They also slept in the open one night. As usual, they were all vigilant. They slept in the plains and also set up tents!

It's better to prevent thieves from coming. All they make are carriages and horseback riders. With such a large team, the biggest fear is that thieves will miss you!

Tang Feiyang took a bite of the barbecue delivered by the escort!

When sleeping in the open, the most eaten thing is barbecue, which is also a good way for them to replenish their physical strength and nutrition!

Now they don't eat ordinary barbecue. They can't hunt any spiritual beasts in the wild, but here, the birds flying in the sky are spiritual creatures. If they pass by the mountains, the guards will go hunting and they can even catch spiritual rabbits.

They are not able to fight his more powerful monsters, which are divided into many levels. They are even more afraid of going into the mountains. However, they have followed the official road all the way, and it is good to be able to reach the level of ordinary spiritual beasts!

Sometimes when passing through some towns, they can also buy some additional items. As for buying such spiritual items, they have plenty of money with them!

I have never settled down in a city or somewhere in town. Are you afraid of wasting money on accommodation?

It was their mission this time, something they didn't want them to practice, or there were too many people and things that put them in danger!

Tang Feiyang had this consideration. Those young masters and students had to agree even if they didn't agree, and those guards had no objections.

It was right after dinner, and in the moonlight, they lit a fire, and the guards gathered in a circle. The students sat on the floor with a carpet, listening to Tang Feiyang being preached by them!

Tang Feiyang doesn't have a deep understanding of Taoism, but now that he has practiced it before these people, of course he will be more capable of explaining it to them. This is also a tough move!

Have no idea! Who makes him the most capable senior brother here?

It can be said that in terms of cultivating immortals, he is higher than everyone here. Of course, he combines two cultivation methods, both of which have relatively high abilities!

Explaining to the brothers is also a way for them to learn. The combination of the two cultivation methods. In the past, they used seal script to cultivate their abilities. As long as they can write better characters and comprehend a higher realm of learning, they cannot Improve their abilities!

This is also a combination of physical fitness and cultivation. They study Confucianism and Taoism, learn astronomy and geography, observe celestial phenomena, read fortune tellers, and draw talismans with a pen. These are all the contents of their study and cultivation!

Although the methods are similar to those of martial arts, it is more difficult for them to cultivate aura, so they can only supplement it in terms of skills!

If their learning ability is high, they will have skills, and this skill can be used by the government!

On the official side, they may have made some achievements. Their path is to enter the court and serve as officials, and then become officials who serve many people, officials who serve people with just one pen!

This training and study will lead them to another avenue of ascension. In the past, literati like them were envious of people who could fly and had higher physical abilities!

Even though they had money to buy those magic weapons, they failed to learn!

It's different now. They can learn and learn those skills. What's even more beneficial is that they can also learn more skills to improve their abilities and make money in this way!

Those who can enter Confucian and Taoist schools are not ordinary people. They are either the sons of four families, the sons of rich men, or the sons of certain officials!

With broad eyes, the children who are allowed to enter such an academy have been selected by others. They can be transferred from the top ten thousand to enter the academy, and then become elites. They have gone through a lot of hard work!

It seems that they are very unreliable. In fact, every young master has shortcomings, but their shortcomings are just small flaws!

As their senior brother, Tang Feiyang is their leader and a very responsible person. Leading the team this time is not only an experience, but also wants to promote their college and more members of the family!

Of course, going out is not without dangers. If they cannot escape these dangers, they can only fight with each other.

Tang Feiyang told everyone about the various abilities and experiences he has learned!

"Senior Brother, what does it feel like to be able to fly?"

one of the students asked.

Others also want to hear it, just because they have just started and entered the first level of Qi training after so many days and hard work.

They know this ability, but they have just entered the gate of cultivating immortals, and there is still a long way to go to improve!

But I still want to hear what it feels like for Senior Brother to be a bit more capable!

