Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 772 Big-headed son and little-headed dad

In the minds of parents, this rumor has been determined to be true.

The big wave woman saw that everyone was particularly interested in this topic, so she started to talk more and more:

"Let me tell you, Shen Guanghua's father is an honest man, and Shen Guanghua's mother works at the reception desk of the Yue Steel Plant. You think about it, at the reception desk, we have to greet and send off different men every day, even foreigners. This Can your style be good?"

The parents around them nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, yes, there are a lot of men and women at the reception desk. You have a drink and I have a drink. I don't know what to do when I'm drunk..."

"It's dangerous for a beautiful woman to hang out with a bunch of men all day long and have to go on business trips with her boss..."

"My third aunt's fourth grandpa's second sister-in-law's granddaughter next door is engaged in public relations. She really changes men all day long, tsk tsk tsk..."

The female receptionist staff had a fashionable title of "public relations lady" in the 1990s. In 2023, they were called "socialites" or "social butterflies."

Regarding the style of female translators or female public relations, let alone 1990, there are still a lot of rumors even in 2023. In short, it is very detrimental to women.

It’s as if female publicist = female bus driver.

This made parents find "unfavorable evidence" as to whether Shen Guanghua was his father's biological child.

These parents gathered around and chatted excitedly about the Shen family's gossip, but no one paid attention to Shen Jianjun, who was about to go to the toilet behind the shade of the tree. At this time, his teeth were biting his lips until they bled.

In fact, he has always had a question in his mind. The children he gives birth to will look a little like their father, right?

But his son Shen Guanghua was already 5 years old. As he grew older, Shen Jianjun found that his son looked less and less like him.

The father and son have nothing to do with each other in terms of facial features, body shape, or even temperament.

Shen Jianjun is a cultural person with a quiet personality.

But the son he gave birth to was a naughty king, the kind of person who could defeat anyone in the neighborhood.

A son with a big head and a father with a small head, even a fool can tell that something is wrong.

Now that the parents are talking about him like this, Shen Jianjun feels that the more he looks at his son, the more something is wrong. He doesn't feel like his own son. Could it be that he really belongs to his wife's previous partner?

People, you can't have a thorn in your heart, the thorn will only get deeper and deeper.

Intellectuals also have a bad habit, especially liberal arts students like Shen Jianjun. Their brains are too developed and they are too good at making associations. They like to think wildly when they have nothing to do. In the end, these people suffer the most from depression.

When the sports meeting was over and school was over, Shen Jianjun walked in front with a straight face, while Ma Yueying held her son's hand. Mother and son were talking and laughing.

Shen Jianjun felt that the parents around him looked at him with sadness, sympathy, pity, and ridicule.

Even when he saw the green grass on the roadside, the green leaves on the trees, and the green billboards on the roofs, they all seemed to be hinting at something to him.

This made Shen Jianjun want to yell crazily, want to pinch his wife's neck hysterically and ask what was going on? His mood was breaking down bit by bit.

But the intellectuals had some respect for him. He did not have an attack in public, but just walked home quietly.

Ma Yueying works at the reception desk, and her job is to deal with people. She is a well-rounded woman with a careful mind. She has noticed that her husband's face has changed since he went to the toilet.

But she didn't think much about it. After all, the two of them didn't quarrel or have any disputes. She thought she was just offended by an outsider.

The family of three returned home just like this. It was already noon. Ma Yueying was cooking and said casually:

"Jianjun, I didn't have dinner at home. The superior leaders came to inspect today, and our factory will receive them in the evening."

When he heard that his wife was going to "hang out" with a group of men again at night, and that the ex-boyfriend might be there, Shen Jianjun's temper erupted like a volcano.

"Ma Yueying, tell me the truth, who does Xiaohua belong to?"

Ma Yueying was wearing an apron and holding a shovel. She turned her head inexplicably: "What? What did you say? Whose Xiaohua belongs to?"

Shen Jianjun suppressed his anger and continued with red eyes:

"I'm asking you, who is Xiaohua's real father?"

Ma Yueying has realized that her husband's mood is not right, but her mind is still a little confused:

"Xiaohua's father is you Shen Jianjun. Are you confused today? What nonsense are you talking about?"

His wife's casual attitude made Shen Jianjun explode completely, and his anger level was directly at full health:

“Fart fart fart fart!!!

If Xiaohua is my seed, why does he look nothing like me? Come on, let’s compare. How do I look like Xiaohua?

I have big eyes, but he has small eyes; I have a high nose bridge, but he has a flat nose; I am so slim, but he is a little fat! ! !

Also, I like to read books and newspapers, and I like to be quiet. Look at Xiaohua getting into trouble all day long, either fighting or making fun of people. Letting him watch for a while is as uncomfortable as killing him.

Ma Yueying, tell me, how is Xiaohua like my father? Find a similar place for me. "

When Ma Yueying saw her husband who was as angry as a lion in front of her, she was speechless for a moment.

