Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 792 What's the point?

Facing the silver trajectory drawn by Joshua, in the void, the huge world fleet instinctively began to slow down, and then stopped.

"The change of the Ω space axis fails, and the giant beast suddenly stops moving forward. Is there a problem with the operation of the phase shifting organ?"

"No, the energy core stopped working!"

The eight-legged fungus in the void behemoth, which was responsible for transporting energy and nutrition for the behemoth, fell into a panic because it did not receive the order to stop: "Warning! The energy in the edge area is out of control, the first, seventh, and forty-second organisms The shell charging circuit is seriously damaged!"

"The energy transmission channel of the observation module is closed!"

"The self-circulatory system stopped working, and the front-end sensory organs were damaged...Warning, because of the trauma, the monster's mental fluctuations are becoming extreme, and the energy output is out of control!"

"Where's the soul pacification team?! Hurry up to calm the mental fluctuations of the giant beast! The supply team also quickly bring organic substances to repair it!"

In the giant beast's body, the sharp alarm sound echoed in each chamber. In the command room responsible for the control, countless eight-legged fungi with red caps were nervously checking what went wrong on the main display screen in front of them. Countless ordinary eight-legged fungi are rushing back and forth across the chamber, transporting all kinds of minerals or organic substances to various places. They move in the wide energy transportation pipeline, and they are like a monster in the chamber of the void giant. Ants generally move forward, assisting the opponent to repair and appease.

The eight-legged fungus built the world on the giant beast's body, and because of this, their existence itself became a part of the void giant beast, and became the basic cells in the opponent's body, responsible for accelerating the energy flow of the giant beast, providing Nutrients. Of course, the giant beast's body itself has the ability to repair itself, but with the help of the eight-legged fungi that coexist with it, the giant beast repairs faster than its own instincts, and is even willing to let this group of small fungi replace it. Think for yourself.

However, that was limited to normal situations... Soon, the healed giant beast made the next move with its own instinct.

"The Ω space axis starts to stabilize, and the energy core restarts...and so on."

The leading eight-legged fungus, which is in charge of regulating a certain area and summarizing the situation, suddenly found an abnormal situation in the middle of his speech, and the fluctuations it released suddenly became sharp: "Be careful! The giant beast is not moving forward—the giant beast is retreating!"

And in the void.

It can be seen that at the forefront of the world fleet, the few void behemoths facing the Iron Giant God are decelerating, and after a short period of stagnation, they begin to retreat little by little.

Even void behemoths are creatures.

No matter how brainless or powerful a creature is, even a behemoth of the void, it will tend to avoid harm, evade powerful enemies, and feel 'fear'.

In the black body world, the chaotic fluctuations that gradually become stronger can't scare them, because the weak chaos is just a little unpalatable food for the giant void beasts, but the existence of Joshua is different, he makes these giant beasts Feeling threatened with death.


The Great Khan stopped the giant monster at the front from retreating so as not to disrupt the formation of the entire fleet. Later, it turned its head and stared at the giant god standing in front of the black body world.

It couldn't understand Mycroff's common language, but the other party's meaning was so clear that it could be understood without words at all... This was the most straightforward threat of violence, without any cover-up.

'Do not cross this line. ’ ‘The comers stop. ’ ‘This is our territory. ’, nothing more than these kinds of meanings, its intelligence will not be so low that it can’t even guess such things.

That's ridiculous. Great Khan thought so. In the past thousands of years, it has heard countless times other civilizations issued such notices to the Shepherd's fleet. Most of the warnings were different, but the tone was weak without exception—who could really Stop the impact of dozens of void behemoths? Nothing more than meaning.

But this time, it seems a little different.

The mere existence of the steel giant who distorts time and space makes the void giants who have always been lawless feel fear. This fear has nothing to do with thinking, nothing to do with impressions, and it is completely burst out from the depths of instinct. This is the fear called natural enemies. This giant seems to be really The one who can stop the impact of the giant beast... Who is he? The moment this question appeared in the Great Khan's mind, it was immediately answered.

Who else, of course, are the survivors who still exist in this lost galaxy, those ancestor civilizations that were at least 12,000 years ago.

Only they could possess such terrifying strength and rush to the awakening point of the chaotic fluctuations so quickly—the World Eater who was waking up might be sealed by them.

