Star Odyssey

Chapter 2316 Cooperation in Combat

Jueyi turned around and faced Lu Yin, his face ugly and lonely, "Do you know I will take action against you?".

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back and said, "Try it. There are not many places in this fifth continent where you can take action against me."

Jueyi closed his eyes and said, "You are the descendant of the God of Death. If you want to kill me, just kill him."

Just at this time, the Demon Emperor woke up.

Lu Yin turned around and looked at the Demon Emperor with great interest.

Hen Xin, Jue Yi, and the Hell Dragon's eyes all fell on the Demon Emperor. It was also large enough to attract the Hell Dragon's attention.

The starry sky was silent, and everyone was looking at the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor woke up, opened his eyes, and saw the Hell Dragon at first sight. His eyes were confused at first, thinking he had seen it wrong, and then stared at the Hell Dragon.

The Hell Dragon glared, raised its claws, and let out a shocking roar. At this moment, the power of the ancestral realm burst out and pushed across the starry sky.

Hen Xin, Jueyi came from the Tianshang Sect era. He had met more than one strong man in the ancestral realm and was no stranger to the power of the ancestral realm. The Demon Emperor was different. He had never experienced the baptism of the power of the strong men in the ancestral realm. He was suddenly taken by the ancestral realm. The power of the realm swept across, and his whole body became hairy. He curled up subconsciously, and the majesty of the Lord of the Sky Demon Empire completely disappeared.

As for the other giant beasts around them, they no longer even dared to raise their heads.

This is biological instinct, and even the Demon Emperor cannot avoid it.

The Hell Dragon was satisfied. This was the effect it wanted. Few of the guys it had threatened before were normal and were not afraid of it. The more it thought about it, the more proud it became and the louder it screamed, to the point where they even forgot about Lu Yin's existence.

Lu Yin had a headache from the sound and shouted, "Shut up."

The Hell Dragon is furious, who dares to interrupt its majesty? He glanced away, saw Lu Yin and the slippers, and then shut up, not daring to make any sound.

The previous lesson was unforgettable. Lu Yin deliberately placed the broken knife above its head to make it feel threatened at all times. Coupled with the fear of slippers, the hell dragon now obeyed Lu Yin's words.

The Demon Emperor was trembling, and the fear of the creatures in the ancestral realm made him dare not even raise his head.

Lu Yin found that he had too high a view of the Behemoth Star Territory. No matter how smart Master Butian was, no matter how powerful the Demon Emperor was, they were still behemoths with instincts that were different from humans.

The Eternals believe that human beings have bad nature and human emotions are weaknesses, but aren’t these the advantages of human beings?

Behemoths also have emotions, but their emotions are far less rich than humans and are easily suppressed by instinct. If they were humans, even when faced with ancestral realm creatures, they might not behave so badly in certain situations.

"Demon Emperor," Lu Yin said.

The huge sky demon shuddered and slowly raised his head, not looking at Lu Yin, but at the hell dragon.

The Hell Dragon was still staring at it. Although it did not explode with the power of the ancestral realm, the suppression from the depths of the soul made it difficult for the Demon Emperor to breathe.

"This is my mount," came Lu Yin's voice.

Only then did the Demon Emperor see Lu Yin, his eyes were shocked, "Lu Yin?"

"We meet again," Lu Yin said calmly.

The Demon Emperor stared at Lu Yin, then couldn't help but look at the Hell Dragon, "The legend is true. Did you really subdue the ancestral realm creature?".

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up, "Would you like to try and see if you can escape from its mouth?".

These words made the Demon Emperor's hair stand on end. He couldn't help but look at the Hell Dragon again, his fear and despair deeply suppressing him, "What are you going to do?".

Lu Yin was funny, "I

Human beings established the Tianshang Sect, but the gifts they received during the opening ceremony were your threats. What do you think I should do? ".

The Demon Emperor's heart sank. He remembered what happened before. He had lost his way. There was no one left in the Behemoth Star Territory who could threaten Lu Yin.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that Jueyi was behind Lu Yin, and directly behind him, and he looked over unconsciously.

"You want Jue Yi to take action against me?" Lu Yin said calmly.

The Demon Emperor was shocked, how did he know?

Jueyi sighed bitterly, and sure enough, even if he didn't take action just now, he would be forced by the Demon Emperor to take action at this moment, otherwise he would be exposed and would not even have a chance to take action.

The Demon Emperor just fainted and didn't know what happened. But as soon as Lu Yin said these words, and the Hell Dragon was behind Jue Yi, it was not difficult to guess what happened. Jue Yi had already made a move, but failed.

Jue Yi is a strong man that the Butian Imperial Master has lobbied for in the past year, and he has already made a plan to lure Lu Yin to the Behemoth Star Territory to kill him. However, he did not expect that the plan failed before it even started. The most important thing is that the Jue Path was lost. , they have no chance of making a comeback.

"Okay, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." After saying that, Lu Yin appeared above the prison dragon's head and gave orders to the prison dragon.

The power of the Hell Dragon Ancestral Realm suddenly fell, one wave after another, one after another, bombarding the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor has instinctive fear and no will to resist.

Jueyi wanted to resist, but Hen Xin was staring at him, and with the Hell Dragon, he had no chance.

In the end, Jueyi was severely injured and thrown into the Supreme Mountain, while the Demon Emperor was caught by Lu Yin and headed towards the Sky Demon Empire. As for Juejing, Hen Xin was left to take care of him.

Hen Xin may not be reliable, but he is a human being and there is no point in threatening Lu Yin by using desperate measures.

