On the edge of the Watcher Tribe, in the underground cave where the exploration team is located.

The spell caster sat in front of a simple, yet high-end and advanced instrument, staring at the screen in front of him seriously.

"Infiltrate the skin of the mother tree of life, and the sap has been collected... The mother tree of life is developing well, and the energy level of the sap reserve of the same unit is 34% higher than the average."

"Corresponding to the type of mother tree of life provided by the Far South Elves, it is determined that the mother tree of life is the most popular 'third type nurturing mother tree' during the Era of Glory. It is basically certain that this elf is indeed a remnant of the Era of Glory."

Speaking of this, the spellcaster couldn't help laughing: "My good fellow, this mother tree is quite strong. Ordinary mother trees need to be in a water-rich environment to grow smoothly. I didn't expect it to grow so big in the saline-alkali land by the sea."

"Don't talk about it, just look at the follow-up analysis." The alchemist with half the elven blood—at least when he was born—urged: "Look at the situation of chaos erosion, this is the real thing."

The mother tree can absorb all the energy within a radius of several tens of kilometers, and accumulate the absorbed impurities in its body, and gradually discharge them in the form of bark. The ancient elves once transplanted the mother tree to the mine, and the bark And metal-rich leaves are burned to obtain metals, which is why elves who almost never mine can obtain metals and become the iron civilization.

It is also because of this that if there is chaos pollution in a place, the mother tree will definitely be the first to be eroded.

Everyone in the elite team is very clear that the so-called 'foreigner disease' is simply another term for chaos erosion. This proves that apart from the power of chaos contained in the nine moons in the sky, this land should also have been polluted. The pollution level of the mother tree is the fastest way to know the pollution level of the land.

However, just when the clergyman and knight were bored watching, and even started to play finger-guessing, suddenly, the caster exclaimed: "Impossible!"

"Chaos erosion concentration... 75%?!"

The caster's eyes were wide open, fearing that he might misread even a single number, but after looking back and forth several times, he had to admit that the number above was indeed seventy-five percent, not seven percent. Five, but precisely because of this, it became more and more difficult for him to accept: "This is already the threshold of danger... thousands, ten thousand times!?"

The power of chaos is difficult to completely eliminate. Even in today's Mycroft Continent and the Myriad Worlds Sacrifice Ground, there are still some powers of chaos permeating the deepest part of the earth, but that level of chaos can no longer affect the life of intelligent life. In daily life, if the chaotic power in the Mycroft world is used as the standard threshold, then the chaotic power in the mother tree of life is eleven thousand times normal!

What is this concept? Throw a rat in such an environment and watch a rat troll come out of the oven a few hours later.


Hearing this, not only the alchemist, but even the priests and knights jumped up, and the four of them looked at the screen in unison. The numbers and terms on the screen were extremely complicated, but even a knight with the lowest level of education could understand it. See clearly, between the lines, every gap is filled with 'danger'!

"Where is the mother tree of life? This is a hotbed of chaos—but why can't we feel any magic power of chaos?"

The clergyman bent down directly and grabbed a handful of soil from the ground. He closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling the various trace energies contained in the soil. After a while, he frowned: "There is no sign of chaos—here is more powerful than Micro. Husband Continent is still clean!"

Everyone used their own methods to test their own living environment, and found that this was indeed the case—this different world was as lush and lush as it appeared on the surface, with a good and clean environment, and except for the September in the sky, there was no danger at all. .

"Could it be that... the chaos in the elves' bodies has spread to the mother tree?" The knight speculated: "After all, according to the news the captain got, these elves have different degrees of chaos erosion in their bodies."

But the alchemist shook his head and explained: "No, this is the only one that is impossible—not to mention the size of the mother tree, the chaotic magic power that can kill tens of thousands of elves can only infect one of its branches at most. When the mother tree was created, it had an extremely strict self-protection system, and would strictly screen the energy coming in and out. After all, if any elf could infect the mother tree with the power of chaos, wouldn't it mean that if a traitor desperately instilled the power of chaos? Poison, can you wipe out a large group of elves at will?"

This is of course impossible. So the alchemist frowned, and cautiously deduced: "It's not so much that the elves infect the mother tree in reverse, but I think it's the opposite. It's the elves who connect with the spirit through the mother tree, and are infected with chaos by the mother tree... This must require an abnormality." A huge source of infection, and this source of infection is not on the surface."

Speaking of this, the alchemist narrowed his eyes, looked at the ground, and said softly: "...that must be underground."