"You can fly, you can use magical weapons, you can use spells, of course you can be like me. With a wave of my hand, you will be very clean, that's for sure. You don't have to take a shower. You can make up for the shortcomings of changing clothes outside and not being able to wash them!"

Tang Feiyang demonstrated to them. With a wave of his hand, everyone was clean and their clothes were clean. These were not just the students who had been sitting in the carriage without any dust on their bodies.

Those guards on horseback are so dirty!

Tang Feiyang waved his hands and felt that there was no trace of dust on the clothes on their bodies. In such a cold weather, they might not be able to take a shower or need to take a shower, but after a long time, they would smell bad!

Everyone just felt their bodies were refreshed, and the greasy feeling on their bodies was gone without taking a shower!

The happiest ones are the students. Although they don’t wear student clothes when they come out, they are not some young men who like to wear white clothes!

White clothes are the easiest to get dirty. I haven't been able to take a shower for several days and can only wipe my face!

Fortunately, they have Big Brother's magic, otherwise they would be unbearable with the stench, and would want to go in and take a bath when encountering some cold river water!

When camping outside, if everyone wants to wipe their face with hot water, they have to boil a lot of hot water, let alone take a shower. In reality, there is no such condition!

Of course, they won't complain. The eldest brother is doing it for their own good and the eldest brother treats him the same way. Why should they complain!

"It's so clean. If I improve to the level of senior brother, I'll be able to fly cleanly in the future!"

The brothers and sisters are constantly teaching.

Tang Feiyang..., this is all you have achieved, why are you still working hard without seeing me, senior brother?

You guys have never seen great power. Your potential has already determined your future!

Tang Feiyang did not train these brothers. After all, everyone has a process of cultivation. If you want to be highly capable, having that idea does not mean that it can be realized!

Everything depends on opportunity, everything depends on her personal luck, and of course hard work is indispensable!

Tang Feiyang explained to them for an entire hour, and also demonstrated some spells to them in advance, such as fireball, water spray, etc.!

For those who have memorized the essentials of spells, they all aspire to learn spells when their abilities are high!

While Tang Feiyang is teaching his brothers, he is also consolidating his own spells. Learning spells does not mean that you can improve the spell to a higher level just by learning it!

Of course, you have to keep practicing, and sometimes fight with others to keep making your spells stronger!

However, they have no one to provoke them to use such a spell yet, so they can only practice it in front of their fellow apprentices!

Tang Feiyang asked the brothers to return to the tent to lose face or sleep after he explained and demonstrated for an hour!

Those guards must take turns, sleep and practice. They have to guard here and cannot be missing for a moment, just because they are outdoors!

Facts have proved that what Tang Feiyang was worried about will not happen!

In the middle of the night, they were on a plain, quite far away from the villages in the distance, and there were some high mountains within a mile nearby!

They had observed when setting up tents here that there should be no bandits on the mountain!

They not only have to guard against bandits, but also against some village tyrants or old men in some towns.

Observing along the way, they took the official road and did not pass by the sect. They passed by some small aristocratic families and some outskirts of the big aristocratic families!

However, those who are powerful will not value them. People with low abilities may have some money, but high-powered immortal cultivators do not value their money!

Ordinary bandits, or some village tyrants, are different!

These people just take desperate risks and harm some villagers just for ordinary money.

In front of these dozens of carriages, people like this are just like fat sheep!

Tang Feiyang suddenly opened his eyes while he was practicing. His spiritual consciousness could observe a place of one or two miles. Originally, he could not observe such a distance due to his cultivation level, but because he took the best soul nourishing pill, his ability was greatly improved. Improved so high!

The soul is more powerful than the body, which allows him to feel that there are people running in the dark a mile or two away. They don't need to ride horses. They think the sound of horse hooves is too loud. In the distance, they dismount their horses and choose to use Qinggong. Or you can run quickly and remain unnoticed. Originally, there was a sneak attack coming from their side!

The tools these people hold include broadswords and swords, but also bows and arrows!

