Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 788: Genes trace back several generations

Mayo Clinic.

Although the Mayo Clinic is temporarily closed, its database remains.

When Chen Qi proposed to conduct a genetic comparison, Professor Barak, director of the Biological Straightforwardness Center, agreed without thinking, and immediately arranged for staff to conduct the comparison in the database.

After a long time, Professor Barak gave his final conclusion:

"Chen, we can be sure that the child's gene you brought over must belong to the black gene. This comparison has been successful, so there is no need to doubt it anymore. But if you want to ask where the black gene came from, there is no way to get the answer through the database."

Just think about it, how can a little black man from China compare to a black man from America?

Even if they are right, this comparison work is like finding a needle in a haystack. The project is very large and impossible to carry out without large financial support.

Chen Qi was discouraged when he heard this, and asked unwillingly:

"So, Mr. Professor, is it possible that two yellow people or two pure white people can give birth to a child of another race?"

Professor Barak thought about it for a long time:

"We have just started genetic research, and many areas are unknown. I can't answer whether this is possible. I can only say that we have not observed this situation yet, and there are no corresponding records.

But one thing you need to pay attention to is that we have discovered an anti-ancestral phenomenon in genetic research. Have you heard of this medical term? "

Atavism is a relatively special genetic phenomenon, which refers to changes in certain human organs or functions, such as long hair, a long tail, or multiple nipples, which are also atavism.

(Jichang, King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, has four breasts, which shows that this guy is an atavism and is definitely not a phenomenon of heavenly choice)

Just like animals, they need to evolve to become humans.

The phenomenon of atavism is just the opposite. It is a manifestation of human beings' advancement and retreat. A certain individual has a physiological phenomenon that only his ancestors had, which means degeneration.

For example, moving ears are just like animals, particularly flexible and agile. Such phenomena are called atavism.

Chen Qi nodded. Of course he had heard of the phenomenon of atavism.

Once Professor Barak heard that Chen Qi understood the meaning of atavism, he continued:

"Let's assume that this child's parents, grandparents, and maternal grandparents are all pure yellow people. How many generations further up? Could it be that the child's elders carry black genes, and this gene reaches this child? Did it suddenly appear?"

Chen Qi's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, how could I forget this?"

Take genetic diseases for example. Many diseases are passed down from parents to their children, such as allergies, asthma, rhinitis, etc. If parents have these diseases, allergies will be passed on to the next generation of children.

For another example, high blood pressure and diabetes are also considered genetic diseases, as are breast cancer. There is a female star in Hollywood who had her two vaginas cut off for this.

But there are still many genetic diseases that are inherited across generations, or across several generations.

For example, the most common ones include red-green color blindness, epilepsy, hemophilia A, mental illness, etc., which are often present in the first and third generations, but not in the second generation in between.

There are even cases where the first generation gets sick, the second and third generations are fine, and the fourth generation gets sick.

Scientists have not yet concluded why this is the case. They probably believe that it is a genetic method in which a certain trait of an organism reappears after a few generations due to genetic recombination.

Since diseases can be inherited across generations, can children’s skin be inherited across generations?

Thinking of this, Chen Qi was a little excited, because he felt that this might be the answer he was looking for:

"Mr. Professor, I understand what you mean. You are saying that among the previous generations of elders of this child, there should be black people, and then the black genes will be revealed in this generation. Yes, this may be the most important thing. There is probable cause.”

Thinking of this, Chen Qi suddenly became worried, because if he had to go back a few generations, China at that time was still the Republic of China, or even the Qing Dynasty.

Ordinary people in this era lived a very closed life and had no contact with black people at all, let alone having sex with black people and giving birth to the next generation.

Professor Barak disagreed when he heard this:

"It's okay. Genetic testing can go back more than ten generations. We can do a test to find out whether the genetic mutation occurred in the child's ancestors several generations ago."

Everyone has his or her own unique genes, and precisely because of genes, everyone’s appearance is basically different, and their living habits and personalities are also different.

We all inherit our genes from our parents, and our parents’ genes come from our grandparents.

At this time, a question arises: How many genes do we still have from our ancestors? How many generations can these genes go back?

Each cell in the human body has 46 chromosomes, and chromosomes are the main carriers of genetic information.

In terms of family pedigree, if you go back in time, each generation contributes one-half of the genetic material from the parents, and one-quarter from both parents.

Each person has 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, and so on.

In offspring, the process of halving genes occurs every generation, so the number of genes inherited by offspring from a particular ancestor decreases geometrically as the number of genetic generations increases.