Because she actually had the same doubt in her mind, because the child did not look like her husband at all since he was a child, and she had heard the neighbors make fun of him sometimes.

So facing her angry husband, Ma Yueying was much calmer:

"Jianjun, don't listen to other people's nonsense. You still don't know what kind of person I am? You are the only man in my life, so the father of this child must be you."

But the wife's calmness, in the eyes of Shen Jianjun, who is "good at analysis", is a sign of guilty conscience. Otherwise, shouldn't the wronged person immediately become furious?

People, when their minds are hot, they have no control over their mouths and talk nonsense:

"Hahaha, I'm the only man, Ma Yueying, don't forget, you have a partner in college."

"Yes, I have a partner in college, I told you this clearly before we got married, and our relationship is just an ignorant relationship, not even love. Otherwise, how could I marry you instead of choosing that male classmate of mine? ?”

"Really? But don't forget, on our wedding night, for the first time, the sheets were clean."

Ma Yueying's face suddenly turned pale. She was really a little anxious now. After all, this matter was also a thorn in her heart. After all, traditional women attach great importance to the little bit of red plum when they get married.

"No, that's not the case, Jianjun. That's because I had an accident during the high jump during a sports competition when I was in college. The fall was quite serious. It only broke at that time. It's not that I'm not serious."

Shen Jianjun sneered again and again:

"Yeah, everything is such a coincidence. It happens that you have a boyfriend, it happens that you broke up due to exercise, it happens that your ex-boyfriend is assigned to the same work unit with you, and it happens that my son doesn't look like me. Ma Yueying, look at my head. Is it Qingqing Grassland?”

"Shen Jianjun, you don't believe me?"

"How do you expect me to believe you? Go and listen to what the neighbors are saying. Even the kindergarten parents are saying that the child is not from me."

Ma Yueying's tears kept flowing down at this time, and her beautiful face was full of sadness:

"I didn't, I didn't, you are the only man I am, and I have never done anything sorry to you, wuwuwu~~~"

The Shen family lived in the city. At this time, Yuezhong City was full of old houses like those in the Jiangnan water town.

It looks beautiful, with small bridges and flowing water, old streets with white walls and black tiles, and a strong smell of fireworks.

But only people who live in such old houses know how poor the sound insulation effect is. Sometimes when someone plays the TV, all the neighbors can hear it clearly.

What's more, quarrels are the most popular gossip among neighbors.

The key is that Shen Jianjun and Ma Yueying were restrained at first and their volume could be controlled.

But the quarrel got louder and louder, and the quarrel was about whether the child was his biological child or not.

Now it's better, the old men and women at home all pretend to be taking a walk, taking out the garbage, and picking up the vegetables. Anyway, all of them are no longer deaf and their legs are no longer sore, and they are happy to hear the gossip.

Things are starting to get serious.

Just when the couple was quarreling more and more fiercely, Shen Jianjun's parents arrived. As soon as they pushed the door open, Shen's father slapped his son:

"Beast, do you know what you are talking about? What else do you want from such a good wife? I don't know if Xiaohua is my grandson? He doesn't look like you, but can't he look like my grandpa?"

Not to mention, Shen Guanghua's little boy is fat and looks a bit like his paunchy grandpa, so the old man has loved his grandson very much since he was a child.

Shen's mother also comforted her daughter-in-law while scolding her son:

"Your dad is right. It can't be inherited from generation to generation. Why don't you look the same? I think you are angry outside. What kind of man do you think you are when you get angry at home?"

Ma Yueying also cried and fell into her mother-in-law's arms: "Mom...wuwuwu..."

Ma Yueying is not only beautiful, well-informed and courteous, but also very filial to the elderly. She gives a share of whatever food she has at home and benefits from her work to her father-in-law and mother-in-law, so the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is particularly good.

Mother Shen and Father Shen were extremely satisfied with their daughter-in-law. Who among the neighbors would not praise the Shen family for marrying a good daughter-in-law?

After Shen Jianjun was slapped by his old father, he also shed tears silently. He felt extremely wronged and felt that even his parents were not on his side.

Father Shen thought he had woken up his son with a slap, and he felt a little proud. No matter how old his son was, he still had to be controlled by his father:

"Okay, okay, it's inevitable for couples to quarrel, and it's normal to say hurtful words during the quarrel, but as the saying goes, if a couple doesn't have an overnight feud, it's almost okay. Yueying, if you have work in the evening, go there, dad. Mom supports you!"

Ma Yueying hid in her mother-in-law's arms and cried.

Shen Jianjun said fiercely: "Okay, you are looking for evidence, I will find it for you!"

As an employee of Yuezhong Hospital, he knew that his hospital had just opened a fertility center that could perform paternity testing. Shen Jianjun had to use scientific evidence to verify whether his son was his.

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