Since 1983

Chapter 262

Xu Fei and Cheng Dong met in the capital to sort out the situation.

Cheng Dong went to Huangpi, Tianyang and Suixi, and was surprised and experienced a wonderful experience.

There are stiff lions in Huangpi, also known as general lions, and lion dancers are called horse feet. Before the start, there is a ceremony. Several middle-aged men are naked, with red scarves wrapped around their heads, and they burn paper and incense.

Then stand up suddenly, shake uncontrollably, and mutter words, this process is called "stiffness".

Immediately, the lion dance began, and the horse's feet shook while walking. Under the leadership of "Mai" and "Shengun", they walked around the village and prayed for every household. When the family will take out firecrackers to welcome the lion, an elder next to him will say auspicious words and pray for good weather in the coming year.

It is said that after the completion, the "frozen" person must wake up in time, otherwise it is easy to hang up.

Cheng Dong was terrified. It is impossible for such a sacrificial thing to be held in the Asian Games! Fortunately, the other two are struggling.

The team watched the video, discussed repeatedly, and finally settled on three from Xushui, three from Xiazhou Village, three from Tianyang, three from Suixi, and six green lions from Linfang. They will appear together with the hand lion dance as side dishes to add to the atmosphere.

After reporting, the team is fine for the time being.

More than 400 people who dance the banner are transferred from the police academy; 500 people who fight boxing are transferred from the sports school. Xu Fei and the others have no power, so they will come to Beijing after the Spring Festival to make arrangements after the approval from their superiors.

Opera is easy to find, famous actors from Peking Opera Theater and Sichuan Opera Theater can be found with official documents.


In December, it was freezing cold.

The courtyard is bleak, with bare branches and leaves, pomegranates have been cultivated, and the trunks are tied with insulation layers, and another cold winter will pass.

Xu Fei wrote the script by himself at home, the stove was burning brightly, and there was strong tea in hand. The TV in the bedroom is on, and the cat and dog are watching it, and "A Generation of Empress Wu Zetian" is playing.

Since the show was broadcast in Beijing and Taiwan, it has quickly become an upsurge.

The audience has a kind of blind pursuit of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, everyone is good, let alone Pan Yingzi is really good. He was 36 years old when he participated in the show, so tender that he could ooze water, and his baby face has harmed many ignorant boys.

Xu Fei watched it when he was a child, and he didn't have much impression. He just remembered that Wu Meiniang was super beautiful, and she had two spare tires, one literary and one military, and they all died later...

Today I wrote again all morning.

Seeing the sun rising and getting a little warmer, he only felt hungry.

But when I was writing, I didn't want to lose my train of thought. The guy ran to the kitchen, fished out a sauerkraut from the vat, cut some sauerkraut hearts, mixed it with dried shrimps, and took a bottle of white wine.

Shen Lin went out to get it back, and she always brought back all kinds of drinks.

You may not have drunk Tuopai wine, but you must have seen the advertisement. "Long Time Wine, Didituo Brand Love..." Of course, there is not yet.

Xu Fei poured half a glass, and the sauerkraut heart was white wine. He drank a sip and wrote a few paragraphs, quite like a sand sculpture literati.

"The crescent eyebrows are soaring to the sky, the cheeks are full of brilliance, and the extraordinary bearing is the root of wisdom. Empress Wu Zetian of the Tang Dynasty..."

When the song came again, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Teacher Xu became mad and ran out in a hurry, "Who is it, what the hell...Dad!"

"I've become a ghost, you have to call me dad!"

Outside the door was Xu Xiaowen, bearded and staring, unkempt, with a familiar smell of rancidity.

"Oh, you're finally back. We've been looking forward to it day and night, and we're eager to see through it."

"Get lost! Fetch me a basin of water."


Xu Fei brought hot water, towels, and soap, and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Is there something to eat?"

"Yes, yes!"

He brought sauerkraut heart again, Xu Xiaowen almost kicked it, think about it, if you kick it to death, you have to bury it.

After tidying up, the father and father sat opposite each other, and the father dug out the leftover half-pack of broad beans on the train, and counted it as an extra dish.

"It's not the right time for you to come back. It would be nice to come back at night. My mother has everything."

"It's useless to do less, let me tell you, you are my son, and I wouldn't make this trip for anyone else!"

"What do you say?"


Xu Xiaowen drank a glass, his face turned red, he seemed to be more energetic, and said: "When I was young, I also ran across the rivers and lakes, asking myself to see the world, but this is different, the water is too deep!

When I first went out, there were only seven places, and I read the newspaper every day, buying low and selling high, and it was okay. Later, when it expanded to more than fifty cities, that would not work.

The only way to go is to worry about the route, where the profit is low, where the profit is high, whether to take the train or the car, thanks to Xiao Qiao's help, otherwise I would have returned early.

The key point is that the money is getting more and more, I am tens of thousands a day, and I don't even blink! Is it easy for your father to be a poor peasant for eight generations?

I'm worried, because I'm afraid that something will happen, and everyone will look like a thief. In fact, there was none at the beginning, no one paid attention to this, but gradually there were more. Once in Shengtian, he was almost arrested, but he didn't know if it was the beard or the police. "

Xu Fei was extremely ashamed, "Dad, I, I..."

"It's okay! It's fine again later. I met a buddy named Yang in Shanghai. He has a clever mind and hired two bodyguards. I saw that this is a good move! I also hired two bodyguards."


Xu Fei was in awe, ah! Am I reborn or are you reborn?

"Anyway, I'm getting over it slowly, alas..."