"Unexpectedly, is there any ancestral civilization surviving..."

Ignoring the stunned Kumosinda, whose cap was red and stunned, the Great Khan sent out a series of complex thought fluctuations: "I know, the legend must be exaggerated, and there must be moisture. The ancestor civilization may not be recorded. So powerful, but it was not destroyed by the World Eaters—but there is really a strong person who survived the unknown war ten thousand years ago?"

This is really beyond everyone's common sense.

Moreover, if they are really survivors, why don't these ancient and developed ancestral civilizations go to the normal world galaxy? Compared with this damaged, dim, nearly fragmented galaxy with countless wounds, even if the galaxy outside is in every way bad, it is at least a complete galaxy.

All kinds of doubts swirled back and forth in the Great Khan's mind, which also overwhelmed his split thinking. Soon, he realized that he could not continue thinking like this. Facing such a powerful existence, he had to do his best .

As for why they didn't go out... maybe it was because they had lost that spirit. The prosperous civilization was crushed by a large group of World Eaters, and their hometown was destroyed by fierce wars. In the huge changes that no one knew, even their own galaxy was thrown to the edge of the multiverse, and they suffered such a big blow , They probably will never think about expansion again, but would rather stick to their one-acre three-point land-do they really remember the technology of their heyday? The Great Khan was suspicious of this.

Tens of thousands of years have worn down the will of these survivors. There is no enemy, just a devastated galaxy, and naturally they cannot inspire the competitiveness of these ancient and powerful people. When a new civilization in this galaxy is born, it grows enough to threaten It is estimated that it will take hundreds of thousands of years to reach the level of ancestor civilization.

"Kumosinda, the task of suppressing the spirit of the giant beast will be entrusted to you for the time being."

Inside the Royal Court of the Shepherd, the black eight-legged fungus who was looking at the scene in the void light curtain seemed to be awakened just now. Hearing the rare and fluent order of the Great Khan, he immediately pledged with the loudest voice: "I will never disgrace my mission!"

And the moment after that.

Hum, hum——accompanied by the air realm on the backs of all the Void Behemoths, the Shepherd Royal Courts at the bottom of the central hive uttered soft spiritual tremors, and one after another extremely powerful, supernova-like soul fluctuations began to gradually wake up.

For some reason, the Great Khan suddenly felt a trace of sadness and anger from the deepest part of his heart when he looked at the giant god who was standing in front of the black body stars and had no intention of giving in.

Territory... so ridiculous, this arrogant vocabulary, this inexplicable contempt and contempt.

It recalled its hometown, why the Shepherd became the Shepherd, and why he became the Great Khan... This powerful eight-legged fungus recalled the ups and downs of his race for thousands of years after the defeat of the war , it recalled those terrifying existences that had been chasing after its own group, making them only drift in the galaxy.

The Great Khan recalled the power of those World Eaters.

That is the power to infect the galaxy and destroy the world. That is enough power to destroy a void civilization alone. That is enough power for countless proud empires to let go of their dignity and reserve, exchange and form incoherent alliances with other civilizations, and let go of all prejudices.

"It's too cute, I laughed... Even if you are the ancestors."

In the dark and silent void, Joshua, who was confronting the entire world fleet, suddenly heard an incomparably clear mental fluctuation. This sound did not come from a certain void behemoth, but from all the void behemoths.

He squinted his eyes and looked forward. In the void directly in front of him, there were streaks of invisible rays of light flying out from the abnormally raised parts of the backs of these twenty-odd giant void beasts. They condensed and combined in the dark. A bright white star was lit against the background of the starry sky. The brilliance of this white star spread in all directions, solidified, determined its shape, and finally turned into a huge light and shadow.

Buzzing——sharp noises spread in the silent void, and in the light and shadow of this powerful soul, a pale and solid crab claw emerged from it. This crab claw alone was more powerful than a real void. The giant beast is even bigger, not to mention the eight sharp claws and the fortress-like carapace that will be condensed and formed later.

This is a crab-shaped giant void beast, but it is a spirit beast that is completely condensed from spirit and soul. Its size can cover the entire world fleet, and its giant pincers bite together, as if it can cut off the entire world.

Everything happened in an instant, and at this instant, the unknown strong man, the eight-legged fungus called the Great Khan by all the people, was as huge as the real world, and its spiritual fluctuations spread throughout the entire world. The space-time boundary even spreads towards other directions of the world galaxy.

