Skynet In Another World

Chapter 166: Jump show

   Chapter 166

  The situation in Dai County is eroded, and the people of Dai County are in a deep and fierce state. Fugitives, slaves, bandits, and bullies have jointly painted a picture of **** on earth.

  Under this situation, the wealthy class can still hide in the county to survive, and ordinary people really have a way out except for staying in place and waiting to die.

   The people of Daijun wanted to escape from Daijun to other counties in the Lu Kingdom. They had to pass through several passes. In order to prevent the chaos within Daijun from spreading to other counties and counties in Lu, all those passes had been closed. In this generation of county people, there is only one way out if they want to escape, the Red Mountain Territory.

   The scouts sent by the Red Mountain Fort to the border of the Red Mountain Region have discovered many people who have fled into the Red Mountain Region in recent days.

   Hongji obviously had anticipated this situation a long time ago, and sent the Red Mountain guards and began to recruit victims on a large scale.

   "Red Mountain Fort recruits laborers to build the city and build roads. Each person has a ration of two catties per day. The quota is limited. First come first served!

   There is such a strange recruitment place on the main road that disaster victims must pass through when they enter the Red Mountain Region. The banner played was the Red Mountain Fort that the people of Dai County had never heard of.

   "Red Mountain Fort, which school is this? Family? Have you heard of it?"

   "No... never heard of it!"

   The two victims drooped their eyelids, and there were weak interlocutors among the crowd in front of the recruitment office of Red Mountain Fort.

   fled all the way to here, penniless, only relying on eating grass roots, bark and snow to survive.

   "You don't care which school he belongs to... Just give me food... Even if it kills me, I will be happy!"

   "Woo woo... I'm so hungry! I can't stand it anymore! I want to sign up! I want buns"

   Although such a recruiting place suddenly appeared at the entrance of a barren land like the Red Mountain Region, things seemed very strange.

   But at this time, there are so many refugees that there are so many scruples. Even if this recruiting place is really a black recruiting place, they want to trick them into signing a deed to sell them and let them become slaves.

   But being a slave is better than starving to death.

   It is precisely because of the refugees' mentality that the labor expansion plan of Red Mountain Fort has been carried out quite smoothly. In less than a week, it has recruited two thousand young and middle-aged workers.

   and the price, but two catties of rations per person per day and a little salt.

  Extremely cheap labor! There is wood there!

   After these newly recruited laborers were tattooed with unique emblems and numbers of Red Mountain Fort, they were immediately put into the vigorous construction task after only some simple job training.

  Digging the mountains and digging the rocks, the surrounding mountains of the Red Mountain Fort are fortified at a speed visible to the naked eye every day.

   Externally, the expansion and construction are in an orderly manner. Internally, Hong Ji has also begun to deploy and upgrade basic industries.

   The main power source machinery in the current Red Mountain Fort is still a steam engine. Today's steam engines have been applied to all aspects of the interior of the Red Mountain Fort.

Steam brick presses, steam engine conveyor belts, steam forging machines... and so on. It can be said that it is precisely because of the wide application of steam engines in Hongshan Fort that the industrial efficiency has been greatly increased, Hong Ji can only rely on less than a hundred people. The team of craftsmen provides itself with a variety of original mechanical parts.

   In the eyes of the people of Hongshanbao, the steam engine invented by Hongji is an existence comparable to miracles.

   Then it is true that the steam engine is only a transitional machine in Hong Ji's eyes. After the discovery of copper mines in the surrounding mountains at Hongshan Fort, Hong Ji has already begun to draw drawings of electric motors, power generation equipment, etc.

   Hongshan domain has a lot of coal reserves, so thermal power generation will be the energy source of Hongshan Fort for a long time in the future.


In the artisan hall, Hong Ji was inspecting the manufacturing of thermal power generation equipment, but Hong Ze suddenly looked very ugly and found Hong Ji.

   Hongze: "Fort Lord!"

   Hong Ji: "Dead?"

   Hongze: "Yes!"

   Hong Ji: "Red Mountain Sword Sect did it?"

   Hongze "Yes!"

   Hong Ji and Hong Ze had a very concise dialogue, and there was almost no gap between them.

   While talking, Hong Ze handed a letter arrow to Hong Ji.

   "Just read it."

   Hongji's expression is indifferent, and she can't hear the slightest waves in her tone.


   Hong Zezun opened the letter arrow and read the content on the letter arrow!

"The Red Mountain Region is the sacred and inviolable territory of our Red Mountain Sword Sect. It is protected by the laws of the public imperial court. The forces of the Red Mountain Fortress have not approved by our Red Mountain Sword Sect. It is a rebellious move. It is ordered to hand over the rebellious mastermind of the Red Mountain Fortress to my Red Mountain Sword Sect for trial. The rest of the people will hand over the actual control of the Red Mountain Fortress immediately, withdraw from the Red Mountain Region, and pledge to never commit the crime again."

   At the end is the emblem of the Red Mountain Jianzong

   "Hmph, order? The Red Mountain Sword Sect has a big tone!"

   Hong Ji sneered in her heart.

   "Fort Lord, today the outlying construction site was raided by unknown personnel. Seven of the laborers died. The opponent is very cunning and does not love fighting. When the Red Mountain Guards felt it, the opponent had already escaped!"

   Hong Ze's face flushed, and the whole person's emotions were very excited.

   "Red Mountain Sword Sect!"

   Hongji said in a positive tone.

   No need to guess, here just a threatening arrow from the Red Mountain Sword Sect hit the Red Mountain Fort and something went wrong at the construction site. There is obviously a necessary causal connection between the two.

   "Well, apart from the group of rogues from the Red Mountain Sword Sect, no one will come up with such a horrible trick."

   Regarding Hong Ji's guess, Hong Ze gritted his teeth deeply.

   In the previous battle, Hong Ji swept 30,000 soldiers of Lu Kingdom with one person, and even forced Lei He, the patrol envoy of the Northern Territory, to retreat. This news has now spread throughout the Northern Territory, and the Red Mountain Sword Sect has no reason not to get it.

   Now that I got the news, the Red Mountain Sword Sect obviously knew that unless their suzerain took the action personally, there would be no way to get Red Ji.

But the high-end combat power can't fight Hong Ji, the Red Mountain Sword Sect, the must-reported rascals want to profit from the Red Mountain Fort, and they want to report the time when the Red Mountain Sword Sect's sixth elders deceived the Red Mountain Fort gate. Vengeance of Arrow Rain. Naturally, he came up with the tricks of this disgusting man now.

  Aren't you Red Mountain Fort recruiting migrant workers to expand the fortress? Hum, well, our Red Mountain Sword Sect cannot succeed, but the ability to do damage is first-rate.

   I will continue to send out soldiers and civilians who assassinate you outside the Red Mountain Fort. If we don't bite you to death, we will do harm to you every day. Anyway, our Red Mountain Sword Sect has some time.

   You guys at Red Mountain Fort are so annoying that you can only take the initiative to surrender and ask for peace. This trick of the Red Mountain Sword Sect once worked against countless forces. Some of those powers were also stubborn and wanted to be patient with the Red Mountain Sword Sect, thinking of resisting to the end, but those forces eventually failed without exception. Succumbed. As a last resort, they can only pay a large sum of protection fees in exchange for safety.

   This time, facing the extremely powerful Red Mountain Fort, the Red Mountain Sword Sect re-applied those tricks to Red Mountain Fort.


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