Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage

Chapter 1111: The name of the abyss (for the nibihzuq lord 11 plus)

Chapter 1111 The name of the abyss (for the nibihzuq lord 11 plus)

As the abyss is approaching, human beings in this world must make choices. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

The third camp outside of Xia and Leviathan will be born here.

He, Morris, the apostle of the abyss, and the apostle of the evil **** Ada, will have to shoulder the task of spreading the power of the abyss.

Only in this way can he afford to pay the price and get his favorite black bully to become the world's strongest black knight.

"You... are you eager for strength?" Morris raised his glass, and he had no intention of being drunk.

In the whispers of the abyss, he fell.

Perhaps, all this has been doomed, starting with the whisper of the abyss he heard in the battle with that of Salamanda.

"I want it."

"Morris, what did you find?"

"Are you suddenly advanced to the hero level, is there any special means?"

For Morris's sudden advancement, it is impossible for the young knights gathered here to be curious.

It is clear that everyone has the same conditions. Those who can meet in this club are all elite elite knights.

Several of them drove the level of the Tigers' magic armor, even more than Morris. When they learned each other, Morris was only ranked in the top five in this club.

Who could have thought that following the selection of the so-called sacred Silver Dragon Girl Knights, Morris suddenly became a blockbuster, actually crossing the scorpio between the mortal and heroic ranks.

The magical tide is weak and modern. The difficulty of wanting advanced hero ranks is a desperate probability compared to the magical fullness of the gods.

The road of the Master is completely cut off, although the road to the Knights is still there, but the various resources required, the number of forged drugs is also rising, ten times are less. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

Without a lot of magical factors in the air, the medicinal materials that are seen everywhere in the gods, the plants are extinct a lot, which makes the advancement of the Knights Road more and more complicated.

Even the wealthy Leviathan royal family can't afford the same resource consumption as the gods, and will only put these rare resources on the children who are the most promising to break through the hero ranks.

Like the small aristocrats like them, the civilian knights, even if they can show excellent talent, it is difficult to get the quota of those medicines.

Without the aid of those herbs, the advanced hero rank is almost an impossible task, and everyone is curious as to how Morris completed the advanced without resources.

His talent, obviously did not reach the level of a century like Roland Princess.

The first princess knight of the empire, but is recognized as the seed of the advanced hero ranks in the future, no one can think of it, but Morris took the lead in completing the advanced.

"Yes, I have." Morris looked at the companions around him.

The members of this "Future Knight" club are the elite knights who are as excited as they are to become future knights.

When you form this club, you are full of hope for the future. They are the drivers of the latest generation of magical armor and represent the seeds of the future of the empire.

They once believed that they are the future of the empire and the strongest knight who will be on the mainland war.

Ah, how innocent, you have never seen the real power, and have never faced the indescribable things in the abyss.

You, know nothing about power.

"But, to have this power, you have to pay the price." Morris put down his glass and looked at his past companions with provocative eyes:

"You, are you gambling on your own life to gain the power of advancement?"

"Even if you die, you have to move forward and keep moving forward."

"Under your feet, there is an endless abyss!"

For a time, the entire club room was silent.

The young knights, like Morris, are eager to get ahead, gain money, power, or simply be the ones who are chasing the path of stronger power, looking at Morris with a burning look.

Morris is familiar with such eyes, how many times he washes his face in front of the mirror, and sees such crazy and persistent eyes.

In order to gain strength, for your own goals, look at all costs.

What they lack is just a road, a clear way to gain strength.

Too young they will not know that the exchange of equivalence is always the truth of the world.

If you want to get something, you have to pay for it.

They can't get all kinds of medicinal materials that are monopolized by the royal family, and they can't take the medicinal bath soup made of many precious herbs like the knights of the gods.

Even if you choose to challenge the limits between life and death, the possibility of advanced hero ranks in this magical tide is infinitely close to zero.

They are not afraid of death. They are afraid that they will not get a chance to gamble on their lives.

"You, what is true, Morris?" Someone soon began to ask for gasping.

“Don't Morris discover the ancient heritage?” Some people think they have found the truth, and only the heritage of the gods can greatly increase the probability of advanced hero ranks.

"Morris, can we really?" More people chose to believe, because Morris is in their eyes, the best example.

"I believe it."

"Trust me Morris."

"I will bring you a new level of advancement."

Morris did not lie, this was his own hands, a road to nowhere to the endless abyss.

In order to get the black overlord, he made a choice.

The abyss gave him strength and gave enough temptations. He looked at the young knights whose eyes were shining, just like seeing themselves not long ago.

He knows that they will not refuse. For those who have severed the road to the hero level, this temptation is too big to be rejected.

"I will be your leader and show you a whole new world."

"We will change this era and become the pioneer of the new era."

"All you have to do is to believe me wholeheartedly and believe in the path I have created."

"I promise that you will gain the strength you desire and become a true hero."

Morris gave a fanatical speech, and more importantly, the fact that he advanced to the rank of hero without a lot of rare resources, successfully conquered these young knights who were also born into small aristocrats and even civilians.

Soon, some people raised their hands and said they were willing to recognize Morris as their leader.

In the Leviathan Empire, which strictly follows the rules of the strong, the Morris of the hero ranks has become the leader of all the people here.

"So, read it with me!" Morris took a deep breath and uttered the magical name:




Author's message:

Ps:1111, gave us the eleventh addition of the first lord nibihzuq, thank him for his support, four more.

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