StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 570 Hive Warship-Iron Armored Defense Line

"Charge over, rush over, tear them apart, tear them apart!" The captain of the fighter group looked like a madman, roaring, screaming, releasing terrifying lightning bolts, leading the way. Their goal was not to fight the Zerg in an air battle. Instead of fighting with the units, they were escorting three landing ships. Therefore, they did not have to fight the Zerg to death. In fact, they did not have the confidence to fight the Zerg to death. Even if it seems now, the number of Zerg deaths is ten times higher than that of the Dust family. Times!

The landing ship increased its speed to the highest speed, and the Zerg attacked frantically. They were all stopped by fighter jets and gunboats. Finally, five minutes later, the first landing ship approached the target!

"Landing, ship-seizing tactics, start!" The captain of the landing ship roared, and pressed the ejection button hard. The entire ejection bay of the landing ship's hull was opened. The landing ship that used ship-seizing tactics was naturally different from the planet landing ship. , the disk battleships released by the planet landing ship will disperse and eject when they reach the surface of the planet, but the cabins launched by the assault landing ship are like huge crossbow bolts, ten meters long and two meters wide, with fifty warriors inside. , the assault landing ship can eject a hundred of these crossbow bolts at one time. The head of the cabin has an extremely sharp drill. Once it gets close to the target, the crazy rotating drill can easily break through the opponent's energy shield, and then in A channel is opened on the target warship that allows landing fighters to enter and exit.

"Whoosh whoosh..." One hundred ship cabins were launched one after another, rushing towards the Hive Battleship at extremely fast speeds. The secondary guns on the Hive Battleship kept bombarding, but the construction principle of this crossbow cabin was only One, that is fast, one round of secondary artillery can only destroy less than ten ship cabins!

"Boom! Boom boom boom..." The giant silver drill that landed in the cabin finally hit the surface of the Zerg warship hard, and the drill immediately started spinning crazily.

"Haha, damn bugs, we're in!" The soldiers who were preparing to seize the ship did not have any fear, but were filled with crazy fighting spirit and bloodthirsty desire - the soldiers who attacked the landing ship were all elites among ordinary soldiers. , The Expendables, the more dangerous the place, the more excited they are!

In the distance, Philosophy could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The strength of the Zerg warships was entirely supported by ten Hive warships. As long as these ten Hive warships lost their power, they could quickly reverse their decline. From the bottom of his heart, Philosophy I still believe that the Zerg are not my opponent. The Zerg Hive Battleship is an accident. As long as this accident is solved, the battle situation will be completely back in my hands! But now, this accident can be solved immediately!

The hope of victory is right in front of us and within reach!

Above Nidhogg, Ye Meng's eyes were gleaming, "Kill, kill, kill, Ye Chao, hurry up, kill, send out the armored defense line..."

Ye Chao stared closely at the enlarged holographic image, as if waiting for something, "Wait, wait..."

"Woooooo..." The frantically rotating drill drilled the energy-devouring locusts on the surface directly into pieces. Without the protection of the energy-devouring locusts, a black ship with scales appeared in front of the landing warriors.

At this moment, Ye Chao grinned and said, "Iron-armored defense line, activate!"

"call out……"


The black scale-like hull was about to be hit by a drill, but it suddenly turned into a long whip and hit the top of the landing ship cabin like a crossbow bolt. The entire cabin was shaken by the impact and fell backwards. Twenty or thirty meters, and then, the long whip protruding from the body of the hive ship tightly wrapped around the landing ship cabin, and then, with force!

The ten-meter cabin was crushed into pieces!

This scene happened in every corner of the landing ship. Dozens of tentacles seemed to grow out of the entire surface of the Hive Warship. In front of these armored whip-like tentacles, the landing ship cabin, which was not very defensive, was helpless to fight back. , the soldiers inside... died in an extremely miserable manner!

"Damn, there are tentacles on the surface of these Hive Battleships, be careful to avoid them, be careful to avoid them!!!" the landing ship roared in horror.

