Star Odyssey

Chapter 20197 Mr. Wei

Liu Que's body was suppressed by a huge force, and he was hit hard in the dense forest far away. He wanted to resist, but was unable to resist. The power of that finger was like the suppression of heaven and earth. It obviously did not cause much harm to him, but it still suppressed him. Leaving him powerless.

He had only experienced this feeling of powerlessness among those extremely powerful people.

"Um, this classmate, are you okay?" Not far away, Mr. Huai stared blankly. He couldn't help but look into the distance, as if he was flying over from a long way away.

Liu Que stood up, calmly dusted himself off, and left. He didn't even look at Mr. Huai from the beginning to the end. All he could think about was the moment Lu Yin made his move. He didn't see it, not at all. He was How did it appear? He had no ability to react, and why was he unable to resist after being beaten away?

Liu Que's mind was full of questions, but he was sure of one thing. He would not go to Mr. Haoyu for the time being. The gap was too big.

This person's cultivation is somewhat unfathomable.

Liu Que was not Xia Shenguang. He would not consider so many interests. All he could think about was training and fighting. To deal with such a person, Lu Yin took action directly and neatly. Otherwise, he would be annoyed by him in the future, especially the big movement on the stone pillars. The formation can't trap him, which is the most annoying thing.

Ever since he taught Liu Que a lesson that day, he had never looked for Lu Yin again, and there was no movement from Xia Shenguang. There were also fewer and fewer rumors about him and Wen Zhao in the academy, and they seemed to have been suppressed.

And Lu Yin also attended two classes smoothly. It was really smooth and no one caused any trouble.

In this way, half a month passed. On this day, Lu Yin received a notice that Dean Wen convened all the tutors for a meeting. This was Lu Yin's first meeting after joining Yixian Academy.

The meeting place was on the stone pillar of the Dean of Literature, that is, in the courtyard. Rather than a meeting with tutors, it was better to have a small gathering. On this day, Lu Yin met all the tutors.

He saw a member of the Bai family of the Hanxian Sect, known as Mr. Bai, who was a practitioner of two source tribulations.

Mr. Wei who saw the history of the bishop.

Lu Yin was quite interested in this Mr. Wei. When he first came to the academy, he heard students talking about him, saying that Mr. Wei was a woman disguised as a man and was very handsome. Today he finally saw it.

It really looks good, Lu Yin praised it.

This Mr. Wei has a standard beauty face. No matter how much she disguises, she can't hide her pure beauty. After disguising herself as a man, she looks even more slender and full of a different feeling.

Mr. Wei seemed to notice Lu Yin's gaze, turned around and smiled slightly.

Lu Yin blinked, smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Haoyu is interested in Mr. Wei?" Mr. Huai walked out behind Lu Yin and asked in a low voice with a smile.

It has been a month since Lu Yin came to Yixian Academy. He has met Mr. Huai several times and is quite familiar with each other.

"I'm curious. After all, the academy only teaches history, and Mr. Wei is the first one," Lu Yin said.

Mr. Huai said, "Who can't see that Mr. Wei is disguised as a man? Her true identity may only be known to the dean. Let me tell you, the dean treated her very well."

"Oh?" Lu Yin was interested.

Mr. Huai whispered, "Mr. Wei is the only one among all the new tutors who can stop teaching. As long as she wants, she can stop teaching and still stay in the academy."

"Is there such a thing?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Mr. Huai said, "We don't know the reason, but Mr. Wei is quite nice. We greet each other when we meet. He's not arrogant. He's willing to ask for advice if he has any questions."

Teacher, she is also one of the few teachers who does not set up methods on the stone pillars."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Wei. She stood quietly in the courtyard and looked into the distance, like a lotus? The word suddenly appeared in Lu Yin's mind.

Dean Wen came, looked at all the tutors with a smile, and said something polite before getting down to the topic, "In this meeting, I mainly want to tell all the tutors that half a year later, Sifang Tianping invites us, Yixian Academy, to visit and communicate. To learn, before that, we have to select mentors to lead the team for training, and not all mentors can go."

"Whether the instructor is qualified or not does not depend on us, but on the students. There will be a vote at that time. The instructors with the most votes can lead the team to practice. The rewards will naturally be large. The most important thing is that after the experience, the instructors can watch the text "ancestral scriptures".

"The meaning of Wenzu's classics?" Mr. Zheng exclaimed.

Dean Wen nodded with a smile, "You all know the importance of Wen Zu Jingyi, and it has been of great help to you. I hope the tutors will work harder to win the favor of the students. It is also very important for the students to choose the right tutor. Important, after all, we are going to Sifang Tianping, which represents the image of our Yixian Academy and..."

Dean Wen said a lot, mainly to motivate the instructors.

After the meeting, several tutors stayed behind to say something to Dean Wen. Lu Yin originally wanted to stay and ask about the meaning of Wenzu's scriptures, but seeing that Dean Wen was surrounded, he had no choice but to leave.

Passing by the lake, Lu Yin saw Mr. Wei standing there and didn't know what to think. He thought about it and walked over.

"Mr. Wei, excuse me," Lu Yin said.

Mr. Wei turned around, looked at Lu Yin, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Haoyu."

Her voice was melodious and pleasant, making Lu Yin feel like he was thirsty and drinking water. How can I put it, it quenches his thirst.

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Mr. Wei, what are you looking at?".

Mr. Wei turned back and continued to look at the lake, "The academy is like this lake. It looks calm, but in fact, as long as there is a little external force, it will turn upside down."

Lu Yin wondered, "Why do you have such emotion, sir?".

