Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 791 Ten Yuan Huge Money

There are many shows in the circus.

Lu Xin, who originally came here just to make his younger sister happy, found it very enjoyable to watch.

He really admired how these people thought of so many interesting and interesting shows and found so many wonderful people. .

After the magician perfectly completed his performance, one after another wonderful programs appeared one after another.

Lu Xin and the others saw a graceful girl dancing with snakes, wearing a white gold pattern bikini studded with fine diamonds, got into a black box, her hands, feet and body were locked in the box, Only one head was exposed.

Then the assistant unlocked the box and hurriedly backed away.

The four sides of the box fell to the ground, and the audience realized that it was full of snakes and insects.

Pointy, with gorgeous and delicate scales, the tail is constantly shaking, like a whistle, the neck can be shriveled into one piece, all kinds of snakes are entangled together, rolling, twisting, and this graceful girl is Lying lazily among the snakes and insects.

All the snakes and insects hugged her side tightly, wriggling and climbing lazily.

Distorted music began to sound around, and the girl began to gently swing her waist, put her hands together, and stretched out like a snake.

She whistled softly, and all the snakes stretched out.

Keeping the same range as her movements, gently swaying, the picture is horrifying and poignant...



"Hey, it's scary..."

Looking at those snakes and insects, Lu Xin and his sister couldn't help feeling a little chilly.

Goosebumps are up.

Then the two couldn't help admiring at the same time: "How courageous..."

They also saw a strong man from the circus, at least two meters tall, wearing a black plastic underpants, performing tug-of-war with ten colorfully dressed clowns. He dragged the ten clowns with only one hand walk on stage.

I also saw a conjoined beauty with two heads overlapping from the shoulders.

They put on gorgeous makeup, held a microphone in each hand, and sang the most beautiful music.

The woman on the left sings so high a note that it could shake a glass out of a crack.

The woman on the right is singing the bass, and at the lowest point, it can even make people feel the ground resonating slightly.



The program is very full, and the circus performers are also working hard.

They saw an exhibit of the Stranger, a giant with one eye on his face, a mysterious escape technique, locked in a box filled with gasoline, and then set on fire, burning the box to ashes Suddenly, he appeared behind the stage.

All kinds of bizarre and beautiful performances are simply eye-opening.

Not only did my sister enjoy watching it, but Lu Xin was also very excited.

And it can be seen that whether it is Dr. An who is full of thoughts, or the little girl "Sisi" wrapped in a thick and fat down jacket, or the three men who are deeply involved in emotional entanglements, or who seem to be Ah Zhen, who rarely showed human-like emotional expressions, was all crowded in the crowd, and after watching the performance completely, he also had a little emotional change.

However, this excitement came to an abrupt end at the end of the performance.

By the time the excitement ended, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the wandering tribesmen were all ready to rest.

At this time, a host wearing a green dress and a green top hat jumped up, took a microphone to announce the end of today's performance, and thanked everyone for their support. Collect money in front of you.

At this time, an embarrassing scene appeared. The people of the wandering tribe shook their heads and sighed, talking and laughing, and went back to rest.

The two dwarves turned around, but the hat was still empty, only a few coins, and even a button.

The crowd dispersed quickly, and the fire in the camp began to dim.

Even the bright light bulbs seem to have turned a little yellow due to insufficient power.

Faintly, the actors in the circus seemed to be shrouded in a vague sense of desolation.




Lu Xin looked at the surroundings that instantly turned cold, and felt a little bit sorry.

Seeing the two dwarves standing there blankly with empty hats, although he felt a little bit sad, he still touched his pockets. I glanced at Dr. An first, and saw that she was also lazily leaning on the pillar, as if she had no intention of rejecting herself.

So, with a slight heartbreak, he reached into his pocket, fumbled for a long time, and found a ten-yuan note.

I held it in my hand first, then touched it for a long time, and found that there were really no small denominations or coins.

After hesitating for a long time in my heart, seeing the lonely faces of those actors, I still became cruel and put it into the dwarf's hat.

After watching other people's performances, how can you not give money?

It's human manners...

Although giving ten yuan at once is really a rare big expense for me...



"Thank you, thank you sir, you are such a good man..."

On the stage, the man in the green men's dress held a microphone and thanked Lu Xin loudly.

Lu Xin was not used to being thanked this way, and was slightly embarrassed.

He just waved his hands from a distance, hugged his sister, and walked towards the camp with Dr. An and others.