The other three thought about it carefully and immediately understood.

The rhizome of the mother tree is broad and spreads extremely deep. Just a mother tree can stabilize the water and soil within several kilometers. Its roots can be directly inserted into the underground water and mineral veins thousands of meters deep, and even directly absorb the magic power of lava to grow. This is the Tianyuan Divine Tree. One of the most powerful supernatural plants in the world, the divine Father Nature created for his people a substitute for himself.

Since the source of infection of this extraordinary plant is not on the surface, there must be a source of infection underground that has come into contact with the rhizome of the mother tree and gradually eroded it!

"Is it a chaotic monster, or the corpse of the evil god's family..." The clergyman clenched the crystal ball in his hand, and he could see the silver-gray holy light flickering in the crystal ball. He had already begun to feel a little impatient with the desire to purify: "This is the legacy of the Glorious Era, it must be the last battle of the last era, the corpses of those Chaos monsters!"

Including the caster, the other three nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with this guess, after all, this guess is reasonable.

Only the knight muttered: "However, it's strange. After death, it can still erode the chaos power of the mother tree. How big is the corpse of this chaos monster? There must be more than one mountain. Could it be..."

No one cared about him this time.

Because Priest's footsteps have appeared in the entrance and exit of the cave.

"team leader!"

Everyone stood up and turned their heads, looking at the entrance of the cave. Originally, the alchemist wanted to go out to greet him, but suddenly stopped in his tracks: "Wait, this voice..."

Why is there a second person's footsteps?

Soon, as the footsteps approached, the figures of Priest and Sur appeared in front of the four of them, and they came to the cave.

And Priest didn't wait for his team members to tease, "Why did you bring an outsider back, I'm afraid he won't be an outsider in the future", he looked serious, and lowered his voice: "Get ready, we will set off immediately, go to Acrafa hub."

"...Why so suddenly?"

The caster was preparing to report to Priest the Chaos Erosion report just now, but he didn't expect his captain to act so vigorously: "And..." He turned his head and looked at Priest hesitantly. Behind him, Sur was looking around curiously.

"She? A guide. The mountain road is complicated. We will move at night and leave early. We need a local to lead the way."

Priest is aware of the doubts of his teammates, but at this time he somehow has a clear mind and inspiration, and it is difficult for him to explain a series of methods that he just thought of suddenly, but Priest took over the spellcaster. According to the chaos report, the pupils also shrank: "75%? So serious? But it also means that my thoughts are correct, we must leave here as soon as possible and go to the Acrafa hub."

"Wait, captain, you must have your reasons for doing this, but don't we wait a moment and let these elves send over their historical records?"

Although the cleric didn't know why his captain was so anxious, he had already packed his luggage and started to put on the mana armor that had been recharged with difficulty in the past few days. Obviously, he couldn't bear it long ago and didn't want to Stay in this little cave.

"Their historical records are a pile of waste paper. What is there to collect about the history of this group of tribes who had no desire to progress a thousand or two thousand years ago-and according to my observations, this group of elves will soon be sacrificed to eliminate them. It's time for chaos to erode within the clan, and the concentration of chaos in the mother tree you mentioned proves my judgment even more."

At this time, Priest said something to Sur, and then he himself began to put on his own set of magic armor, and the voice of the young warrior became dull after putting on the helmet: "Besides, I thought of something that might It’s a good way to hide from the authority judgment of the Acrafa hub—we might be able to get the database of this ancient ruin directly, why should we care about a group of elves!”

"Okay, anyway, you are the captain."

Having said all that, the others shrugged their shoulders indifferently. Anyway, they don’t have any urgent tasks to complete now. Since Priest has vowed that he has a way to bypass authority, then believe him, they There is no need to talk about the relationship between the five-member team.

So soon, after a few minutes, the five people who had arranged all the equipment and materials were all wearing magic armor, and walked out of the cave one by one, and Sur, who was sitting on the shoulder of Priest's armor, exclaimed in a low voice, He said happily in a deliberately low voice: "Oh, it's a bit cool to sit up - but this feeling is surprisingly not bad!"

"It's not bad now, the speed will be faster later, don't be too crazy." Priest laughed in a low voice, and then he turned his head to look at his teammates, and whispered: "Let's go!"

In the next instant, five pitch-black shadows could be seen disappearing into the deep darkness of the forest.

"Leader, let them go?"