"These tentacles are not from the Hive Battleship, they are armored octopuses. The surface of these insect nests is covered with armored octopuses... Ahhh!!" A team leader who was about to die finally discovered the truth with his own life. !

The Iron Armored Defense Line is another feature of the Hive Warship in addition to the three layers of defense and superb attack. The Hive Warship is essentially a bug hive, which is completely different from the cruiser made of hard beetles. Therefore, the Iron Armored Octopus can be combined with the Hive Warship to lie down. On the surface of the Hive Warship, it can not only help the warship withstand some damage, but also protect the warship from being captured or other anti-ship weapons approaching.

A bug hive battleship is guarded by at least ten armored octopuses. Therefore, let alone these three landing ships, even if there were twice as many, they would never be able to enter the bug hive battleship!

"Whoosh..." The armored whip was waving wildly, like the god of death falling from the sky. Anyone entangled would only end in destruction. The landing ship was helpless and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The armored octopus had solved the landing ship cabin. Flying directly from the surface of the Hive Battleship, arriving on the landing ship, eight tentacles entangled tightly, and then... tore into pieces!

Hundreds of alien warriors escaped from the shattered and exploding landing ship cabin, only to be blasted to pieces one by one by the secondary guns prepared by the Hive Warship!

"Rumble...Rumble..." Without exception, the three landing ships turned into three beautiful fireworks at almost the same time.

"Wow, so beautiful..." Ye Chao raised his eyebrows.

"Bang..." Philosophy fell down on his seat absentmindedly. It was not just the landing ship that exploded, but also his hope...

"My emperor..." Ye Chao took the initiative to look at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo smiled slightly, "Let's get started..."

Ye Meng geared up, "Hey, my emperor, um, we..."

"Go ahead and launch a full-scale attack!"

Ye Chao waved his hands with an expectant expression on his face, "Xeno Corruptor, attack, corrosive acid, target, enemy fighter!!"

Five thousand alien corruptors, swinging their tentacle tails, quickly entered the battlefield from behind. Their flying speed was not faster than the blade-armed dragons and flying snakes, but their range was extremely long. As they flew, they sprayed out clouds of corrosive acid. .

"Void Infected, look for Shuyuan.asyan.o to attack. The target is the enemy gunboat!"

A thousand void-infected people entered the battlefield led by the king insect. They squatted on the king insect's head. When they raised their heads, a stream of spiritual rays hit the alien warriors raging in the gunboat.

"Three-eyed Malu, long-range burst attack!"

On both sides of the battlefield, a large number of ferrymen flew away, and the one hundred thousand three-eyed millipedes under cover suddenly shed a green light like raindrops!

"Chi chi chi..." Once the alien fighter is hit by the corrosive acid, the energy shield energy immediately jumps down at 20%, 20%, and the energy is exhausted in the blink of an eye. At this time, only A bladed insect can easily tear a fighter in half.

The gunships that were frantically slaughtering the blade-armed dragons and flying snakes, but the Yichen warriors were shocked, and their entire silver eyes were replaced by green. Then, they saw them changing the direction of attack, and lightning chains were directed towards the Yichen tribe. The fighter jets blasted away, and the gunboats were specially designed to suppress the existence of small flying units. They were extremely lethal to the Blade-Arm Alien and the Flying Snake. They were also very lethal to the Alien fighters. Moreover, their sudden rebellion even caused a group of fighter jets to attack. Caught off guard!

Retreat. At this time, even without Philosophy's order, the fighter group began to retreat crazily. The Zerg, which was fully mobilized, had already intertwined a death zone in front of them. Unfortunately, the last fighter jet had just left the battleship and was killed by the extremely distant enemy. The green beam of light penetrated fiercely! The three-eyed millipede blocked their retreat!

In the first five minutes of the battle, the Yichen clan's fighter losses were no more than a thousand, and after five minutes, more than fifty fighter jets were blown up every second!

The Zerg's comprehensive counterattack has begun!


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