The younger sister hugged Lu Xin's neck happily, and said with a smile, "Brother, he said you are a good person, a very good person."

"I was."

Lu Xin answered with a little pride. Seeing his sister happy, he took the opportunity to ask, "Now you can tell me what's in your backpack..."


Without waiting for Lu Xin to ask, the younger sister immediately refused, and pressed Lu Xin's hand vigilantly.

Lu Xin felt a little helpless, so he had to go back first and then talk.



"See what's wrong with this circus?"

On the way back, Dr. An looked at Lu Xin who was holding air in his arms and talking to himself with a half-smile.

Intentionally or unintentionally, she approached him and asked softly.


Lu Xin turned to look at her, made a feeling of putting something on the ground, and replied with a smile.

There is no need to do any formal testing, or even to discuss how many unreasonable things this circus show has, just the intuition between the ability users, you can be sure that there must be something wrong with this circus, but , came to the edge of the taboo land in the mouth of the research institute, then, it is not worth being surprised that something weird happened here, right?

It's strange that nothing weird happened.

"You're much calmer than I thought..."

Dr. An saw Lu Xin's thoughts from his dull reaction, and replied with a slight smile.


Lu Xin was a little uncertain: "Should I be more nervous?"

He couldn't help but argue: "Besides, didn't everything you said before focus on investigation tasks?"

"Don't be nervous, I didn't say what you did is wrong, and I don't intend to deduct money."

Dr. An couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's just to see how vigilant you are on this matter..."

"All right……"

Only then did Lu Xin understand what she meant.

There are capable people in this circus, or rather, many people are capable.

Then, their desolation and embarrassment may naturally be fake, and they don't need their ten dollars.

Even this wandering tribe may think so, which is why they are so indifferent. After all, before you are sure about the other party's identity and purpose, the best way to prevent spiritual pollution is to minimize communication with the other party.

Dr. An is reminding himself that what he has done has vaguely contradicted the second article of the third chapter of the agreement.

Lu Xin felt slightly embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not necessary.

There are too many capable people in this world. Even if the affairs of your own family are very important, there is no need to be too nervous when seeing other capable people, or even take the initiative to observe or directly provoke them in order to avoid any accidents. The other party, right?

Capable users are not enemies.

Besides, their show is really good...



On the first night around the taboo boundary, it was surprisingly peaceful.

Whether it's the wandering tribe that happened to be here, or the circus troupe that shouldn't be here, but came to perform in this barren mountain, they all seem a little weird. However, although the weird atmosphere has been hanging over everyone's heads, until the sun rose the next day, everyone was ready to go, and nothing bad happened.

Dr. An looked a little disappointed.

Many young men in the wandering tribe have been watching her secretly.

But it's just that I can't control my eyes to glance twice, nothing out of the ordinary.

After a meal of compressed biscuits, canned beef, and salty broth boiled with dehydrated vegetables, Lu Xin and the others prepared to move on to the old site of the Red Moon Research Institute. Not only them, this wandering tribe has already packed up their tents, drove out their cattle and sheep, and seems to be preparing to move to the next place. The circus performers who rested on the other side of the foot of the mountain were also preparing to leave.

"Good sir..."

Just as Lu Xin and the others tied up their trouser legs, set their itinerary, and were about to enter the dark forest next to them, they suddenly heard an enthusiastic call not far behind them.

Turning his head to look, he saw the host who had changed into a green dress riding on the back of an elephant.

Slowly walked towards them. From a distance, he greeted Lu Xin warmly.

"You are very generous, and everyone in our group is very grateful to you."

He smiled and said to Lu Xin: "So after discussion, we have prepared a gift for you."


Lu Xin was somewhat surprised.

To be honest, I'm not too generous. For their performance, they only earned a dozen yuan, which was too little.

Just like that, is it worth the gift from the other party?

"Yes, a ticket."

The other party leaned over and handed a ticket in the black envelope to Lu Xin.

Although he felt that the other party's behavior was a bit weird, but seeing him tilted and tired, he still took it.

I just heard the other party laughing: "This is the ticket for a grand performance we have prepared."

"I hope you can come over then, so that we can use our performance, thank you again for your generosity."



Lu Xin hesitated slightly, and smiled awkwardly: "Your performance is very good, but I may not have time to pass."

"Don't worry."

The host smiled and waved his hands, and said, "There is no time written on our ticket."

"The best audience and the best actors will definitely meet each other at the right time, won't they?"

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