StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 722 Hell 1 Family-Gate of Hell

A mad demon leaps high, and a wide space is required to summon the Gate of Hell. The Gate of Hell cannot be opened in the midst of a mass of charging armies.

However, when he just jumped out and before he could take out the scroll hidden in the armor on his chest, the two crazy demons around him suddenly rushed towards him like crazy.

The madman was mentally prepared for this. He stretched his hand out of his arms again, and as soon as the iron chain wrapped around his arm was rolled up, the iron chain fell off his arm, whipping the two men who were rushing over like a long whip. On the crazy person.

The mad devil at the front withstood the most severe attack, and the iron chain directly smashed the mad devil's chest muscles almost to pieces. And the mad devil was worthy of the title of mad devil. He didn't say a word after suffering such pain, and even hugged him with his arms. Hold on to the iron chain, and then pull it towards your arms with all your strength.

The other mad devil took the opportunity to come to the mad devil and punched the mad devil in the head.

The mad devil became even more stubborn and threw away the iron chain in his hand, making the mad devil who wanted to restrain him through the iron chain useless. Although he had no weapons, how could the mad devil with bare hands not be able to defeat a mad devil?

Kuangmo didn't even block Crazy Demon's fist, and let him punch him in the face. However, Crazy Demon's right foot also kicked out at the same time, kicking Crazy Demon's chest, kicking him backwards. Then, The Crazy Demon followed quickly, grabbed the Crazy Demon's head, and beat himself desperately despite the Crazy Demon. He exerted force with both hands, and there was a crisp "click" sound. The Crazy Demon's head was like a watermelon that fell to the ground, shattering into pieces on the spot. Dozens of dollars!

After taking care of the crazy demon, the crazy demon immediately turned around, roared at the crazy demon who had taken his chain, accelerated and rushed in front of the crazy demon, also ignored the crazy demon's attack, and smashed the crazy demon's head again!

After taking care of the two "traitors..." the mad devil reached into his arms again and took out a pitch black scroll. This scroll was filled with the disgusting smell of blood and the pungent smell of sulfur. The mad devil smelled this smell. It was as comfortable as drinking a cup of fairy brew, but he did not dare to hesitate, opened the scroll, mobilized his mental power, and was about to input his mental power into the scroll.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a shock wave rushed over quickly.

As soon as the mad demon's pitiful mental power surged out, it was hit by the shock wave and collapsed on the spot! The mad demon roared in pain, holding his head and rolling around in the sky, while the three mad demons advancing around him had a red light in their eyes, turned around, stretched out their sharp claws, and tore the scroll in the mad demon's hand to pieces.

... This scene keeps happening in the army of the hell clan. There are king insects observing the battlefield from all directions. As long as the mad demon approaches the front line, the king insects will immediately dominate the void infected people and attack.

In fact, the Void Infected has a powerful restraint effect on these pitiful cannon fodders who are physically strong but mentally weak. The Void Infected can make them kill each other through control, but they themselves have no casualties. After a war, It's completely the infighting of the hell clan.

Of course, Ye Chao did the same thing when he fought for the first time.

One hundred thousand void infected people controlled nearly a million crazy demons at the same time. They formed a city wall and blocked the path of the crazy demons behind them. However, the next moment the crazy demons appeared, they tore open hundreds of gates to hell, and then, they formed a city wall. Thousands of three-headed hell dogs, as well as more powerful torture demons and fierce demons, suddenly appeared and caused huge casualties to the Zerg army!

At that time, Ye Chao understood that there were very few torture demons and fierce demons that were a hundred times more powerful than the crazy demons. Moreover, their strength would decrease as the time they left the magma environment increased. Therefore, these powerful hell warriors would neither To charge against the long-range Zerg attack, you won't waste time on the march.

Undoubtedly, it is the most correct way to let the crazy demons summon the gates of hell in the war field and let them enter the battlefield in peak condition!

For this reason, Ye Chao deliberately asked all void-infected people to take a back seat and no longer control ordinary crazy demons for consumption, but used them to defend against the large-scale summoning of the gates of hell by the crazy demons!

However, there is a saying that goes well: long-term defense will eventually lead to failure.

Even if the Void Infector has the assistance of the King Insect, all the Mad Demon needs to do is rush out of the army, find an open space, and then transfer his mental power into the scroll.

The five crazy demons obviously had a plan. The four crazy demons stood in front and mobilized their mental power at the same time. The crazy demons around them immediately surrounded them. However, the four crazy demons gave up on mobilizing their mental power and firmly protected the middle one. When the four mad demons were killed by the surrounding mad demons and the shock wave, the mad demon in the middle finally put his mental power into the scroll.

"Buzz!" The scroll flashed with red light and burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of fire rippled like a wave. The attack power of this circle of fire was extremely strong. The most important thing was that it could attack without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. Even if the crazy demons around it came from the magma of hell, the attack power of this circle of fire was extremely strong. As soon as the controlled madman in the range touched this ripple of flame, his entire body burned into ashes instantly!

Ripples rippled, and a burning door gradually appeared.

As soon as the gate appeared, a three-headed hell dog with a length of ten meters, a height of three meters, and three heads came out shaking its head. Looking from the gap next to the door of hell, the three-headed hell dog was densely packed with people at least. There are more than a hundred people lined up!

As soon as the three-headed hell dog appeared, it did not immediately launch an attack. Instead, it roared and the surrounding mad demons immediately moved closer to him. When they got to the three-headed hell dog, the mad demons began to mobilize their mental power crazily.

The void infected people tried their best to control at least 100,000 crazy demons at the same time and launched one attack after another.

However, the three-headed hell dog waved its sharp claws, and dozens of mad demons who dared to approach were instantly cut into two pieces by him. Then, the three heads spit out large black flames at the same time. zhaoshyann.c burst into flames. The bigger the crazy demon moved, the stronger the flames burned. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of crazy demons were burned to ashes.

Taking this opportunity, the second and third hell gates were also erected.

Ye Meng, who was next to Ye Chao, stamped his feet bitterly, "Damn it, these crazy demons are really disgusting. They are obviously not mentally strong, but they cannot be controlled by the Void Infected. Otherwise, if you control them directly, you don't have to worry about hell. The door appeared..."

Ye Chao sighed, "But if this is just a if, it is not a fact! Ye Meng, you should also prepare to take action. Behind the three-headed hell dog, there must be more powerful torture demons and fierce demons, and there may also be strong men from the hell clan. body!"

Ye Meng turned and walked towards the command room, "Don't worry, under my third level awakening, no matter how many they come, they will die!"

Ye Chao looked at the back of Ye Meng and his group as they left, sighed, and with a thought in his mind, the Void Infected no longer defended against the mad demons, but began to control the mad demons on a large scale, causing the mad demon army to kill each other!

Since the defense of the Gate of Hell has failed, the only way is to reduce the number of crazy demons as much as possible before the coming of all-out war..._zw263

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