Soul Painter

Chapter 485 The Field of View of the Operator

If a businessman who processes two commodities into one commodity, if it really existed in reality, he would have lost all his underwear long ago.

However, Gao Fan finally obtained the technique after creating creations related to devil dyes again and again, which is not so useless. At least if he can turn the 'old seal' into a 'command spell', this technique is still very valuable. Of course, the prerequisite is to collect enough old seals of the same origin.

And what amount is enough?

The old prints are the great qualities of being that are not active.

If you want to combine the old seals into a scale of command spells, the principle is probably similar to that of alchemy in the Middle Ages, and the process is also related to the possibility of turning graphite into diamond, not to mention that there is a lot of mystic consumption in the process—for To make this candle, Gao Fan's mysticism has dropped to 65, which consumes a full 7 points of mysticism.

Therefore, Gao Fan quickly gave up this idea. He originally wanted to make some contribution to the human war, but now it seems that, as usual, he can only help.

"There is an A-level servant in your painting." Han Meimei reminded Gao Fan, "If you can keep him in the painting intact, you will get a lot of demonic traits, enough for you to make many Command Seals Bar?"

"The truth is that this truth is true, but the devil is hidden in the painting, and only I can get in, and I can only deliver food..." Gao Fan felt that this was a deadlock.

No matter how arrogant he is, he will not think that he can tear apart an A-level servant. Of course, he is still good at being torn apart. The only way to resist is to find a suitable helper, such as Lu Zhi. Pheasants are confident.

"There is always a way." Han Meimei said, "Mage Ganga is the only one among the servants under Qinfan, who has been alienated into a non-human or mouse form, which represents a kind of 'change' trait, changing appearance, Change the inner, even change the mysterious frequency, if you can get his characteristics, I believe you will be very useful."

"What do you want to say?" Gao Fan asked Han Meimei seriously, "Did you really pin your hopes on me?"

Han Meimei nodded.

"Hey~ I have to say that your vision of people is quite problematic." It is also a skill for Gao Fan to scold two people, including himself, with one sentence. .

After exchanging with Han Meimei about mysterious related issues without any results.

Gao Fan put his attention on the creation of "Paris".

During this week, with Han Meimei in charge, the demons did not dare to harass the artist’s apartment. Anna concentrated on creating. It’s not that Anna didn’t care about Gao Fan, but she felt that if Gao Fan died due to an accident, finishing the oil painting would be a great achievement. The best homage to Gao Fan, if Gao Fan is fine, creation is still the most important.

Now, stand in front of this 1.8 by 1.2 meter masterpiece.

Gao Fan saw the blue city that was almost formed.

Paris of the 20th century comes to life in the painting.

Large expanses of blue depict every building, every street and every corner of Paris 100 years ago.

Take a look.

The whole city and its infinite details flood into the viewer's field of vision like blue waves.

This is almost done.

In a week, Anna completed such a huge workload.

"AA, you are amazing~" Gao Fan praised.

Anna pursed her lips and smiled.

"AA has hardly slept this week. She said that all she can do is to finish the painting as soon as possible. No matter what your result is, this painting can be regarded as the best explanation for you." Lawrence said, Seeing that Gao Fan was fine, he also breathed a sigh of relief. Before, because Anna set up the flag like this, he thought Gao Fan was dead.

"AA understands me. If I am really cursed to death, burning this painting on my grave will be the best memorial for me~" Gao Fan said.

If Gao Fan died, the devil would definitely pollute the entire Paris in the painting. In that case, it would be better to burn the painting.

"Are you really okay?" Lawrence looked Gao Fan up and down. If Han Meimei hadn't strongly stopped him, Lawrence would have sent Gao Fan to the hospital long ago.

But Mr. Manager knows that Han Meimei is a member of STK, or even a representative of STK. As the war with the devil progresses, the names of several investigator organizations are also spread in human society.

Well-informed people know that the Investigator Organization is the mainstay in the war between humans and demons. Names such as Nine Angels, STK, Grave Digger, Southern Thirteenth District, and Lachette's Children have gradually become familiar to the streets, but The names of the investigators are still a secret, and they carefully conceal their whereabouts and faces, so as not to make themselves a "pillar".

In short, Lawrence gradually learned about the relationship between the investigator organization and Gao Fan, and Han Meimei's identity, so he mostly obeyed Han Meimei's instructions, including not sending Gao Fan to the hospital, resting at home, or waiting to die.

"It's fine, I'm in good health~ It tastes good~" Gao Fan replied cheerfully.

"But something happened in Paris." Lawrence sighed.


Gao Fan looked out the window.

In the previous week, because of the sequelae of the Command Spell, his mind and body seemed to be frozen in time, and he truly experienced a vegetative state of life. He didn't even turn his head, so it was naturally impossible to know what was happening around him.

Once looking out the window at this moment.

I found out that it was afternoon, but the streets of Paris were quiet.

Not even a human figure.

The apartment they lived in had a famous Parisian landscape street at the door, and there was no shortage of pedestrians at any time, even during wartime.

"What's wrong?" Gao Fan asked in surprise.

Laurence handed him a stack of newspapers.

The most eye-catching piece of news is "Street rats have fallen to Paris!" 》Such a big black font.

This is followed by a photo, in color, of a huge rat, as big as a hound, on the street, biting and dragging the calf of a woman, and the woman screaming It was as if the end of the world was being experienced.

Seeing this photo, Gao Fan only had one thought, what the hell is that photographer doing? Is there time to take pictures but no time to help others?

The content of some other newspapers is roughly the same, that Paris is experiencing an unprecedented rat plague, the rats are getting bigger and bigger, the citizens are getting more and more cowardly, the streets are empty, everyone is hiding at home and shivering, and Gao Fan noticed Well, the time it all started, and the first newspaper reports, was exactly a week ago.

"So..." Gao Fan showed these newspapers to Han Meimei.

"That's right, because my focus is on you, so I can't pay attention to the whole of Paris." Han Meimei nodded, "causing the power of demons to wreak havoc in Paris."

Gao Fan frowned, and continued to flip through the newspaper. This week, Paris was turned upside down by rats. There was even news that humans were bitten and seriously injured by rats. In Gao Fan's view, this was clearly a way for the devil to lure the tiger away from the mountain. The purpose is to lure Han Meimei away from him, so that the demon can attack Gao Fan and get what it wants.

Thinking of this, Gao Fan had a doubt.

"Why are demons afraid of you?" Gao Fan asked Han Meimei.

Gao Fan never understood.

What are the demons' fears about the 'operator' avatars.

Because whether it is black-haired Han Meimei or blond-haired Jessica, the incarnations of the "operators" that Gao Fan has come into contact with are all without any fighting power. They are as fragile as ordinary people when facing demons. What are you afraid of?

"The devil is afraid of my eyes." Han Meimei said, "After being stared at by me, I can't get rid of it."

That's it...Gao Fan understood, but at this moment, a phrase "When you look at the abyss, the abyss is also looking at you" came to his mind inexplicably.

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