Skynet In Another World

Chapter 120: Mountain City Wonderland

   Chapter 120 Mountain City Wonderland

   What used to be a massive bandit suppression operation, has now completely become a joke. The allied forces of suppression bandits didn't even see the border wall of Hongshan Fort, so they were completely destroyed by Hong Ji.

   Post-war statistics show that the coalition forces have suffered more than 1,200 casualties. Among them, the suppression of bandit coalition forces that actually died at the hands of Hongji is only a small part.

  The main casualties of the coalition forces are still their cannibalism.

  Jiang Copper has never fought such an aggrieved battle since the army. Sora has the tyrannical strength that is approaching the fourth stage of the Martial Qi Realm, but he can't display it at all.

   Until the end, when the Hongshan Guards came forward to take in the coalition prisoners, Jiangtong failed to fight Hongji head-on.

   Jiang Tong's unwillingness can be imagined.

  Since the suppression bandit coalition forces surrendered all of Jiangtong below, all the food and grass in the bandit coalition garrison camp smoothly became the spoils of the Red Mountain Fort.

   When the Red Mountain guards returned to Red Mountain with a group of coalition prisoners and a load of materials and trophies, they were greeted with cheers like a tsunami.

   "Long live the fort lord! Long live the Red Mountain Fort!"

   "Long live the fort lord! Long live the Red Mountain Fort!"

   The entire Red Mountain Fort boils at this moment.

   Everyone feels excited and joy from the heart.

   This battle is of great significance to Red Mountain Fort.

   He successfully reversed the original natural fear of the officers and soldiers deep in the hearts of the members of the Red Mountain Fort. After this battle, the Red Mountain Guards formed by the Red Mountain Bandits really built up their self-confidence.

   At this moment, all the Red Mountain Guards firmly believe that Hong Ji will lead them and lead the future Red Mountain Fort to greater glory.

  Today is only their first battle for Red Mountain Fort to become a top power. The future potential of Red Mountain Fort, which is seated by the titled realm, Hong Ji, is immeasurable.

   Hongshan guards' all kinds of captivating river copper are all in sight. It is different from the blind confidence and pride of the Red Mountain guards. Jiang Tong sneered in his heart at this time.

   "The arrogant mountain bandit, sit on the well and watch the sky."

   The failure of the bandit-suppressing coalition is only because of Hong Ji alone. What does it have to do with you mobs? If Hong Ji didn't intervene, I only needed a hundred shields and armor.

   Even if Hong Ji sits in town, the ashes of Hongshan Fort will only be wiped out overnight when the army of the State Lu arrives.

   The cheers of the Hongshan guards at this time are like sprinkling salt on the wounds of Jiangtong's failure. If Hong Ji hadn't released the shackles of the brain core to Jiang Tong's body at this time, Jiang Tong was afraid that Jiang Tong would really not help rushing to give a severe lesson to these arrogant mountain bandits.

   Jiangtong wants to let them know: There is no Hongji! What kind of B like you mobs and what kind of B like!

   A lie-down victory, do you really think you are the king of heaven?

   Jiangtong expressed disdain!

   However, the reality is the winner and the loser. No matter how many objective reasons Jiang Copper listed for failure, it cannot change the status of the prisoner at this time.

   Helpless Jiang Tong can only bury all kinds of emotions in his heart.


   crossed the border wall of Red Mountain Fort, and soon the coalition forces discovered that they had almost entered the other side of the cave.

   The vast border wall of the original project was enough to shock the coalition forces, but what the coalition prisoners saw in the future simply refreshed their three views.

   A towering old castle completely different from the architectural style of this era stands in the middle of the inner valley.

   This old castle was designed by Hongji himself, and it combines the essence of the classical architecture of the east and west fortresses in the future.

   The entire fortress is majestic and majestic. Without losing the fortress’s war defense, it perfectly interprets what is called architectural art.

   Surrounding the main fort of Red Mountain Fort, various types of strange stone buildings compete to crochet together a perfect picture of an unprecedented mountain city in the world.

   "Is this the real Red Mountain Fort?"

   Jiang Tong looked at the main castle of Red Mountain blankly, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

   "Such a magnificent and complicated architectural art, what kind of artist his designer will be!"

  All human beings pursue the same pursuit of beauty, even if Jiangtong's relationship with Hongshanbao is hostile, at this time his identity is even a prisoner of war. But Jiangxi Copper still had to sincerely admit that Red Mountain Fort is simply too beautiful.

   Hongshan Fort is like a fairyland in Shicheng, invisibly another Jiangtong’s stereotyped impression of the past mountain bandits can be changed slightly.

   To be able to live in such a stone city wonderland, the bandits here might be different.

   Jiang Tongqing couldn't help but have a little illusion about Red Mountain Fort here. However, that beautiful fantasy didn't last long before it was thoroughly planned for another matter.


   Inside the Red Mountain Fort, when Xiao Wenyi and Jiang Tong met again as prisoners, they couldn't help but show a bitter smile on their faces.

   Xiao Wenyi and Xiao Ruyi, the two big fishes, still failed to escape the roundup of Hongshanwei.

   Xiao Ruyi alone, Hong Ji extorted five thousand shi ransom grains from the Xiao family, and now he has sent a more valuable Xiao Wenyi to the door, it is naturally impossible for Hong Ji to let go of the fat in his mouth.

  The first thing a new captive has to do when entering Red Mountain Fort is to brand the tattoo code, and of course establish personnel.

   In this era when only slaves can be branded with marking symbols, UU Reading takes the status and status of Jiang Tong and Xiao Wenyi, tattoo markings are simply a great insult to them. Rebelling intentionally, but Jiang Tong is just a puppet in Hong Ji's hands, and Xiao Wenyi himself has no power to bind a chicken.

   The Red Mountain guards do not recognize Jiang Tong and Xiao Wenyi's identities or status outside the Red Mountain region. At this moment they are the captives in the Red Mountain Fort. Life and death are in the thought of the castle master.

On the second day of    Jiangtong and others, the early coalition prisoners were driven and assembled on the central square in the Red Mountain Fort. All the Red Mountain guards and the captured civilians were also gathered here.

   On a simple high platform, there are already seven prisoners who are **** by the five flowers and face gray.

   Nearly 3,000 spectators were watching.

   Jiang Tong and Xiao Wenyi were allowed to stay on a stand in the distance because of their special identities.

   Regarding the big scene suddenly created by Red Mountain Fort, Jiang Tong Escorts's face was baffled. Fortunately, Hong Ji was late afterwards.

   "When—! When—! When—!"

   The big bell rang suddenly. It was a mechanical clock that was installed on the spire of the main red mountain fort to tell the time on time.

   On the far high platform, Serenas, who presided over everything on the scene, looked at each other with Hong Ji. Hong Ji nodded slightly to indicate that it was time to start.

   Serenas immediately understood.

   immediately took out the documents he carried with him and began to read.

   Jiang Tong, who had no clue about everything on the scene, gradually sorted out the ins and outs of the whole thing following the reading of Serenas's documents.

   It turned out that the seven people on the stage were actually the organizers of the riots inside Red Mountain Fort. At this time, this is the execution ground where the ruler of Red Mountain Fort read the crimes of the seven people and will execute them.

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