Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 542: sound the drum

The mulberry leaves are falling, and the cedar and cypress are still there. On the Chongyang day in September, a motorcade rolled up the loess and slowly drove towards the west gate of Qufu.

"In the past few years, nothing has changed in Qufu..." Zigong sat in the car, looking at the outskirts of Lu City, just like when he was studying here.

In Duanmuci's impression, Qufu is a city with narrow alleys and a small family atmosphere of Lu people. It was originally the most prosperous capital of Lu country, but now, he feels that Yuncheng by the side of Onize Lake has a spiritual outlook. To be better.

Pioneering and enterprising, closed and conservative, this is the difference between the two cities.

Not to mention Taoqiu, which is changing with each passing day. Driven by the floating population, new things emerge in an endless stream.

What changed was only his status and the courtesy he received...

"It's Zigong!"

"I've seen Duanmuzi!"

"The old man is polite..."

"The younger generation has seen Mr.!"

As soon as he entered the commercial firm in Waiguo District, Zigong's arrival attracted a burst of exclamations.

Haven't seen Zigong's young merchants, and whispered to others who came, why was the official businessman of the Qing doctor's family, and the prominent merchants in the state of Lu all respected him very much.

"He is Duanmuci, and the word is Zigong. In Shang, he is a great man in Taoqiu's extravagant place. The industry in a radius of several kilometers, and even all kinds of things in the arena, are all managed and governed by him. He is already rich and more than a doctor! In government, Lu Guoxin takes office as his assistant, the great master Kong Zhongni is his teacher, Cao Bo treats him as a guest, and Zhao Xiaosikou, who is powerful in Xilu, is his gold master and lord …”

Zigong is now the most successful businessman between Cao and Lu, but he is neither arrogant nor impetuous. Regardless of whether he is familiar with it or not, he greets everyone with a smile, making people feel like a spring breeze.

But he didn't stay in the market much. This time, Zigong came to Qufu for two things. One is that both Zhao Wuxi and Cao Guo were involved in the rebellion in the Song Dynasty. As Zheng and Wei joined the rebel party, the battle began to stalemate. The army spends a thousand stones of corn every day, and the grain harvested in the autumn of Cao and Xilu is transported south. As a result, the government treasury was reduced, so it could only be purchased from Qufu.

Second, there are quite a few rumors recently that someone in the court wants to ride Zhao Wuxi to fight fiercely in the state of Song. It was not good for Xilu, so Zhao Wuxi asked Zigong to go to Qufu to find out the news. After all, Confucius, who was appointed as the auxiliary in power, was his teacher.

Zigong's destination was the official office area, and on the way he would pass the courtyard where the master lived earlier and look sideways. There are familiar sights everywhere.

Under the banyan tree like a canopy, the master taught them about learning, and he said the principle of "learning and learning with time". Next to the clear well, he accompanied Yan Hui to drink water with a scoop. After the indifferent well water entered Yan Hui's mouth, it was like drinking nectar. Looking at the sky and clouds, he was satisfied. sigh. Zilu took him to taste the dog meat shop. The Qingxia of Wei Guo did not have the Dundun ceremony in front of the Master. He sat cross-legged, drank from a big bowl, ate meat, and held the dog's leg in his greasy hand, stuffing it straight into Zigong's mouth...

Thinking of the past, Zigong's mouth showed a smile.

But then there was a sigh.

"Since the Jiagu meeting, the lord and the master have been somewhat different from each other. The old mutual respect and the scenes of chatting and banqueting are gone forever."

Zigong thought. You must use your own three-inch tongue to persuade the Master to support Zhao Wuxi in the Song Chaos matter, and in turn, persuade Zhao Wuxi to give in a little bit. Don't make the faces of the rulers and ministers of the State of Lu look too ugly.

However, at this moment, in the direction of the palace gate, a drum sounded.


"Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of the drums was continuous, spreading from the east to the west of the inner city, breaking the daily routine of the Lu people, and everyone raised their heads to listen...

An elderly old man raised his dim eyes and asked the others, "Which cleric died? Last time Ji Pingzi died. The drums in Qufu kept beating."

Zigong's car was right next to him, he listened carefully and judged that the drum sound came from the palace gate, so he said to the old man under the car: "Old man, this is not the death of a gentleman. The drums of the assembly were beating, and only one drum stand was playing."

Immediately after this remark, the surrounding Chinese people showed a trace of doubt. I remembered that the last time the drums were called to call the Chinese people to gather, it was Yang Hu who forced the people of Lu Guoguo to go to the Haoshe to meet and swear together with them.

What does this drumming mean?

"It's started, it's started!"

The two boys dashed past, splashing a large pool of water, and there were such poor and lowly Chinese children in the alleys of Qufu everywhere. The old man was almost knocked into his chest, knocking on his crutches and cursing them, but the two boys did not stop, and the others began to move eastward one after another, wanting to see what was going on.

Zigong also got out of the car, took a few steps forward, grabbed a boy, and asked, "What happened ahead?"

The boy looked back, but did not slow down. "The soldier is going to take him outside the palace."

"Bring whom?"

"Of course it's Doctor Shaozheng! I heard that Uncle Da Zong tied him up and took him to the palace!"

Zigong let go of his hand, and the whole person froze in place.