Looking at the leaving figure of the Hell Dragon, Hen Xin knew that from now on, the fifth continent would be completely ruled by this person, and no one could resist.

The Behemoth Star Territory ushered in the baptism of the power of the Ancestral Realm. The Hell Dragon unleashed the power of the Ancestral Realm unbridled, swaying the Behemoth Star Territory and making countless creatures surrender.

Lu Yin sat on the head of the Hell Dragon and traveled across the Behemoth Star Territory, seeing areas with strange behemoth groups.

The Hell Dragon is not very fast. Lu Yin wants to see clearly this beast star field. From now on, this place also belongs to him.

"Ahead is the Great Void Realm, which is the area where the Xu Fuyou Clan is located." The Demon Emperor said weakly. He was severely injured by the Hell Dragon's blow. At this moment, even if he faced Lu Yin, he had no power to fight back.

Lu Yin looked forward and saw floating floating floats one after another. The further forward, the more floating floats there were, and there was also a wind of nothingness in the starry sky, which even the enlightenment state could not stop.

The wind of nothingness is unique to the Great Void Realm. Gui Hou told Lu Yin back then, and Lu Yin also used his knowledge of the Great Void Realm to deceive the White Night Clan. I remember correctly, Gui Hou said that the Third Night King is in the Great Void Realm. .

Now that I'm here, let's see if I'm here.

The Hell Dragon raised its claws, and along with the power of the ancestral realm, it tore apart the Great Void Realm.

In the great void world, the ancestor of Xufuyou was shocked and boundless fear descended. It knew that this was the power of the ancestral realm, a power it could not resist.

It did not escape. As the great void world was torn open, the ancestor of the void appeared, and Lu Yin saw the huge body again.

Seeing Xu Fuyou's Ancestor, Lu Yin recalled the scene on the battlefield. If Xu Fuyou's Ancestor hadn't been wearing the Supreme Ancestor's skin, the Behemoth Starfield wouldn't have been able to stop Lan Xian. His Supreme Ancestor's skin was all gone. was snatched away, but

Not needed now.

Even if the ancestor of Xufuyou were to wear the skin of the Supreme Ancestor, he would not be able to have much influence on the Hell Dragon.

The huge body of the ancestor of Xu Fuyou was not much smaller than the Hell Dragon. The Hell Dragon looked at the ancestor of Xu Fuyou and subconsciously raised its claws to threaten. Its eyes were full of disdain. A creature that was not even half an ancestor was not qualified to compete with it.

The ancestor of Xufuyou fully demonstrated his surrender.

"It's just bigger and has no attack power. It's a pity." At this moment, Lu Yin has seen through the reality of the ancestor of Xu Fuyou. This is Xu Fuyou with a huge head. It looks bluffing, but is actually useless.

The Demon Emperor said weakly, "The reason why the Void Floating Race is one of the top ten races in the Behemoth Star Region is because of their huge number. The rest are of no use."

Lu Yin looked at the great void world that was torn apart in the distance. The field was released and spread out. All he saw were void floats, endless void floats. His heart moved. These void floats were good things. Even though they were just For practitioners who have entered the realm of cultivation, they can also travel through the void with a virtual float in hand, increasing their ability to save their lives.

Isn't this just a real rare treasure?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin's eyes lit up. These virtual floats could bring about certain changes in the world of cultivation.

He suddenly thought of another question and looked at the Demon Emperor, "Can these virtual floats travel through any space?"

"Okay," the Demon Emperor replied.

"What if that space requires a star to tear it apart?" Lu Yin asked.

The Demon Emperor said, "Void floats do not need to tear apart the space. Their essence is to swim. They float in the void. They look like they are traveling through the void, but in fact they are just a form."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, and he thought of the starry sky among the trees.

In the starry sky of the tree, only the Star Envoy can tear apart the void and travel through it. The rest, even the enlightenment realm cultivators, cannot do it. But if these void floats can help practitioners travel through the void, does it mean that whoever controls the void floats, who Can you control the void?

Once the practitioners of the enlightenment realm of the fifth continent rely on the virtual float and the advantage of traveling through the void, they can escape even if they cannot defeat the practitioners of the starry sky enlightenment realm of the tree. And with the cooperation of the virtual float, it is easier to defeat the practitioners of the starry sky enlightenment realm of the tree.

This is only one aspect. On the battlefield behind, if humans have more virtual floaters, their ability to save lives will increase by more than 10% or 20%.

Thinking of this, Lu Yin looked solemn and sent a message to Lu Buzheng that he would use these virtual objects to float on the battlefield to save the lives of cultivators.

There are many strange creatures in the Behemoth Star Territory, such as sound monsters, hidden monsters, Nayuan beasts, etc. In the past, they thought of confrontation, but now, if these behemoths cooperate with humans, how much change will occur?

On the other side, in Tianshang Sect, Lu Buzheng immediately used wireless Gu to contact Lu Yin.

Lu Yin answered.

"I thought you knew earlier. In fact, humans and giant beasts have been fighting together as early as the Tianshang Sect era. At that time, humans from the five continents liked to go to the fourth continent to find suitable giant beasts to cultivate, such as the lineage of Tianyao. It can make up for the shortcomings of some people's lack of energy and spirit, and the Void Thunder Beast can make up for the shortcomings of speed. There are also Void Floating, Tianlu Ice Phoenix, etc., which are all suitable for fighting with humans," Lu Buzheng said.

"In that era, it was slavery," Lu Yin said, his voice a little low.

He had heard the word enslavement many times. Apart from being used by the Eternals on humans, it was most commonly used by Hen Xin and Jueyi, who mentioned that the Heavenly Sect enslaves all races.

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