Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 280 We Need Professionals

This golden puppet is nearly twenty meters tall, even a half-dragon can't match it. Its outer shell is extremely smooth, reflecting the surrounding light like a mirror. The monster rushed towards the formation of the armored convoy. The heavy footsteps vibrated and roared, and countless mud and rocks splashed up, setting off a large cloud of dust.

In the process of advancing, countless shells bombarded the golden stone demon, but even the armor-piercing shells could only hit potholes on its mirror-smooth surface, and occasionally even bounced off, completely unable to affect The opponent's pace.

Of course, Hei also noticed the other party, and the half-dragon's eyes changed, and it felt a sense of danger from the other party's body, which was a unique resonance between beings of the same level.

——This stone demon is as powerful as a gold realm!

After bearing so many attacks, but still without obvious trauma, the stone demon came to the front of the armored vehicle array within a few steps. The two light spots in its eyes flashed brightly, and the golden stone demon raised its huge fist, and slammed it hard at the nearest armored vehicle.

The shell of the elf's mana armored vehicle is made of a special alloy. Although it is not indestructible, it is also the most durable material among the cost-effective choices. Even if an ordinary stone demon uses all its strength to collide, it is impossible to break it. Its destruction would deform the car body at most and stun the people in the car. Generally speaking, as long as it is equipped with sufficient ammunition, an armored car can stably destroy four or five ordinary-level stone demons without harming itself.

But facing the blow of the golden stone demon like Mount Tai, the solid armor was like a small box of paper, and it was easily smashed into a piece of scrap iron with a loud noise, and the mana furnace core inside the armored vehicle died on the spot. Exploding, a terrifying shock wave surged out, but it could only shake off a little bit of debris from the stone demon's fist.

Without any hesitation, Hei let out a deep roar, and the half-dragon didn't even use the beam attack, but ran at full speed and flew towards the opponent.

The light beam it used before is actually the dragon's breath. Dragon's breath is a unique long-range attack method of dragons. Every dragon is different. Core convergence.

Hei knew that his dragon's breath was powerful, but because it was expressed in the form of a high-heat beam, it might not be able to cause much damage to the stone demon with a reflective shell in front of him. On the contrary, its dragon claws had extremely terrifying sharpness. At least it was much harder than the opponent's body. Compared with long-range attacks, hand-to-hand combat was more effective in dealing with such difficult ones.

In the eyes of others, in just a moment, the two giant beasts collided together, with hundreds of tons of weight colliding violently, the resulting terrifying wind pressure could even tear off the flying stone demon in the air, and Black roared in pain With a sound, the opponent's body is like steel, even harder than steel. Although its carapace dragon scales are tough, they are still flesh and blood after all. Such a violent impact is indeed extremely painful.

But the other party didn't bother, all I saw was the dragon's claws flashing coldly across the air, and several huge wounds appeared on the right arm of the golden stone demon. , Hei slammed close to him, then opened his mouth to bite, and immediately tore off the stone demon's already fragile right arm.

With one missing right arm, the stone demon lost its sense of balance. Hei threw away the heavy stone arm in his mouth, and knocked it to the ground with a sweep. The half-dragon's chest began to gather energy quickly, before the opponent Climbing up, a fiery light beam went straight into the opponent's damaged right arm wound.

In the next second, the golden stone demon that was still trying to stand up remained motionless, and then collapsed into countless golden rocks from the inside out.

It wasn't until this time that Nelson realized that the battle between the half-dragon and the stone demon was too fast and intense for the old man to fully understand. After the battle was over, the elf professor belatedly exclaimed: "Adamantine Stone Demon! There has actually appeared an adamantine stone demon!"

On the mother tree, this is a terrifying existence that is so powerful that it needs to be bombarded by several fortresses to guarantee its kill. How can it be killed so easily now? !

After the amazement, there was no time to continue to sigh with emotion. Since Hei solved the biggest enemy, the armored convoy and the black dragon successfully broke through, but it did not stop and rest, but continued to move towards Babel's capital at high speed.

——The capital of the province of Babel.

Gray dark clouds enveloped the entire sky. From time to time, a light rain fell, and the cold and humid air surged, making everyone unable to wrap their clothes tightly. This was different from the severe winter of heavy snow in the north, but an irresistible damp and cold.

With the buildings outside the provincial capital of Babel as a temporary fortress, countless federal soldiers resisted the continuous attack of stone demons. Huge rock monsters attacked from all directions, and their huge bodies could easily crush the magic vehicles. Strong buildings will also suffer huge damage if they are hit by them.

Even with the help of fortifications, it is difficult for soldiers to deal with such a huge enemy. If it is in the wild, with the help of the high mobility of armored vehicles, the federal army will not be afraid of stone monsters, but now behind them are several soldiers from the capital. There are hundreds of thousands of elf civilians in the large shelter, they must not retreat, otherwise, even if only one stone demon successfully invades, blood will flow like a river.