In the forest not far away, the deer crown elf stared at this scene, and beside him, there were two whole brigades of elf archers ready to go, and the leading archer asked in a low voice.

"It's fine to leave... The elves who can't integrate into us, and the humans who refuse to integrate into us, maybe they are the same kind of people."

The deer crown elf lowered his head, looked at the traces of the foreign world disease on his arm, and smiled indifferently: "Sur can't bear the foreign world disease with us, and can't transfer the foreign world disease to me... and it's just the same. Because of this, if she dies outside, she will not infect her companions...Let her go, she is alone, so she is free."

"Preparing to start planning the sacrificial ceremony - the change in the holy mountain a few days ago may be just to remind us of this."

At this time, in the forest.

"On the left, go around the gorge, and then turn to the mountain road on the right. Let's go through the small path and go faster... Oh, your speed is really fast, much faster than me!"

Priest was running at the forefront, and on his shoulder, Sur held his helmet with one hand, while pointing happily: "Over there, on the other side is a gathering place of a group of demon bears. , Although you are not afraid, it is a waste of time."

If it wasn't for the speeding car, the speed would definitely be faster. Priest couldn't help but think of their specially modified flying car, and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Now, after knowing the true face of the Acrafa Hub, the cause of the crash can be easily guessed—there is no doubt that the top of an important facility like the Space-Time Hub is a no-fly zone, and they flew over carelessly, without Being burned to ashes by a ray of death is considered good luck, but just being drained of energy and crashing is really a stroke of luck.

So this time, they walked over the ground honestly, and Priest also planned to try to see if the method he thought of was useful.

"I hope that what the teacher said is true... But don't just say it casually!"

He thought silently in his heart.

Along the way, the five members of the elite team were speechless, and could only hear the voice of Suer guiding the way. With various mountain trails taking shortcuts, everyone soon came to the foot of the former sacred mountain, that is, This is where the Acrafa Junction is today.

If the former sacred mountain is a real mountain, then the space-time hub that has peeled off its rocky shell is a huge building comparable to a mountain.

The latter is more shocking than the former.

Even if you look at it from a distance, you can clearly see the whole picture of the Aklafa Time-Space Hub. It is a round silver metal building with three inverted U-shaped vaults. It is about 2,000 meters high, and there are A large number of structures are buried under the rocks, and the entire building stands among the mountains, like a titan supporting the sky.

It is surrounded by a gentle silver energy light curtain, and one can clearly feel the holy aura emanating from the inside.

"It's so big."

Priest sighed.

It is bigger than the Royal Court of the Shepherd.

Bigger than real mountains.

But even for such a huge building, the whole body was made of Mithril alloy. In the past era, there was more than one, or even many, all over the heavens and worlds.

The mighty power of the glorious civilization is shocking and admirable.

However, when Priest and others came here today, it was not because they looked up at the great achievements of the ancients and felt that the things in front of them were huge.

Soon, relying on the powerful mobility of the magic armor, everyone came to the foot of the mountain again, in front of a layer of translucent, almost invisible energy ripples.

"It's almost here."

Priest stopped, put Sur off his shoulders, then approached this layer of ripples, and whispered: "This thing was last time, after scanning us, it threw us directly to tens of thousands of meters Besides—it was not clear at that time, but now it seems that it should be some kind of energy position."

"As long as you enter this range, you have to go through the scan of the Acrafa hub. Our gold-level authority has no way to enter."

On the side, the caster took off the helmet on his head, shook his hair, stared at this layer of ripples, and said: "Captain, you said that you have a way to hide the truth from the Acrafa hub, I don't believe it... But now, is it time to tell us about your plans?"

Hearing this, the other three people in the team also turned their heads and looked at Priest curiously.

Back then, the five of them had personally experienced the power of the invisible ripples. According to the estimates of the priests, this may be some kind of holy light, or even a high-end use of the power of order, a great spell used to detect the concentration of chaos and individual strength. , if there is no extreme power, there is no way to resist.

And if there is power at the extreme level, why resist? Hub will naturally let him in.

On the side, Su Er, who didn't understand what the group of people were saying, also booed: "Yes, tell us!"

"It's actually very simple, it's just that none of us thought of it... Knight, the repair beam is with you, right, take it out to me!"

"Huh? Oh!!!!"

The five members of the elite team are not low in intelligence. Even the knights who are often ridiculed by others have an actual assessment level of 150 points and an average score of more than 140 on the test paper. Most of the things they can't think of are just misunderstandings. lead to unthinkable.