Xu Xiaowen drank another cup and sighed: "This trip will at least reduce my life by three years."

"Since you're back, take a good rest. If you want to eat or drink, go to the bathhouse to soak in your free time. Hey, don't go to the one in Xinjiekou. Take a break for ten days and a half to keep you comfortable."

"I'm comfortable baba!"

Xu Xiaowen scolded, "I'm not staying in the capital, I just want to go home now."

"No, my mother is here, why are you going back? I will settle down here from now on."

"It's not good, I don't know anyone."

Xu Xiaowen stopped him, and said: "Everyone has their own way of life, you are used to the capital, we are not. Do you think your mother would be happy? If it wasn't for you, she would love to visit that rundown shop?

I will leave after two days, and your mother has to go back to celebrate the New Year. You, whether you love to return or not, no one cares! "


Teacher Xu scratched his head, I am so unfilial.

This is often the case, when the children bring their parents to the city, they have good intentions, but in the end they are suffocated. In fact, the best situation is that parents and children live in the same city, not far away.

There is an independent space for each other, and they can be rushed to quickly when things happen, especially when they have children, they can help take care of them.

"It's still the northern sauerkraut..."

Xu Xiaowen ate up all the pickled cabbage hearts, and stood up, "It's better to say that ten thousand is better than money. If I have money, my suffering is worth it. Come, let's see what your father is capable of!"

He pulled the duffel bag, slammed it down, cut through the thick bottom layer with scissors, and took out a few rolls of banknotes. Then he cut open the cloth pocket on the underwear and found two passbooks.

"How much did you earn?"

"See for yourself!"

The old man tossed the passbook, and Xu Fei jolted over, and there was a list of balances on it, which he had to calculate.

"Eight, eight hundred and thirty thousand?!"


It is said that Yang Wanwan made a fortune by reselling treasury bonds. In fact, he has been around for a year, and no one knows how much he earned. Some said hundreds of thousands, some said one million, and the common people gave him a nickname, called Yang Wanwan.

He really made a fortune because he started trading in stocks.

Xu Xiaowen ran away for more than half a year and earned 830,000 yuan. He really saved a little bit from the difference, thanks to the high cost. However, Zhang Guiqin was already panicking, and was suffering from persecution paranoia just like selling Clivia back then.

830,000, eight generations of ancestors have never seen so much money.

When Xu Xiaowen came back, it was already the end of December, and it was the 31st in a blink of an eye. Everyone went to a restaurant. Clean up the dust and welcome the new year.

Xicheng, Shichahai Qianhai east coast.

There is a time-honored restaurant here, BBQ Season. Created in the Daoguang period, it is known as Nanwan and Beiji, that is, Ji's roast lamb and Wan's roast beef are famous in the capital.

Eight people, all from the courtyard.

Lamb upper leg and hind leg meat, sliced ​​as thin as paper, are placed on iron bars, soaked in seasonings in advance, baked and eaten directly, served with sesame seed cakes.

No smell, no firewood, smooth and beautiful with pulp.

When Xu Xiaowen went out, Chai Dai knew why she was there, but Wu Xiaodong and Shen Lin didn't know, they thought they came from their hometown.

The lips of the donkey on the table did not match the mouth of the horse, and he grunted and haha ​​coped. There is no way, this matter cannot be said, including making money now, only the family of three knows.

Fortunately, Xiao Xu and Zhang Li didn't chew their tongues and didn't ask.

While eating, Shen Lin suddenly poked Wu Xiaodong, the two exchanged eyes, Wu Xiaodong stood up in embarrassment.

"It just so happens that everyone is here, so let's talk about something. Didn't Shen Lin talk about moving out before, but now that he's hired, he wants to live in a dormitory. It's convenient for work and so on.

We are not turning our faces and denying people! We all remember your kindness, but after living here for more than a year, it is not an option to continue for a long time. I will graduate in two years, and I have to consider the wedding room..."

Shen Lin yelled at him, and Wu Xiaodong laughed, "That's what it means anyway."

Seeing this, Xu Fei was afraid that the couple had discussed it long ago, "Have you decided?"


"Then I won't stay anymore. We are friends wherever we live. When are you going to move?"

"Number 2."

"Sure, I'll help you find a car."

They decided on this side, Xiao Xu turned over the meat slices with chopsticks, tilted his head, as if he didn't hear it at all.

Zhang Li talked with the old couple, but she didn't seem to listen.

Shen Lin was rather sad, "We're going to be separated again. It feels like "Dream of Red Mansions" passed so quickly after filming. Everyone has experienced a lot. Who would have thought of it before?"

"Yeah, who would have thought that?"

Xu Fei followed with a sigh, I suddenly became a rich second generation, what did I say?


that night.

Zhang Guiqin went back and chatted with Xu Xiaowen again, extremely nervous. Wu Xiaodong and his wife went to bed very late, probably packing their things.

Xu Fei continued to write the script, and slowly turned off the lights in the east and west rooms, and his parents also stopped.

I wrote a part of "Longing for Sixteen Years" before, and tried to finish it before the Spring Festival. His writing is not good, but his ideas and operability are better.

For example, he wrote six points, but when he actually shot it, he could convert it into ten points.

"Tick tock!"

"Tick tock!"

Xu Fei wrote for a long time, casually tilted his head, it was past twelve o'clock.

He was startled, put away the calendar on the door, and found a new one.


Teacher Xu was in a daze for a while, then went out lightly, stood under the eaves, exhaled, and looked at the night sky.

Feelings year after year, alas, six years.


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