Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 48 Who does she want to buy a man's ring for? !

What is this voice?

She looked towards the crowd.

I saw a tall and straight man walking from the crowd, wearing a simple shirt and trousers with a compelling elegance. He is obviously just a person, but for some reason, he gives people a sense of aura!

The crowd unconsciously made way for him...

"Li Beijue?" Chi Enen called out in surprise after seeing that handsome face clearly.

Why is he here? Is the meeting over?

The stern man walked up to her, his eyes touched her flushed face, and he froze slightly. Then he lowered his face and asked in a low voice, "Where's Huo Yiren?"

Didn't he command that he must protect this woman every step of the way?

Who allowed him to leave this woman here alone!

Chi Enen had already grasped his temper, and could tell that he was angry as soon as he heard his tone of voice. Quickly help Huo Yi to speak, "I'm thirsty, butler Huo went to buy water for me. How did you find me?"

"Buy water?" Li Beijue, as if he didn't hear her change the subject on purpose, stubbornly stuck to the question just now, "Won't he take you to buy it?"

Chi Enen had nothing to do with his temper, so he could only continue to explain, "I didn't want to go with myself."

Li Beijue didn't speak, but his thick eyebrows were still furrowed, obviously angry.

For Huo Yi's sake, Chi Enen could only change the subject cheekily again, "Li Beijue, you came just in time, can you ask the boss how much this ring is?"

"Are you going to buy this?" Isn't this a ring that men wear? Who did she buy it for?

His face darkened, and his eyes were full of ruthlessness.

But unable to stand Chi Enen's pleading gaze, he asked the boss the price coldly with a dark face. After asking, he turned around and said with a bad face, "155."

A silver ring is a little expensive at 155.

A ring of this quality can be bought for tens of dollars at most in Lin City, but Chi Enen knows that things in tourist places are generally more expensive than those sold outside.

Although 155 is a bit small, she can still afford it.

After thinking about it, she decided to buy it.

She took out her shriveled wallet from her bag, took out 155 change from it and handed it to the boss, and said with clear eyes, "Boss, I bought this ring."

After speaking, he motioned for Li Beijue to translate for her.

What did this woman think of him? Li Beijue's face was not good, so he helped her translate to the boss. After the boss understood, he gave her an OK gesture and collected the money.

The girl who was clamoring to buy a ring before quit, and immediately screamed, "What are you doing! I already bought that ring, why do you still charge her money! Do you do business like this? Return the money to her quickly !"

Chi Enen couldn't stand it anymore, and refuted her loudly, "The boss never took your money from the beginning to the end, and I was the first to see this ring. I just don't speak W Mandarin, and I'm communicating with the boss."

"Who told you not to say, anyway, I gave the money first, and the things should belong to me." She didn't want that ring much at first, but she just wanted to see Chi Enen like it when she saw that Chi Enen liked it at first. Grab it.

But now that she saw Li Beijue, she felt unbalanced.

How could this woman of average height and figure have such a handsome 'boyfriend'? But she can only hold an old and ugly man?

She is not convinced!

I desperately want to find a sense of balance from the ring!

Chi Enen also saw her small thoughts, so he didn't bother to argue with her. Holding the ring and preparing to leave, "Li Beijue, let's go."

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