Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 260 Heart of Chaos

"Compared to those, I am more curious about how you, as a swordsman, spend so much time in the laboratory."

Scanning the decorations and statues around the corridor, Joshua asked casually, "I wanted to ask you when I contacted you through letters, but now I see that you are still a regular visitor here, which really doesn't match my impression."

"I am a swordsman, that's right."

Facing the soldier's question, Brandon answered it as it should be: "But I'm also a scholar, so it's not a conflict, is it? I'm from the Chaos family, so it's impossible for me to know nothing about magic."

Joshua thought about it, and it was true.

The Chaos family is a long-established and powerful aristocrat. They are representatives of the royal family and a clear-cut central faction. One of the three founders of the Imperial Royal Mages Association is the ancestor of the Chaos family. And blood inheritance, there are many powerful mages among the children of the Chaos family in each generation, and they have a great voice in the circle of imperial mages.

As the Chaos family that once had a legendary archmage, even if the heir of the family became a swordsman because of the Double Blades of Order and Brandon's potential, it is impossible for him to have no magic at all. Contact, the career of a scholar is a life job like a blacksmith or a tailor, and it does not conflict with the main job of a swordsman. It is indeed normal.

While talking, the two walked towards the interior of the Mage Association. Since it was late at night, the interior light was relatively dim, and the adjusted magic lights were not even as bright as the moonlight outside the association. Fortunately, several people present, including Both Ying and Lin have night vision capabilities, so there will be no mistakes in hitting the wall. After a while, everyone came to a silver-white laboratory door.

Brandon stepped forward a little, then raised his right hand and pressed it on the right side of the silver door. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, as if he was verifying. After a while, a gentle female voice came from the inside of the door: "Brandon Chaos, welcome to the No. 3 magical creature research laboratory, the current time is 834, April 5th, at 10:22 p.m., do you want to open the door of the laboratory?"

"Open the door."


The swordsman simply gave the order, and the silver-white door opened silently. Brandon noticed the curious eyes of Joshua and the others, then turned around and explained with a smile: "It was the 'Ta Ling' of the association just now, Fu Miss Laura spoke to us, and she is in charge of security clearance issues within the association."

"Artificial intelligence, or an artificial soul..."

Joshua squinted, looked at the two little guys beside him, recalled No. 3 in Moldavia, and suddenly realized: "That's right, although the Empire's Wizard Association is not as good as There are several mage organizations in the Eastern Plains, but the simplest artificial body should be no problem, after all, they created the first generation of magic machine based on the information of another world four hundred years ago, why should I look far away?"

Thinking of this, the soldier decided to ask Brandon about this aspect later, which can be regarded as solving a wish for No. 3.

Behind the door of the laboratory is a small compartment. The blond swordsman entered first, and countless mage radiance swept across his body immediately. Joshua could tell without explaining that it was swept away. The cleansing spells for all kinds of dust and germs on the human body are harmless, and are the standard procedures when entering and leaving the precious spell laboratories, so he also walked into it with Ying and Lin, and underwent an anti-virus scan.

After the compartment is the main body of the laboratory. This is a wide rectangular room, the walls are all made of silver-white steel. Around the room, there are various utensils, bottles and jars. There are also a complete set of marked magic material cabinets and magic furnace cores. The dome of the laboratory is densely packed with crystal pipes used to supply magic energy. With Brandon's entry, these crystal pipes began to charge the various equipment in the laboratory. , exuding a cool blue light.

"It's really good...more professional than expected."

Even Joshua could not help but praise, he could see that this laboratory, not to mention anything else, even if the set of energy supply equipment and magic energy furnace cost nearly 100,000 gold coins, this is still the basic cost price, plus For those piles of professional equipment and magic materials, each laboratory probably needs hundreds of thousands of gold coins, which is enough to arm a 3,000-man army to the teeth. Nobles don't have the spare money to maintain such a facility.

Faye is really rich and powerful.

"Really? So I said, if it wasn't a taboo experiment, most mages in the imperial capital would choose to come to the association to conduct research. The professionalism here is full of praise even from Teacher Nostradamus, let alone other people. "

Brandon also seems to be very satisfied with this place. He is now bending over to open a steel cabinet in the corner, and while entering the password, he said: "I am here with a few archmages on weekdays, researching about the mad dragon virus. And Sea Abyss derivatives, and recently we have indeed achieved some results... You see."

After finishing speaking, he opened the tight steel cabinet that seemed to be used to isolate some unusually dangerous items. There were white holy lines floating slowly on it, as if purifying the existence inside it all the time.

The moment the cabinet was opened, Joshua felt it. The Azure Orb on his chest jumped suddenly, and an alarm bell sounded in his heart—it had been a long time since the warrior had obtained this sage inheritance. It also had a certain understanding of its reaction. The beating of the Azure Orb just now meant that there was an extremely powerful chaotic creature in front of him.

But where?

In fact, it wasn't just the Azure Orb that had a strange reaction. Ying, who was standing aside and looking at the laboratory curiously, also turned her head suddenly. Prompt that the enemy exists.

Rin also became wary, but his reaction was not as excessive as Ying's. The black-haired boy just moved a little closer to Joshua's position, ready to become magical and ready for battle.

On Brandon's waist, there were two ordinary double knives, and the double blades of order also had an inexplicable holy light. They reacted like the Azure Orb, but judging by the expression of its owner, it seemed that it had long been used to it. The blond swordsman took something out of the cabinet, straightened his waist, and turned around to show everyone what he had in his hands.

This is a black crystal sealed in a cylindrical crystal column. It is only the size of a thumb. There are countless complicated geometric polishing surfaces on it, reflecting the light from outside. There is a dark red light cluster in the center of the crystal, which looks like a heart. , is slowly wriggling, changing its shape.

The appearance of this crystal is unremarkable, it can only be regarded as a pretty good black gemstone, and the beating red light cluster inside may add a little value to it, but Joshua knows that if its value is calculated by gemstones, It's just downright stupid.

"The heart of chaos... the crystallization of divine power."

He whispered to himself, "I never expected that I would actually see this thing at this time."

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