At the fork in the street, the sound of gunfire and heavy footsteps is continuous, aiming, firing, aiming, firing, and the repeated actions make the soldiers' spirits tense like strings, and the ticking sound of the rain is fading away all the time With their nervous patience, facing a steady stream of monsters that seemed to be endless to kill, these stubborn soldiers felt extremely exhausted.

Since the Volcano Dragon left, they were surrounded by a large number of stone demons that suddenly descended on the city for more than a day. From sunrise to sunset, facing the same and even stronger enemies, the soldiers seemed to be frozen in time .

In a temporary fortress converted from an ordinary civilian house, several soldiers were numbly loading and aiming at the cannon barrels, and fired at the stone demons in front. They used the narrow intersection to resist the enemy in a planned way Huge stone puppets poured in continuously from the entrance of the street. They didn't care even if they saw their companions being smashed into pieces of stone at the same position, and they were still bombarded into pieces without warning. Pieces of debris.

One fort is in charge of one direction. Besides these few soldiers, there are many other soldiers who are defending other forts from stone demons. Thousands of such temporary fortresses block almost all possible routes to the refuge. The direction and the road, the fire net was flawless.

Now there are only ordinary and steel-level stone demons. With this kind of fortification, it is very simple to guard.

But as the sky gradually darkened, the gray sky and clouds enveloped the city, and a thin mist began to fill in, which made it more difficult for the soldiers to aim. Perhaps because of this, a stone monster that seemed to be a steel grade was still able to rely on itself. The hard body broke through the fire blockade and rushed to the front of this small fortress.

Without punching or making any other movements, the stone demon just hit it directly. It relied on its own weight and knocked half of the entire small fortress down. The walls collapsed and the ceiling collapsed. A wall suddenly collapsed and pressed against him, and his entire lower body turned into bloody mud.

When the other fortresses noticed this, they immediately took aim and blasted a shell, killing the stone demon directly, but the consequences were irreparable. The soldier who was suppressed was already on the verge of death, and he knew that he The fact that he was about to die seemed to try his best to say something, but before he could speak, the blood loss took away his consciousness.

"No! You can't die yet!" The soldier's friend, a half-elf, roared while hugging his blood-losing body. The soldier's hands were full of the opponent's blood and internal organs, but his mournful cry did not For any use, no matter how you say it, it is impossible for a person to lose half of his body and still be alive.

Under the invasion of stone demons, they didn't even have time to feel sad, because the next wave of stone demons had arrived again. Although their fortress was destroyed, people had to move to other places to continue to resist these huge monsters. Invasion of monsters.

The two sides of the war are unfair. One side is bloodless, tireless stone puppets, and the other side is just ordinary elf soldiers. They need the help of terrain, equipment and even the lives of their comrades to resist the unstoppable rock torrent. Especially after the appearance of Mithril-level stone demons, only large fortresses have reserves of armor-piercing bullets. If a small fortress is targeted by monsters of that level, the only option is to abandon the fortress and escape.

Just when these soldiers were about to move to other places, the sound of heavy footsteps came from afar. This sound made all the surrounding buildings start to shake slowly, which proved that the opponent's size was far beyond everyone's imagination.

In a few seconds, just as everyone was worried about, a gigantic figure appeared, it came from the corner of the street, and then easily trampled a house into ruins, everyone was startled.

Veterans who have participated in the Battle of Cold Wind Valley naturally know that it is a kind of thing. It is the strongest unit known to the opponent after the invasion of stone demons - adamantine stone demons!

"It's over, we're all going to die..."

Backing back instinctively, these soldiers looked at the mirror-like shell of the adamantine stone demon, their eyes were full of despair, they were all ready to die in the next moment, no one thought of resisting, the weapons they carried with them It is absolutely impossible for bows and arrows and alchemy equipment to break through the opponent's defense.

But just in desperation, a roar like thunder came from afar, and another huge figure suddenly appeared not far away, it charged towards the adamantine stone demon, and threw the monster down in an instant , the half-dragon waved its sharp claws, the body of the stone demon under the tearer, and the high-heat elements surrounding it swept away the coldness brought by the surrounding light rain.

The soldiers were stunned, unable to speak a word for a long time, but as a beam of light condensed on the black chest, completely destroying the adamantine stone demon, the sound of cheers and praise immediately rang back and forth in the street.

——The main city of Moldavia.

"So, you can't be sure when the space-time channel will open?"

The black-haired warrior who was teleported directly from afar was sitting in the reception room of his lord's mansion, frowning and looking at the paladin in front of him with a serious expression: "We can only wait now?"


Shrugging his shoulders, the paladin took a sip of tea, blinked his eyes, and said helplessly, "After all, I'm not a magician, maybe I should call someone who understands magic. You know, we need professionals."

Subtitle: Not really necessary

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