StarCraft Emperor of the Insects

Chapter 177 Self-directed and self-acted——Brotherhood

Edward frowned slightly, leaned forward, put his arms on a table on both sides of the screen, looked at the magnified blade-shaped insects shot by the Blade-arm Allosaurus on the screen, shook his head and murmured, "These insects are really not that big." It’s so simple, you can actually use the ejected bugs to detonate our missiles..."

Darnell's eyes flashed coldly, "Maybe they were just lucky!"

Edward nodded, "I hope so... Correspondent, pass the order and tell the interceptor aircraft to prohibit long-distance missile launches and use short-range bursts instead!"

In the starry sky, after a wave of bombings, the fastest flying snake was the first to make contact with the fighter jets.

The speed of these phantoms in the sky was two minutes faster than their combat power. The two collided head-on, and the flying snake wildly raised its claws.

"Da da da da da da..." However, just as the Flying Snake entered the range of the fighter jets, the combat cannon at the front of the flight formation began to operate crazily, and golden bullets dropped from the sky in a golden barrage. Looking down from the sky above the battlefield, you can see the incomparable beauty of the countless golden dotted lines, like the golden bags woven by the Weaver Girl in the Milky Way.

However, these golden dotted lines are terrifying to flying snakes.

The flying snake's defense is not as good as the blade-armed dragon. I saw a fighter jet that didn't dodge, its cannons roared crazily. In two seconds, hundreds of bullets ravaged the flying snake's body, and the flying snake impacted rapidly. , was hit directly by the bullet and was knocked back. The bullet penetrated the flesh and spattered blood, and the muscles were violently broken by the bullet. The flying snake lost its life in three seconds, and its bloody forehead fell into the void.

After seeing the power of bullets, the flying snake no longer simply flew in a straight line, but began to dodge in various ways. This action greatly reduced the death rate of the flying snake. Except for the rear row, the flying snake in the front row could not be seen, and suddenly flew in the front row. After driving, they were innocently hit by bullets. With their super speed, almost none of the flying snakes in the front were killed.

But when the Flying Snake approached combat effectiveness again, the airborne missiles began to launch again.

The missiles dragging their tails hit almost every target at such a distance, and the sky was once again enveloped in fireworks.

After this round of missiles, the flying snake and the fighter finally met!

The fighter jets in the front row were firing their machine guns non-stop, trying to fight their way out of the swarm of insects, but the fighting power of the worms made them understand their naivety.

Hundreds of fighter jets were either cut off by the flying snakes that passed by them, or their wings were cut off, or their cockpits were cut off, or they were cut directly from the center. What's even more tragic, some of the injured were not dead. The flying snake directly hit the fighter jet with its body and died together with the pilot inside!

The rear flight formation immediately changed its strategy, and the neat volley formation began to fly up and down. While avoiding the insect swarm, they waited for an opportunity to lock on the flying snake and launch the missiles. Once they seized the opportunity, they followed a flying snake and faced it. The flying snake's body began to shoot wildly.

Three minutes after the war started, the casualties were surprisingly high. At least a thousand swarms died, and more than two hundred combat units were destroyed. This was an interstellar war, and this level of cruelty was just the tip of the iceberg.

Milken, a three-star pilot and the leader of the fourth interceptor team of the cruiser Luoming, with the cooperation of his wingmen, has killed no less than three flying snakes and two blade-armed alien dragons.

However, the calmness of the battle has disappeared. Even if no casualty data has been received, years of experience are telling Milken that the casualties of interceptors are increasing at a geometric rate.

Of course, this idea only stayed in his mind for 05 seconds. Then, a blade-armed mutalisaurus that unfortunately entered his field of vision was marked with death by Milken.

Milken pulled the lever fiercely, and the fighter jet flew upwards after the blade-arm alien. In front of the blade-arm alien was a Joanna battleship interceptor. The guy was in a very bad situation. He was killed by the knife. The bladed insects ejected by the Brachiosaurus almost hit him several times. He hid and was surrounded by dangers. He got rid of it, but couldn't get rid of it. If this continued, death would only happen within a dozen seconds!

"Didi, drip,... ding!" The fighter's built-in locking function locks the blade-armed dragon that is always located in the center of the fighter's screen. The entire process of discovering the target, determining the target, and locking the target takes no more than three seconds, and among them 15 seconds is still used for the delay when the fighter locks on the target!

This is the strength of a three-star pilot!

The fighter captures and locates the target. If the target is always in the center of the screen, the capture and positioning time is 13-2 seconds. If it is at the center periphery, it is 17-3 seconds. If during this process, the target is constantly moving away from the lock in the center of the screen Within such a short range, the fighter jet would not be able to complete the lock. Therefore, only his extremely rich experience and his command of the fighter jet could successfully lock the fighter in such a short period of time.

Without any hesitation, he pressed the missile launch button, and the tracking missile flew out. Three seconds later, it caught up with the rapidly flying Blade-Arm Alien and turned it into a ball of fireworks.

The pilot who escaped into the sky passed by Milken and gave him a thumbs up.

Milken smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to look for the next unlucky guy, a call from his wingman suddenly came from the communication channel.

"Black Falcon, Black Falcon, flying at full speed, you are locked by the enemy!"

"Phew!" A blade insect the size of a millstone flew past the wing of the Milken fighter plane. The slight collision caused a few sparks!

Milken gritted his teeth, and the fighter jet immediately began to roll over in the air. If this wonderful operation was performed at a military parade, it would definitely attract the admiration of countless people and the admiration of his peers. At this moment, Milken was just trying to survive!

Roll over instead of turning to dodge, and let the Blade-Arm Mutalisaurus behind you also fly in a straight line!

"Uh-huh..." Two more passes passed by each other, and Milken didn't even notice. His palms were slowly sweating. Only by being locked can one know how terrifying these bugs are. They don't have the assistance of radar. The thrown blade insects are terrifyingly accurate! Milken was able to evade three attacks, firstly because of his superb skills, and secondly, because he was also blessed by the goddess of luck!

"Boom!" Just when he was doubting whether he would be favored by the goddess of luck for the fourth time, an explosion came from behind. The blade-armed alien dragon that almost made him a martyr was successfully knocked out by his wingman with a missile. !

"Good guy, look for Shuyuan.zhaoshyan.c Wendel, I know it, haha, this is the third time you have saved me!" Milken resumed his smooth flight, and then he realized that he had been running like a watch for many years. His heart, which was as steady as a needle, was beating a small drum at this moment.

"Black Falcon, I've only saved you three times. Oops, after all that, I still owe you seven times. Ha, it seems I can't finish it before I retire... Ah!!!" A familiar voice in the communication channel Suddenly replaced by screaming.

Milken felt a sudden pain in his heart. He pulled up the fighter plane frantically and turned around!

Three hundred meters away from him, his wingman, his brother, and his comrade-in-arms were tightly entangled by the tail of a flying snake, and the flying snake's sharp blade had pierced the protective cover of the cockpit!

"Boom!" The fighter jet was cut into two pieces from the cockpit and became one of countless fragments.

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