Mr. Wei smiled and said, "It's not emotion, I just thought about it. Is there anything wrong with Mr. Haoyu?"

"Oh, I have something to ask Mr. Wei."

"Please say".

"What is the meaning of Wenzu's classics?".

Mr. Wei thought for a while, "In the history of our tree, there have been some powerful people in the ancestral realm. Among them is Wenzu. This Wenzu is also the founder of Yixian Academy. He practices ancient writing and has a deep understanding of this aspect. , it is said that before he died, he wrote a piece of sutra meaning about his cultivation and hid it in Yixian Academy. Those who are destined to read it may gain insights."

"Many mentors have read it in the past, and it has been more or less helpful. Among them, Dean Wen has gained a lot. The day after reading the meaning of the Wenzu Sutra, he passed the Half Ancestor Origin Tribulation and broke through the Half Ancestor. Therefore, Wenzu Sutra Righteousness is regarded as the treasure of Yixian Academy."

Lu Yin understood, "It turned out to be written by Ancestor Wen. No wonder, it is a thing from the ancestral realm. It will definitely be helpful for one's own cultivation to take a look at it."

Mr. Wei smiled and said, "Everyone has a different path to cultivation. Wenzu's path may not be suitable for everyone. The direction of history is always similar. Every strong person in the ancestral realm will find his own path."

Lu Yin was surprised, Mr. Wei could actually think of this? This is exactly the path that Jiushan Bahai has taken. She is just an enlightenment state.

Mr. Wei looked at Lu Yin, "Mr. Haoyu, do you think I'm too arrogant? I'm obviously just in the enlightenment realm, but I'm talking about the path to the ancestral realm?"

"Of course not, not first

"Sheng's words reminded me that in cultivation, I value myself more," Lu Yin said.

Mr. Wei smiled and said, "I study history and the life experiences of many powerful people. Without exception, they all have to go their own way. Although I am only in the enlightenment state, my knowledge should be no worse than that of the Star Envoy."

"In this case, I will not disturb Mr. Wei from now on. I have something to ask Mr. Wei," Lu Yin said. He really wanted to ask about some history.

Mr. Wei smiled lightly and said, "I tell you everything you know."

Soon after, the two left. This Mr. Wei gave Lu Yin a very strange feeling. He was obviously very approachable and easy to talk to, but why did he give him a cold illusion? Is it because of his appearance?

It has been a month since Lu Yin came to Yixian Academy. At the same time, Xia Zhitong also received an invitation from the Xia family to participate in ancestor worship.

Xia Zhitong completely relaxed when she received the invitation to worship her ancestors. Neither Xia Feng nor Xia Yuan could help her detoxify. She could only have hope for her half-ancestor Xia Ziheng. This ancestor worship was the best opportunity.

During the period after she was poisoned, she suffered unforgettable torture. She could not touch a man without talking about it, her appearance was still aging, and she was always worried about being poisoned. This kind of torture was, as Yu Hao said, the greatest pain in the world.

She always dreamed of touching a man, but because of this poison, she had to drive away all the men in the house, which made her crazy.

She couldn't wait to go to Shenwutian, but the date for worshiping her ancestors hadn't come yet.

Yuntongshi suddenly vibrated. When she answered the call, there was no human figure, only a cold voice came out, "The whereabouts have been found."

Xia Zhitong was overjoyed, with a sinister look in his eyes, "Where is it?".

"Yixian Academy, pseudonym Haoyu" said a cold voice.

Xia Zhitong was surprised, "He went to study at Yixian Academy?".

"It's the tutor. He is the tutor recently recruited by Yixian Academy." A cold voice replied.

Xia Zhitong didn't expect that Yu Hao actually went to Yixian Academy to be a tutor. "Okay, I understand," he said, ended the call, and then contacted Xia Yuan.

Soon, Xia Yuan answered, "What's the matter?"

"There is news about Yu Hao," Xia Zhitong said.

Xia Yuan said in a low tone, "Where is he? I'll catch him."

Xia Zhitong said in a deep voice, "Yixian Academy, whose pseudonym is Haoyu, is a tutor."

"Yixian Academy? How do you know?" Xia Yuan was surprised. Yucheng and Yixian Academy were still quite far apart, and Xia Zhitong was not able to grasp the information about Yixian District.

Xia Zhitong said, "I'm looking for information about Wujie Purchase."

Xia Yuan hesitated, "Yixian Academy is not an ordinary place. There is a half-ancestor sitting there. Unless he comes out, it will be difficult to capture him."

Xia Zhitong remained silent, Yixian Academy was beyond her reach.

"But there are people from Shenwutian in Yixian Academy, just wait." After saying that, Xia Yuan ended the conversation with Xia Zhitong and found Wu Taibai's contact information through other people in Shenwutian.

Wu Taibai belonged to Shenwutian, and Xia Yuan belonged to the Xia family. Although they were both Shenwutian, they had never contacted each other. This was the first time he contacted Wu Taibai.

Wu Taibai was also surprised when he received the contact from Xia Yuan. Xia Yuan belongs to the side branch of the Xia family. The largest branch has a half-ancestor in charge. Even if it is far inferior to Xia Shenfei, Xia Shenguang's direct line is not an ordinary Shenwu Tian like him. Disciples are comparable.

Although he is a disciple of the Taizi generation, there have always been too many disciples of the Taizi generation in Shenwutian. The ones who can truly stand upright in the sect are always the Shenzi generation. This is also the reason why he rebelled and went to the Fifth Continent. He wanted to find his own way.

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