According to the tradition, "punishment cannot be imposed on the doctor", and the master does not advocate "punishment" at all. After he took office as Zongbo, he tried not to use it. Instead, he praised the use of education to influence the people. As the saying goes, "Tao should be virtuous, and orderly should be polite, shameful and polite..."

But now, the Master has arrested Shao Zhengmao? What the **** is going on?

"Quickly avoid!" Just as he was thinking, someone shouted at the crossroads, "Government is coming! Quickly avoid!"

A luxurious motorcade hurriedly passed by. The horses were all clothed in silk and satin. This was a steed sent by the people of Qi, and the one sitting in the car was the ruler of Lu, Ji Sunsi!

If Zigong remembered correctly, Shaozhengmao and Ji Sunsi were very close. If Master did this, would Ji Sunsi be dissatisfied?

Zigong was not alone in the carriage following Ji Sunsi's carriage. Everyone was heading in the same direction, eager to find out the reason for the drumming. The sound of the drums seemed to be getting louder and louder, and Zigong was trudging forward in the crowd, perplexed, listening to the excited voices around him.

"It's Shaozhengmao, and Uncle Da Zong will take him to the palace."

"I heard that he and Uncle Da Zong have always been at odds. Previously, the two opened private schools, and Shaozhengmao was compared with Kong Zhongni. As a result, Zhongni's family had three gains and three empties." Less insider.

Zigong still remembered those days, only Yan Hui had been sitting quietly at the Master's house and did not leave. The rest of the brothers and sisters went to listen to Shaozhengmao's lectures because of the idea that there must be my teacher in a three-way trip. In the beginning, Shaozhengmao did give people the impression that he was eloquent and eloquent, but after many times, he felt that it was just that his mouth could speak a little better than the Master, so Zigong and the others returned to Confucius again. .

When he wanted to go back, Zigong felt that he was still too naive at the time. Although the Master didn't say anything about this matter, and there was nothing unusual about treating them, he knew that the Master was very unhappy.

After the Master began to rule, Shaozhengmao also disagreed with his political views, and Confucius gradually regarded him as an enemy. But Zigong was not at this level. He was good at words, and he was indeed influenced by Shaozhengmao, so he still respected him.

The Master always believed that even if he attacked heretics, this kind of behavior would not do him any good.

By the time they arrived outside the Lu Guogong Palace, the crowds pouring in from all directions were already rubbing shoulders and crowded. Zigong could only let the crowd push him forward. From here, he could clearly see the high Lu Palace. There were two high towers in front of the gate, and the sound of the drums originated from here, so it sounded particularly loud.

Zigong held his purse tightly and pushed around in the crowd. There were still quite a few carriages parked here, and the people around wanted to climb up so that they could see more clearly. As a result, the imperial guard yelled and scolded them, and with a flick of the whip they drove them all away, only Zigong was pulled up by one hand.

"Zigong... I think I found you." Zigong saw that it was Feng Rin, who was arranged by Zhao Wuxi to work in Qufu. This person was a traveler who took Zhao Wuxi abroad three years ago. At first, he refused to accept Zigong. But after a few rounds, he fell in admiration. Although Feng Rin looks ugly, but he has some skills. After working in Qufu for a few years, he is familiar with the public family doctor and the businessman.

"What happened?" The two of them were considered to be serving the same master, so Zigong didn't treat him politely, and asked directly after getting in the car.

"You don't know yet?" Feng Rin had gained a lot of fat, and there was surprise in his small eyes, but then he suddenly realized: "That's right, you have been busy transporting luggage to Song State, and you have been on the road a few days ago. I don’t know, it’s right, this happened suddenly, and even I got the news.”

With Feng Rin's long story short, Zigong roughly understood what had happened in the past few days.

"Seven days ago, Confucius was the great Zongbo of Lu, and was recommended by the monarch and the three ministers as a minister. Because the government was not always in the capital, there must be someone to help. After staying for three days, Shaozhengmao satirized Confucius, saying that he had a happy face. Lust, it's the villain's success, and the result..."

Feng Rin pointed to the slowly opening palace gate and said, "As a result, Confucius and Shaozhengmao accused each other and wrote to the monarch's ruling, and today's event happened."

Stepping on the carriage and looking out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the field of vision has broadened a lot. The surging crowds stopped under the two views. At this time, Zigong saw the Master.

Confucius stood under the east view of the two views of the Lu Palace. It was cold in the late autumn. He was wearing a thick gray fur coat and a gray wool-fleece-trimmed cloak. He was still tall. For a while. But through the heavy clothes, Zigong still felt that the Master had lost weight. There was more and more white in the long tendrils. There was no joy in the long face, only hesitation and confusion.

The next person to be escorted up was Shao Zhengmao with his neck tied. He was short and stout. He was old and had gray hair. He was wearing a court dress, but his clothes were crooked, and he looked a little embarrassed. The doctor, supported by two palace armors, sneered as he passed in front of Confucius.

The drums finally stopped, and the two protagonists have arrived today, which caused the Chinese people gathered outside the palace to speculate again.

Zigong was also worried: "Master, Master, what are you going to do?"

PS: I was so tired last night that I fell asleep unknowingly. Sorry, I will make up for what I owe more slowly. I really can’t overestimate my energy during the Chinese New Year. In the afternoon, I will go to pay New Year's greetings. If I come back early, there will be another chapter in the evening. (To be continued.)

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