There is a pattern here, which can be traced back to the approximate number of generations when a black gene suddenly appeared.

Take another example, such as the Cao Cao family genetic testing work mentioned earlier.

Human DNA has a total of 3 billion base pairs composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes and mitochondria. The Y chromosome, which is unique to men and has relatively stable base pairs, is the most suitable test object.

After complex Y-chromosome DNA full sequence testing, it was finally discovered that six of the families belonged to the O2*-M268 gene type.

The ancestral intersection point of these six O2*-M268 type samples was between 1800 and 2000 years ago, which was the era when Cao Cao lived.

Look, people can use DNA data to find their ancestors from 2000 years ago. So if Chen Qi now wants to find Hei Baobao's ancestors from previous generations through genetic tracing, it will be much easier.

The difficulty is small, but the cost is also quite high.

This test requires tracing the genes of Ye Chenghong and Huang Dan. The project is quite large, so the cost is not a small sum.

Even though the Mayo Clinic gave Chen Qi a preferential price, it still charged US$100,000 for the test.

Hospitals in capitalist countries will not give you free testing.

Favors are favors, and business is business. You can ask for my second-hand equipment for nothing, but you can't let our medical staff provide free services for nothing.

For European and American countries, second-hand mobile phones are not valuable, but the labor costs are absolutely astronomical.

Of course, the money Chen Qi planned to ask Mayo to issue an invoice receipt for would be taken back to Yuezhong Hospital for reimbursement.

In addition, Chen Qi asked for receipts for air tickets to and from the United States, accommodation fees, dining fees, etc. and kept them carefully.

This is not his personal matter, Chen Qi.

Public is public, private is private, Chen Qi will not use his own money to find his ancestors, and he does not owe the Ye family and the Huang family.

Moreover, Chen Qi intends to make things bigger. Aren’t you, the Ye family, so awesome? You dare to even flip the dean’s table?

Okay, I have found the evidence for you now. You can either obediently reimburse the US$100,000 in genetic testing fees, meals, travel and air tickets, and prevent the hospital from losing money, then everything will be over.

If your Ye family refuses to pay, that's fine. This means that Ye Chenghong has caused heavy economic losses to the country. Then Chen Qi has a hundred reasons to make Ye Chenghong's life worse than death.

There will be a price to pay for not treating Chen Qi as a cadre.

Three days later, the Mayo Clinic's genetic testing laboratory came to the final conclusion. As predicted, there was indeed something wrong with the ancestor, and the problem lay with Ye Chenghong.

According to genetic data, if a black baby goes up five generations, a female black gene suddenly emerges.

In other words, Grandpa Ye Chenghong’s grandfather was Chinese, and his grandfather’s grandmother was black. This time period was about 100 to 120 years ago.

Chen Qi did some calculations and found that this was equivalent to the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty.

It seems that the ancestors of the Ye family are having fun. The Qing Dynasty has not yet been destroyed, and now they are playing with black maids?

The affirmative answer was obtained from genes, and generations of ancestors had it clear, but Chen Qi was not happy, because would the Ye family admit this conclusion?

In other words, the previous generations of the Ye family are all gone. If the old man wants to keep this secret and not tell it, then the clue will be broken.

Then it will end up in a dead end. The Ye family will not admit it, Hei Baobao will still be considered a bastard by the people, Huang Dan will still be wronged, and the key is that Chen Qi will also be suspected of "perjury."

With an anxious mood, Chen Qi quickly returned to the country.

It would definitely not work for Chen Qi to come forward on his own in this matter. The Ye family would no longer sell his face as the dean. The best way is for the police to intervene.

Chen Qi found Yao Jinshu, the uncle of Yao Guangrong, a good friend Huang Tan had made back then, who has now been promoted to deputy director of the Vietnam-China G A Bureau.

Chen Qi is now the deputy director, and Yao Jinshu is just the deputy director. Chen Qi is much higher than his friend's uncle in rank. However, Chen Qi has always had a good relationship with the Yao family and often moves around, so he is treated as an elder.

In the deputy director's office

After Yao Jinshu listened to Chen Qi's account of the whole incident, he also read the relevant appraisal documents, although he could not understand them in English.

"Chen Qi, are you saying that one of the four generations of Ye Chenghong's ancestors is black?"

Chen Qi nodded: "Yes, this is the conclusion from the genetic test, there can be no mistake."

Yao Jinshu smacked his lips:

"Having said this, I think this genetic testing will be of great help to our criminal investigation work. I don't know when it will be launched in our country."

As expected, he is the old G A. He has a sharp eye and can see the future trend at a glance.

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