StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 388 Seeking Death

As the fourth-level civilization fleet continued to deepen, although there was still no trace of the Zerg on the radar, a depressing atmosphere had swept through the entire fleet like an ion storm.

In the Alvin flagship command room, Tracy looked at the radar and said in disbelief, "Are these fleets crazy? They have advanced at least three thousand kilometers now, but they have not sent out a single reconnaissance plane. The Zerg have ferryers to cover them. Yes, those giant bugs are so powerful. I have seen that any radar scan is useless in front of them. We can only rely on the most basic reconnaissance aircraft. What are they doing? "

Brady snorted coldly, "These people are united on the surface, but in fact they have their own agenda. They are all waiting for the other party to release reconnaissance planes first. Stupid low-level civilization uses them to consume the Zerg's combat effectiveness and attract the Zerg's attack. That's really It couldn’t be more suitable…”

Zibler took a deep breath, "But Mr. Brady, if they lose too quickly and too heavily, it will be a blow to us as a whole. I think we still need to remind them. After all, they can hold on." The longer it takes, the more time it takes to attract more artillery fire from the Zerg..."

Brady's face turned stern, he waved his hand and said decisively, "No, don't remind them. I hope they will all be annihilated within ten minutes. Remind them that if they really resist tenaciously and fight the Zerg for a long time, Didn’t our military’s carefully planned plan come to nothing?”

"Plan?" Prescott chewed on the word, but they knew the rules of the army and didn't ask questions if they shouldn't, so when the three of them heard the word, they pretended not to have heard it.

Brady couldn't help but let out a faint smile. He was very satisfied with the understanding reactions of the three Ziblers.

"Now, at this point, the military's plan can actually be told to you..." As soon as Brady's words came out, the three Zibulers immediately focused their attention, and behind them, on each operating platform Although many of the warship commanders and operators who were constantly checking data and issuing orders had their expressions unchanged, their ears were obviously perked up.

The war between the Zerg and Alvin is related to the future of Alvin and all civilizations, so they cannot help but be curious.

However, Brady is ready to tell the three Zibulers that it is the recruitment factor in his bones that is at work. He is willing to tell the three Zibulers the plan of the military. The three Zibulers must be grateful for Brady's trust. Brady first got them out of prison, and now he has so much trust in them. How could they follow Brady wholeheartedly?

Unfortunately, Brady didn't know that the three parasitized Ziblers were moved on the surface, but sneered in their hearts. Naturally, this scene was also being broadcast live in front of the Nidhogg and Ye Luo.

Brady didn't intend to let anyone else know, so he directly sent a message to the three of Zibuler, "This plan was thought up by the military after studying it for a day and a night. The code name for the operation is to divert trouble to the east!"

"Yin east, towards the undead?" Tracy's eyes lit up, as if she understood the outline of the plan.

Brady glanced at Tracy appreciatively. Among the three Zibulers, Tracy was the lowest, but he loved Tracy just as much as the three Zibulers. This was the reason.

Brady did not continue to explain in detail. He believed that the words "driving trouble to the east" were enough for the three of them to roughly understand. As for the details of the execution, they would naturally know it after experiencing it.

"call out!"

"Shameful...!" Suddenly, terrifying green rays suddenly shot out from the void, and the Zerg, the Zerg fleet, opened fire!

This attack was carried out extremely suddenly. Without the reconnaissance plane to explore the path, this ambush could be scored as a hundred percent.

"Crazy, really crazy, all crazy, the commanders of other civilizations are crazy, our commander is crazy, even General Brady is crazy, this is war, it is still a child's play!!!" said a fourth The captain of the super-civilized battleship looked at the green energy that was rapidly amplifying in front of his eyes, with unwilling despair on his face.

"Boom...boom boom..." At least ten Zerg cruisers, twenty destroyers, 300,000 three-eyed millipedes, a salvo, the fourth-level civilization emptied its wealth, gathered 42 cruisers, two of them Twelve ships turned into brilliant fireworks on the spot.

Before the remaining twenty ships had time to raise their protective shields, they were closely contacted by the armored octopus that suddenly appeared in the center of the fleet...

This result did not even surprise Brady. In his opinion, the forty-two cruisers, no matter how bad they were, could at least reduce the number of Zerg troops by one million and destroy more than ten battleships. However, the sudden ambush by the Zerg made him feel sad. The perfect plan suddenly took on an ominous feel.

At this moment, from behind the command room, explosive roars continued to sound.

"General Brady, someone broke into our battleship, he, he is running towards the command room!" The correspondent looked at Brady in horror.

"Decapitation tactics??!!" Brady's eyes widened, and he instantly understood the reason why the commanders of the fourth-level civilization moved forward without making any preparations for battle. Immediately, a trace of panic crept onto Brady's face. The purpose of the military is to let the fourth-level civilization fleet die, and then pretend to be defeated and escape. Originally, he was not in much danger at the rear, but now it is different. Decapitation tactics, decapitation tactics, he is the biggest head! Those who were sent to behead themselves were sent to Shuyuan. zhaoshyan.c is probably the strongest among the Zerg!

"Order the fleet to retreat, retreat immediately! Zibuler, Prescott, hurry up, now is the time for you to take action. Quickly, together with my silver-armored warriors, drive out all the Zerg lurking in!" Facing death at such a close distance, Brady found that the bravery of his youth had left him in the luxury and comfort of Alvin's military headquarters. The suffocation of death enveloped him deeply. Before he even sees the Zerg lurkers, he can be 100% sure that the other party has set their sights on him.

"Bang!" Before Brady finished speaking, a huge handprint was suddenly hammered out of the closed command room door from the outside!

"Damn it! Tracy, you protect Mr. Brady, Prescott, do it!" Zibler roared, and he and Prescott rushed towards the entrance of the command room at the same time. However, the two of them had not arrived yet. , the fully foot-thick hatch was smashed directly with a bang, and the half-broken hatch hit the two of them like a stone.

Prescott reacted very quickly and punched the hatch. A layer of silver-white ice crystals covered the hatch in the blink of an eye. The hatch fell to the ground and broke into five or six pieces.

Outside the cabin door, a burly man was looking at this place with a ferocious smile. _xcxs

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