In order to protect the blue planet behind me, I can rebirth this world at the cost of my life. The vow of becoming a Buddha in my lifetime is also constantly alerting in my mind, who am I? Why is there so much attachment to the power to protect here? Why do you want to protect all living beings? I don't know, but I'm going to guard it forever anyway.

I don't understand where the darkness comes from, but I know that there may be countless people who want to become Spider-Man in this super-powered world, but I can't sit still at the thought of the cry of those helpless deaths.

I am one of the most ordinary human cubs in the world, but unlike others, I think of the painful, worried, grieving people every time I see a crime, and sometimes I wish that superheroes would come down from the sky to save people, but they never appeared, only the last images of the police before they died. "How sad!" I said, at this time, I was listening to the radio while writing my homework, and the bad news came from the radio that all the members of the Huaxia Special Police Unit had died, "They gave up their happy life to defend the country, but what can we do?" I said to myself, as my mother shouted downstairs, "It's time to eat!" Little stinky cub come down quickly! God was chattering all day long. I turned off the radio and replied to my mother: "Here it is!" Here it comes! I rushed downstairs, and as I thought, none of these two were at home and shouted that my voice was just a recording, "This time where did I go on a business trip, last time I went to Egypt for stealing mummies was offered a reward of $50 million, and the last time I went to the United Kingdom, I heard that I smashed a glass pyramid and brought a bunch of gold back." Alas! How can I have such unsettling parents! I said to myself, the food left? I thought it was so beautiful that I left a bucket of instant noodles, or the last business trip between the two of them, I looked at the empty table is still a little lost, obviously it can seat a table of fourteen people, but I am the only one sitting here. "But that's okay, then I can go practicing." I said to myself, and after saying that, I walked around the table to the utility room, "Which one is it?" How did I forget again. I said, looking at a pile of items in my home, "I remembered! It is the Imperial Song Nine Stacks Seal there. I turned around and searched, and finally found the collection in the fourth column of the fifth row, I gently pressed the collection, turned to the right, and there was a sound of a mechanism ringing behind me, "Hmm." Well. It seems that this is it. As I spoke, I walked to the closet made of rosewood at home, opened the cabinet door, and inside was not clothes, but the elevator, this is my secret room, where I trained, I walked into the elevator, "Identifying... The identity information is empty, and the verification is complete. The elevator goes down. The AI system in the elevator said to me, "It's here." "I said to myself again, and the lights around me began to light up one by one because of my entrance, illuminating the swordsman, treadmill, sword rack and other machines I trained." Let's swing your sword a thousand times today! "I picked up the bamboo sword and said to the little grass man practicing the sword, an hour has passed..." "992, 993, 994...999, 1000!" After a thousand times, I was not sweating and panting like before, I knew in my heart that it was not enough for me to be a superhero, I once again began the "special training for parents on a business trip", 10km run, bench press 1000 times, 60kg dumbbell punches 500 times, arm push-ups 1500 times, 40 minutes of handstand without a wall, 1500 sit-ups 1500 times, standing on one leg for 30 minutes each leg falling off and adding 10 minutes... The night passed, and I was paralyzed on the ground without the strength to get up again. "That's right! It's Monday, and it's bad to go to school nmbt! The homework is not finished! It's past seven o'clock in the morning. "Because there was really no way (those two in the field may call and nag at any time), I could only get up, only felt soreness all over my body, almost didn't hurt, but still sloppily walked up the elevator, walked to the kitchen, carried a school bag, grabbed a piece of bread, and rushed to the school with a bag of milk.

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