Tang Feiyang's first thought was that they should step in and get close to them. If they attack with fire, the people here are all tents, and they will catch fire at the slightest fire. If the torch is filled with tung oil, they will be destroyed here!

As soon as he thought about it, he knew that these people were vicious, flying quickly, running through every tent, and pulling out every sleeping junior brother from the bed!

The guards who were keeping watch at night didn't know what was going on. They saw a figure quickly carrying those who were asleep in each tent out of their warm quilts in the cold moon.

Just when they were about to ask what happened, Tang Feiyang said to them softly: "Get all your men up quickly, there is an enemy sneak attack!"

Tang Feiyang's words made the soldiers stunned. They froze for a moment and listened to the sounds from all directions!

In the dark night, you might be able to hear some bugs or the sounds of animals on the mountains, but you can't hear the sound of people walking or the sound of horses!

But they knew that Tang Feiyang could tell that this young master was more capable than them and could only obey his orders!

They quickly called their people up, and their leader, who quickly packed up the tents and luggage, and moved the carriage quickly!

The senior brothers, who were a little resentful when they were taken out from under the covers by their senior brother, were a little scared and a little panicked when they heard that Choi Ren was coming!

In fact, I have never experienced such a big scene. Some people have never used their strength when facing big scenes before!

At this time, they were in the wilderness and did not delay their troops. If they encountered a sneak attack, they could only rely on themselves. If they were not careful, they would die here!

"Get on your horse quickly, and those who can ride quickly, those people are just running over. Leave part of our tent here!"

Tang Feiyang acted very calmly under the panicked eyes of his fellow apprentices, but he was actually very nervous inside. If anyone was not good today, he would tell him here!

Choose to abandon some tents here to let the thieves think they are all inside, so as to buffer a little time and allow them to escape faster!

Tang Feiyang has chosen to fight overnight, and the brothers have escaped. He is now listening to the voices from all directions. From the front of the official road here, he knows whether they are the same group as this group, outflanking them on both sides!

Now the other way is to go into the mountain, and the other way is to the nearest village!

Entering the mountains, they have so many carriages, which is not their strong point!

Those people are all running and doing light work. It may be easier and more convenient for them to enter the mountains!

It's possible that they will enter a pit!

The road into the village may bring disaster to the villagers. There is no better way. I hope that people can enter the village and go around it and enter another avenue, so that they can escape!

These people were only there to rob them and should not enter the village to kill people.

Will keep following them from behind!

Tang Feiyang could only think of this method in a hurry. In the dark night, it was useless to pay attention to anything!

They could only escape for their lives first. Tang Feiyang did not choose to fight with the opponent because they had more important things to do!

Escape does not mean admitting defeat, it is because their abilities are not enough, and they may be able to compete with these people to a higher or lower level. The abilities of these brothers are not high, and someone may be injured!

We are only halfway to the north, and there are still many difficulties ahead!

Tang Feiyang's order was quickly carried out by the guards and students. They only put quilts, pillows, and blankets to sleep on in the tents. They packed some tents, left some tents, and randomly put their luggage into the carriage. Come on, jump on the carriage quickly!

Under the escort of the guards, they chose the road designated by Tang Feiyang!

Tang Feiyang did not choose to sit on the carriage at this time. He chose a flying magic weapon to fly in the air to escort people!

At the entrance of the village, which is about to reach the people, there is a branch road that can be transferred to another avenue. That avenue passes through a small town!

Tang Feiyang felt it again, there was another ambush on that road!

Tang Feiyang..., you feel that thieves from all directions are ambushing you. Except for the thieves in front and behind that you saw before, they made some moves and ran to their tent!

Just as he thought, someone fired a tung oil rocket, and the tent burned down!

There was no panic that they heard, people running out of the tent and then being caught by them!

The leader was stunned for a moment, and listened carefully. You heard the sound of horse hooves in the dark night, and heard the sound of weapons fighting.

"Chase..." the leader gave the order.

Happy New Year, book friends

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