But if the reality is now, someone pierces this layer of window paper, then everyone will understand in an instant.

"Amazing, Captain!"

The knight handed Priest the prototype of the restored beam of light, a silver metal cylinder, and said sincerely: "As expected of that lord's disciple—no, it's precisely because you are that lord's disciple , so I figured it out!"

The clerics and spellcasters on the side also nodded incessantly: "Indeed... After confirming that this thing cannot communicate with the world of Mycroft, we ignored it. I didn't expect it to be so useful now."

"Captain awesome!"

And Priest didn't care about the flattery of his team members, he just took the repair beam of light with a serious expression, and then read a eulogy to activate it.

Afterwards, he said in a low voice: "Don't be in a hurry to flatter right now—it's not sure whether it will be successful yet, and it's not too late to cheer when it succeeds."

Having said that, in fact, Priest is 99% sure of his actions.

The essence of the restoration beam of light is actually a group of automatically operating steel power split by Joshua. That is to say, the restoration beam of light is, from a certain point of view, a part of the legendary powerhouse Earl Radcliffe. Small group avatar.

Last time in World No. 1, Joshua relied on this group of avatars, so he was able to cross the border and descend, blocking the black mist that was about to kill the elite team... Perhaps many people regarded it as a prop similar to a summoning beacon, I feel that there is no way to connect to the world of Mycroft, and repairing the beam of light is useless except for repairing, but Priest is different.

He knew, repaired the essence of the beam of light, and also thought of how to use this essence to accomplish his goals.

That is 'borrowing power'.

Soon, three minutes passed immediately, and Sur poked at the ever-increasing and expanding repair light beam, while feeling "really soft" and "so elastic" and other words. The elite team watched as the restoration beam gradually turned into a three-meter-high and two-meter-diameter cylinder.

"It's about time."

After confirming that the repairing beam of light was fully deployed and turned into a repairing pool that looked like a beam of light but was actually a concentrated body of steel power, Priest did his part to get out of the magic armor, and then stepped into it.

He felt that his body was surrounded by a warm power, like half of the deep sea water, and the invisible power quickly repaired the large and small internal wounds in his body.

It's so comfortable, it's like soaking in a hot spring... No, it's a hundred times more comfortable than soaking in a hot spring.

Priest couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This feeling of repairing the injuries in the body is many times more comfortable than any entertainment. This kind of perfection and improvement from the essence of life is probably greater than the pleasure of taking magic potions. , if it weren't for his firm will, I'm afraid he might be obsessed with this kind of pleasure of restoration.

Thinking of this, he controlled his body and made the repairing beam of light move forward one step along with his actions.


An incomparably heavy sound sounded, even crushing a part of the rock under the restoration beam of light.

But just like this, Priest, covered by the restoration light beam, slowly, step by step, approached the invisible ripple of the Acrafa hub.

Whether it was Sur or the members of the elite team, they held their breath and watched this scene.

Priest did his part to be the first member to try, and they didn't stop it, not out of fear of death. Originally, the Acrafa hub would not kill at most and throw people tens of thousands of meters away, which is not a big deal.

The reason why everyone acquiesces in letting Priest, the captain, try first is because he is Earl Radcliffe's student. next action.

If it is not an elite team, but ordinary people approaching the repair beam, let alone feel comfortable, the moment they enter the repair beam, they will be directly unconscious due to the extremely terrifying coercion, and then complete various tasks in the coma. Such a repair, it is naturally impossible to act with the repair beam of light... Even the other members of the elite team who often meet with that adult are not sure whether they can act normally in the repair beam of light.

But anyway, Priest succeeded.

He was about to touch the ripples of the Akrafa Nexus.

The silver beam of light touched the invisible energy flow.

Suddenly, the invisible voice of the heart resounded in everyone's heart.

"The detected target is an 'incarnation of an unconventional super life form'... the main body of energy is 'Power of Steel', judged to be the split incarnation of 'Goddess of the Earth', 'Mountain Titan', and 'God of Mountain', judged to be 'Steel' Force' specialization."

"Confirm, the target is not a chaotic existence, eliminate the 'hostility mark', add the 'welcome mark'. Grant the 'sixth level of destiny authority', suspend the investigation process, and start the 'greeting process'."

"Welcome, respected legend, the Acrafa space-time hub welcomes you, please go to the VIP entrance, the automatic service procedure is ready."

Didn't update yesterday, will be added later.

Sorry for the confusion.

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