"The World Eater covers the sky and devours the stars—what does your so-called territory mean to this cruel multiverse!"

Having said that, accompanied by an extremely violent space distortion, the giant beast stepped across the silver track drawn by Joshua without hesitation, and then, like an out-of-control white star, with unstoppable power, moved towards the The silver giant slammed into it mercilessly.

The awakening of the World Eater is definitely not a responsibility that a civilization can undertake. If you want to deal with the World Eater alone... then prove your strength!

"Want to verify my strength?"

On the other side of the void, Joshua seemed to sense that the opponent was not planning to fight to the death. He squinted his eyes and looked at the giant beast that was ten times bigger than his giant body. Reverted to pure silver smoke: "Coincidentally, I want to too."

Joshua clenched his fists, and the black and red lines of light began to spread on the outside of the silver arm.

I also want to know, you fellows who eat the world without any scruples, what qualifications do you have to face evil gods!

In the next moment, time and space turbulently turmoiled. Under the helpless eyes of the natural teacher behind him, Joshua stepped out, and then turned into a void storm that stirred up everything, and swept away towards the giant beasts of the world roaring!

One big and one small, two bright spots like stars collided immediately.

Then, there was the light of a supernova.

In this strong light that can obscure all observations, the giant beast silently waved its giant pincers, it swung this weapon that could bend space by its mass alone, and slammed it down towards Joshua like the moon falling.

But Joshua didn't intend to dodge at all. Facing the giant pincers falling, he stretched his right hands straight back like a fully drawn bow, and in the next instant, the two iron fists of the giant god rushed from bottom to top at the same time. Swing it up, like a meteor flying upside down!

The Double Rising Dragon Fist swung by both arms at the same time contains unparalleled strength and quality. They are like two tornadoes rotating in opposite directions, grinding everything in front of them with unimaginable changes in gravity. The shattered double iron fist that smashed half of the continent and the smashed giant pincers were not weak at all. Joshua, who seemed to be ten times smaller than the monster, was not inferior to the crab-shaped void monster in terms of quality. , even speaking of strength, he even lifted the giant beast's body slightly!

"It's so heavy!"

After one blow, both sides were backed by the opponent's power, and the Great Khan withdrew his giant pincers in shock, because the soul body condensed from its soul had the quality of a real thing, and it was even worse than the real thing in terms of defense. True Void Behemoths are stronger.

It can be seen that the claw that confronted Joshua is covered with dense grid-shaped energy shields. It is the soul barrier held by the Great Khan himself. The strength is even the barriers of some small worlds. It is incomparable - but now, this layer of soul barrier is almost broken, and there are countless cracks and gaps on the giant fist behind the barrier, and it is being repaired rapidly at this time.

"This kind of density..." The Great Khan seemed to be thinking about something, but from the other side, an incomparably fierce breath came over, interrupting its analysis.


Joshua, who had found out the resistance of the opponent's defensive shield and his own specific strength, raised his right hand without hesitation. He opened his eyes wide, and the dark red light flashed under the silver light. He could see, except for the giant god's chest In addition to the engine starting to run at full speed, two hot spots of light began to light up on the warrior's shoulders.

The opponent was strong - but not as good as Joshua's fist!

The triple engines started at the same time. Immediately, an unparalleled coercion spread from the center of Joshua, as if the killing intent and fear from the bottom of the abyss invaded the void, making all the eight-legged fungi in the surrounding world tremble. ——At this moment, even the behemoths that use the world as their granary are reluctant to stay in place under the constraints of the kings of the sky, not daring to move, because they know that they can only eat eggs. sucks the world, but this man can cook them like spicy crabs, frying them into 18 shapes.

——Squeak—Kah—the sound of extremely sharp electromagnetic pulses sounded, and Joshua sensed the two tiny neutron stars on his shoulders that were rotating at 7,200 times per second. The huge magnetic current emitted by the warrior turned this terrifying power into a mighty force of electromagnetic rotation, and then used his arms as a channel to accumulate a power that could destroy everything and exceed 50% of the speed of light.

"Be careful."

Not wanting to kill the opponent directly, Joshua said as if reminding him: "One punch, I will smash your shield and take you with it."

"Don't die."


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