun University, the number one academy for cultivating immortals, how could it be possible to see those bad street singer contests.

If it doesn't work in public, then there is only a more private way... According to the routine in Li, just write a song and give it to him alone. In this case, it is impossible for him not to notice me, right? a student of Kunlun University, it seems too vulgar to simply write songs. Senior Xie should not be tempted by such a trivial matter. What else can I add to belong to a cultivator...

Immersed in her own thoughts, she walked like a sleepwalker, and she had wandered across most of the campus without knowing it. And just as she was passing Houdeshuge, a burst of music woke her up from her sleepwalking.

That was the music coming from the window of the Book Pavilion, as clear and delicate as gurgling water, it was the sound of someone playing the guqin.

When I usually go to the bookstore to borrow books, the students can hear this burst of music from time to time, which has almost become a common bgm, especially when the door of the bookstore opens and closes in the morning and evening.

As an existence functioning as a university library, it stands to reason that there shouldn't be any redundant voices in the self-study area of ​​Shuge. But the sound of the piano seems to have a magical effect of calming the mind and mind. Not only will it not disturb the self-study students, but it can further dispel impetuousness and increase concentration.

After several semesters, the sound of the piano has become one of the unwritten hidden ways of playing on Kunlun University campus among the students. Some people who are not strong in self-control even take advantage of the sound of the piano to come and study for themselves.

But now, the voice was heard in Yang Xiaohe's ears, and it made her think of something.

She ran to the door of the bookstore, opened the door and entered, pricked up her ears, stood behind the huge bookshelf and looked around, closed her eyes and listened intently, silently reciting the special rhythm in her heart.

It wasn't the first time she heard the sound of the piano, and she usually just turned a blind eye to it as background music. But today...she decided to try to wait for the source of the sound.

Can you wait until...

She was thinking in her heart a little uneasy, and hummed softly following the tune of the piano. In a trance, the sound of the piano that seemed to come from the sky seemed to be getting closer and closer, and finally it became like playing by the ear.

"Good, good, my son listens to my husband." Suddenly a poetic tone came to my ears, "There is a desire for seeking in the singing... So, are you here for the sound of the old man's zither?"

Yang Xiaohe's eyebrows twitched, she suddenly opened her eyes and turned around, and saw a man in white clothes standing there among the scattered papers, holding a lyre in one hand, looking at her quietly.



After a few days.

[Student [Yang Xiaohe] Wen Dao quality improved, spiritual power +2]

[Student [Yang Xiaohe] has improved spiritual power control, spiritual power value +1]


A few unusual marks were clearly left on the record on the panel, which made Wei Ze, who is used to reading the record, take a few more glances.

Compared with popular subjects such as Talisman, Artifact Refining, Alchemy, and Swordsmanship, people who specialize in literature and Taoism are rare animals even in school, even less than physical training, so few that it is even impossible to set up a special major for it. It can only be merged into the sub-category of Soul Cultivation.

And looking at the records, even when there was no Wen Dao class, this freshman named Yang Xiaohe continued to practice the Wen Dao content for several days, and it was often accompanied by an improvement in spiritual power control and cognitive improvement... This is Want to train another poet?

It's better to ask Yan Ruyu another day about the specific situation... He secretly made a note in his heart, but he didn't delay on it, and turned his head back to his own affairs.

What was placed in front of him at this time were piles of research results reports.

Looking through the titles, what are they all? "Comparison of 30-day hatching progress records of monster eggs under the five attributes", "Construction model of monster cultivation array with the eyes of the word array", "Catalytic reaction of eight magic spells on the germination of monster eggs Contrast"...dozens of copies.

It can be seen from the title that the blessed land that he earned this time has not only become a breeding center for monster eggs, but also an incubator for many scientific research achievements—this is exactly what he planned at the beginning.

If it is placed in an ordinary university, when everyone writes the research purpose and significance of the paper, they will inevitably be reminded not to write absolute statements such as "filling the gap in the field", but to use "in the predecessors' Supplemented on the basis of this vague statement.

Before the recovery of spiritual energy, most of the fields were introverted, and there were a lot of papers in the world. There were very few topics that could really make new achievements. However, it can be regarded as "novelty" if it is remade, but these projects are obviously not the case at the moment.

Even if it is a large-scale breeding farm outside, there will not be such a large number of ready-made monster eggs for experimentation, let alone the eggs of an ancient monster, which can definitely be called the only one in the world.

Based on the average academic level of undergraduates, at least 90% of them are just porters of academic garbage. But now, even if the results of these students are really academic garbage, it is unique garbage in the world.

With these achievements as a foundation, it is enough to support the volume of the first edition of the school's academic journal.

As for the rest of the work, it's up to...

Wei Ze pushed aside the trash heap in front of him, opened the drawer, and took out a stack of manuscripts from the bottom of the press box—the paper submitted by Xiao Youyu before, entitled "On the Law of Energy Transformation of Reiki—Based on Quantitative Methods Determination of Experiments" paper.

As early as the opening of the topic, Xiao Youyu submitted the relevant research plan and materials to him for review. He knew the student's ideal a long time ago, so he approved it without thinking too much.

And no one thought that it was this thesis that almost killed the student.

Wei Ze frowned slightly, turned the page in front of him, and started browsing the paper from the beginning.

This isn't the first time he's rewatched it. As a liberal arts teacher, he has to admit that he really doesn't understand the series of professional physics terms in the text. Most of them are skipped at a glance, but when he turned to the last page, his fingers stopped slightly. .

In the column of the conclusion of the thesis, he saw a line of clear words: "To sum up, it can be obtained that the conversion constant of spiritual energy is equal to 6.5".

The conversion constant of aura is equal to 6.5...According to the previous inference, is this conclusion touched the sensitive nerves of some people?

What does this number mean?

In any case, the paper will definitely be added to the journal. With the release of the academic journal, this conclusion will also be revealed to the world, which should be the most dreadful thing for those behind the scenes.

Next, it's time to execute it.

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